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camping on first hook Myers???

Maxitolliony Member Posts: 112
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

i got bored of killer and wanted to play surv for a change (bought all the dlc and played all the killers for like 5 days or less) and my first game i get a myers who i looped for maybe 3+ mins maybe less and then this dude just started face camping me for no reason.

no tbagging or any bm was done i guess i was too good and he got mad? i decided to try to get off the hook since 2 tm were on the other side of the map and 1 tried to get me off but got grabbed and put down.

i NEVER camp on first hook and avoid using camping perks unless they have a reason but they are mostly useless aka like monstress shrime which idk why it is a thing but in gen camping on first hook is SO OUT THERE.

next time i will just wait for my tm to get me but i was thinking whats the point since hes just gonna face camp everyone and decided to try to unhook myself.

like this is just so so weird man he was so weird for doing this on first hook it just makes no sense why people do this but idc since he gets no bp and no pips so hes just wasting his time unless he is trolling and doing this on purpose but i think you depip so idk why this is a thing tbh.

i just could not believe this just camped me on first hook when i am so bad on surv and just got lucky to loop for so long.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Maxitolliony
    Maxitolliony Member Posts: 112

    it was early game and think we had 3 gens done or something but ether or i only camp like last gen or end game but like it was way too early for him to face camp when there is 2 gens left.

    now i think about it more unhooking is kind of pointless in face camps since your just gonna get insta downed anyways unless you want to ######### and go next only thing i see.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Camping first hook overall has seemed to increase killers no longer enjoy the chase. I just wish there was a perk that sped up repairs heals and gates while being camped. That way killers are actually punished for more then loss of bp. Killers in general I feel like have no concern about making the match fun for everyone anymore and I dont get why this has happened more recently. Maybe the playerbase has gotten younger and thats where this selfish behavior is rooted. I just had a ghostface camp me on my first hook because i made it my job to keep knocking him out of stealth and he was maybe annoyed because he could figure out who was doing it as gens kept flying.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Well to the point of fun. I as a killer only player have NEVER seen survivor doing anything to make the game more fun for the killer. So it is always bewildering for me to see this argument that killer have to hold back for the fun of the other side.

    From my experience in playing casual for BP and not even aiming for kills, my soft playstyle has never led to the survivor going easy on my but me ending with less than 10/15k BP, (way) less than 6 hooks and them finishing as fast as possible more often than not.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    Generally speaking, if you’re successfully camped in this game it’s your teams fault for failing to save you.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Don't worry - they'd be saying the same thing regardless of whether you killed them or not.

  • Maxitolliony
    Maxitolliony Member Posts: 112

    i do care cause if i did not everyone would be in the most toxic mental and the game would die or would of been dead. teaching people how to play the game keeps the game alive, even the devs have a way your supposed to play the game.

    idc what you think but if you think face camping on first hook on all survs is ok well you are wrong cause if everyone who played killer did this the game would be dead and if their was no ranked mm the game would also be dead since thats legit what ever killer would do is face camp and ruin peoples games.

    idc if the game is free every game is supposed to be played a specific way the devs imagined it to be and that is how it should be played.

    saying "stfu bro he paid for the game he does what he wants" is a weak mindset and why so many games died for example r6. you could tk in r6 in the old days like crazy and never get banned. you can't say the same thing "bro he paid for the game he can tk and throw/troll games"

    paying for a game does not give you a excuse to be toxic/unsportsmenship same goes if you sub to your fav streamer you can't just start randomly saying the n word "yo i can say the n word bro i paid money for your stream".

    the list can go on, money is a poor excuse to get what you want and to avoid certain consequences. the devs can't ban those people but the devs and the community can show the light and light them the right way to make sure the game stays alive and everyone has fun and a enjoyable experience.

    (they even added a tutorial on what your supposed to do and how to play and i tried it out and this guy was def one of those tutorial skippers or whatever)

    no excuse i want the game to stay alive, have fun and limit the times i get tilted so i don't end up forcing a dc or killing myself on hook to go on the next game.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    you really want the remaining killer we have to quit don't you...

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Maybe he had 99'd his power before T3? In that case I can understand him.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    if you chased him 3+ minutes most likely 3 or 4 gens are done most killer at that part would camp you.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    You don’t get to decide when they are allowed to hook defend or not.

    what you do in your games as killer is irrelevant.

    You had a great chase but then got caught and your team failed to rescue you and so were eliminated. That’s all that happened here. It’s part of the game and it’s gonna happen sometimes.

    If I’ve run the killer for over half the objective it really doesn’t surprise me if they try and make sure I’m eliminated because they probably don’t want to chase me for two health states again.

    It’s nothing personal so don’t assume it’s some attack on your fun because the opponent is mad at you. That’s a recipe for making yourself upset over a game.

    You can say I don’t find it fun to be camped that’s legit, but to say that it’s unjustified or the killer is angry at you, or you don’t do it so why should anyone else is really just BS I’m afraid.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Exactly this, imagine spawning into a game of battle royal like unreal, you get a strong weapon your opponent doesn’t, now you’re not allowed to shoot at them till they get a gun too because it’s not fair and will ruin their fun.

    This is what you do when you play games against your 3 year old nephew so they can play too.

    It’s pvp sometimes you are gonna get the short end of the stick and that’s fine it’s part of the game.

    If people want a game that follows a set play and you always get your way, then demand custom game bots you can play against solo that way the game will always play out how you want.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    looped for maybe 3+ mins maybe less

    started face camping me for no reason


    Some people just want to watch the world burn.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    Killers don't chase anymore because they are sick of getting screwed over and trolled by DH.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Do you see survivors considering the killers fun? Grow up

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,078

    Only if the Myers has his tier 3 99'd should he camp, because then he can tap it and hook trade, or even get a positive trade. Maybe the survivors assumed he had that, so they didn't come.

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499
    edited March 2022

    If the killer is camping on first hook and already lost 3 minutes on you, honestly just wait for the save. If you don't have DS its pointless to try to get off yourself, someone can help u with BT, and at that point all the gens should be done. You might not get out but you will make the killer waste all his time and throw the match just to get you.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    If a Killer is spending 3 minutes chasing a single survivor they're throwing the match to try to kill one survivor. It's a tactical mistake on their part but, if it happens to you, just wait on hook for a save or take one for the team and just buy time for the other survivors to get out.

  • Xperian
    Xperian Member Posts: 29

    On the other side of this, a Claudette ran a doctor straight to me, he then went for me instead of her. He then facecamped me, not even bothering to move. Team came and rescued me with BT, but he ignored all of them and went for me again. I get downed a 2nd time, this time with NOED which didn't matter anyways because I couldn't heal mid chase. 2nd hook it is. Get facecamped again. Team gets NOED, gets me off the hook without BT, I immediately go down. He then lets me sit on the ground for a minute while staring at me waiting for DS to run out, which I didn't have anyways. Once everyone realized it was futile, they just left and I got the the final hook. He got 3 hooks that game, all from me, and there was no reason for it. He literally just felt like facecamping.

    So tell me how much fun you think I had in that match. How I wasn't skillful because I couldn't run a doc for all gens and still escape, I went down after a quick chase and got essentially blocked from the game for the rest of the match. What survivors are out there that can prevent the killer from playing the game completely?

    Why does BHVR continue to just let this ######### by? Why are people getting tunneled and camped in 50% of matches? Why is that totally ok?

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,514

    That is really bad luck.

    But things like this can happen. Why should you change a whole game for that?

    You will also have good games where the killer gets trolled hard and you escape with flying colors. You wouldn´t complain about that i think.

    Just get over it and don´t take it too serious.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    All of that is assumed hyperbole.

    see my previous comment.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2022

    I also find it absolutely hilarious how I'm required to play nice or i'm "absolute garbage and toxic", but I see NO effort from my opponents to try and play "nice". Why the ######### am I supposed to play nice and throw the game because little timmy wanted to win, except little timmy in this situation is a ######### grown man way older than me streaming on twitch, having a tantrum and throwing slurs at me over a video game. When he is having 0 thoughts about my "fun". Probably laughing at how stupid I look when I make 1 mistake.

    I guess survivors should stop using God pallets, or loop me on strong tiles, or do gens fast, or predrop pallets, or send me to a horrible map, or run dead hard, or run any exhaustion perk, or use toolboxes, or separate on gens, or basically do literally anything that is unfun to me, right? What is this batshit stupid idiodic double standard logic that only exists in this stupid ######### game???

  • Xperian
    Xperian Member Posts: 29
  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
    edited March 2022

    Get over it. It's just another crybaby player. Probably the same player that will DC as survivor at first down. Nothing new. Btw, I'm talking about Myers here.

  • xBlitzAce1989x
    xBlitzAce1989x Member Posts: 336

    Yeah as a 50/50 I agree that face-camping is dirty but that doesn't mean that I don't do it when the situation calls for it. I had a 4-man SWF that were clearly cheating last night so I face-camped all of them. It didn't do anything because they somehow auto-unhooked themselves and would close-in on me (the three that weren't hooked). It was ridiculous but again, they were clearly cheating and blocking each other.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    "Survivors should not finish a gen until i killed one of you" Imagine if there were killers actually believing this. It's sad that theres this BIG double standard survivors just cant seem to recognize.

    Anyone else ever roll their eyes when witnessing the ol' reliable "at 5 gens" argument here?

    Or "didnt get to play the game" as if the stuff before the chase and the hook never happened.

  • DriplordDrew
    DriplordDrew Member Posts: 246

    Anyone tired of the ol' argument 3 gens popped?

    On a real note Neither side is going to give an inch because sadly the way the devs have set it up you are more likely to escape with a SWF then solo and if you manage to escape as a solo you either did not get downed first and the person being camped just hung out and waited for the other gens to be done or they got you some how and you escaped barely living but alive. The forums are full of survivors upset and crying about being facecamped on first hook or tunneled. Killers upset and crying about DH, CoH and SWFs with Flashlights. I do not speak for BHVR but I believe I have seen that they are trying to figure out a way to stop tunneling and camping that would not be abuseable by survivors (If the times stops near hook survivors run killer toward hook not to unhook but to get away. If survivor is immune until next person is hooked they will body block killer till the others get gens. I do not envy the people who have to figure out a system to fix this). Also you 'fix' this problem and many killers are going to quit because they honestly don't know how to play and can only do this. The others that do know how to play will leave because of CoH and DH cause they will feel like nothing they do will matter. Finding a balance between a 4v1 game is hard. Honestly if they made pips way easier and incentivized players to play the other side I feel a lot of these problems would be fixed. (I know its easy to pip but I am talking now that your grade is basically a bp farm make it even easier so the grind to get decent points isn't hard. Its a joke anyway might as well make it even easier and give more bps for just playing as it takes a lot to max a character out. I know cause 7 survivors almost 8 maxed at P3 and all perks).