To what % would you buff Dying Light?

As all the perks in the game, there are some that are very good on pretty much all killers such as Corrupt, and others that are good or insane on some killers but not so much on others. And then there are those such as Dying light that pretty much are considered weak by everybody, unless I'm mistaking.
Apart from some basic things like the 33% buff to the obsession that I think everyone agrees should be removed, how do you think Dying light should be buffed to become a good perk? Should it get reworked? Should the obession also receive the pentalty?
I think it should also affect breaking and blessing totems, exit gates, something else.
To what % would you buff Dying Light? 36 votes
A smart mix of all the ideas above.
Dying Light could be buffed in so many sweet ways I don't even know where to begin with, right now it really feels it does NOTHING.
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Dying Light should be reworked in some other way(comment).
Needs a complete rework honestly. The obsession having faster healing isn't worth the slowdown it gives the other survivors. Even if you just removed the faster healing I don't think it'd really be that good. By the time you get enough tokens to the point where it matters, you've usually either already won or you just never get there because you lose before that happens.
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A smart mix of all the ideas above.
Get rid of the stupid obsession buffs and perk is literally perfect. Maybe make the penalty 4% instead of 3%. Obsession should suffer half the percentage of the debuff. So while everyone is suffering a 12% penalty to repair the obsession has a 6% penalty and so on.
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Dying Light should be reworked in some other way(comment).
Obviously there's lots of ways to tweak it, but personally I think I'd go with
- Remove the Obsession's 33% bonus to healing and unhooking. That bonus makes this one of the only perks that using it actually puts the killer at a disadvantage in the first few minutes of the match and then has to hope they can catch up enough to make up for it.
- Instead of just a flat 3% per hook, have it start out at 10% or 15% and then it increases by 2% per hook. That way the perk is doing something moderately useful right away versus not giving any impactful bonus until you've already gotten enough hooks that you're probably winning the match anyway.
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Dying Light should be reworked in some other way(comment).
Part of the reason Dying Light sucks right now is that the effect isn't that strong, and it's a "win more" perk that doesn't really help you out much. I'd like it to do something like this:
- Much much heavier stacks in the beginning. For the first hook of the first survivor, 12% slowdown. First hook of 2nd survivor, an additional 10% (total of 22%). First hook of 3rd, an additional 8% (total of 30%). First hook of 4th, 6% (totaling 36% for one hooking each survivor), and then any subsequent hooks are an additional 1%
- The downside is that once any survivor dies, the perk can no longer gain stacks. For instance, if the first survivor gets hooked and camped to death, the slowdown from the perk stays at a fixed 12%. So depending how spread out hook states are, Dying Light would have anywhere from 12-41% slowdown (12% for 1-hooking/camping first survivor to death, 41% would be for first survivor dying at 9 hooks). This all would allow the perk to start providing benefit much sooner AND would incentivize killers to spread the damage rather than tunneling/camping. If BHVR wants to encourage "fair" killer play, this would be a great means of doing that
- I agree with the other posts about removing the obsession bonus speed to healing and unhooking. No reason for that anymore
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A smart mix of all the ideas above.
The first change I want to see is that the obsession doesn't get a freaking buff for you having Dying Light. 33% better healing and faster unhooks isn't good for the killer, especially with very few or no stacks of Dying Light.
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A smart mix of all the ideas above.
This is very good, I thought also something like this
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Dying Light should be reworked in some other way(comment).
leave the percents as is but double the penalty to other survivors while the obession is hooked. I think the perk would be more fun and give the killer a reason to hook the obsession.
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Buff the penalty from 3 to 4/4,5/5/something % for each hook.
Here's what I would do:
> Dying Light
The Obsession gains a 20% buff to repair, cleansing, searching, and healing actions.
Every time a survivor is hooked, gain a token up to 8.
For each token, survivors preform all actions 2/3/4% slower – this is doubled for the Obsession.
This perk becomes inactive in the absence of an Obsession.
Description: “Their once vibrant spirit of hope slowly wanes as the darkness within you takes its toll on the weak”
Take the concept of the perk and blow it up. Instead of being a horrendous perk that only finds purchase after several hooks, making it an ‘insult to injury’ selection if anything – this can now become a phenomenal perk to compliment The Shape’s play style. You grant the survivors a strong lead by allowing them to pump out the game faster. However, with just a few hooks – that lead QUICKLY evaporates. With 3 hooks, survivors have a 12% debuff and the Obsession’s 20% lead has been reduced to a meager 4% debuff. The light is dying, and it gets all the bleaker. If the survivors are unable to stop the killer, their progress grinds to a halt. This is especially useful in those pesky situations where survivors are all dead on hook. In such a situation, survivors have a 32% debuff, and the Obsession has a whopping 44% debuff on their actions. Not only will this make keeping the Obsession alive viable, but it will reward smart plays for acting fast to dissolve the Survivor’s blistering starting advantage.
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Dying Light should be reworked in some other way(comment).
Start the game with 12 tokens, each time a Survivor changes Hook Stage lose 1 token, if it was your obsession lose an additional 3/2/1 tokens.
Survivors repair, heal, cleanse, and bless 2 % slower for each token.
It starts out in the early game by burning bright with the maximum slowdown (where killer needs it most), but as you progress your gameplan it dims and dies out.
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I just don't think the obsession should be immune to the slow.
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Id just rework it,
Gain 3 tokens whenever you hook a survivor, each token gives a 3/3.5/4% slowdown on almost all survivor actions, whenever a survivor is unhooked you lose 2 tokens
my main reason for gaining 3 tokens per hook just makes the first hook a bit more impactful but it matters less and less as the game progresses since is a smaller proportion of increased penalties but you are always stacking more and more tokens
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Buff the penalty from 3 to 4/4,5/5/something % for each hook.
Not a bad idea for a perk in general. but don't you think it's the OPPOSITE of 'Dying Light'
It's literally getting brighter and easier as the game goes on.
Atop it all - I don't know of any perk that puts such a heavy debuff on survivors without giving them a means to avoid it.
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Buff the penalty from 3 to 4/4,5/5/something % for each hook.
Not a bad idea, but having 2 people on hooks would put a 24% debuff on survivors, which goes down to 8% after the unhook. It's a massive jump.
I love the idea of having a veritable tug-of-war, though.
In my opinion, it fits better with a Thanatophobia rework.
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Dying Light should be reworked in some other way(comment).
Dying Light needs a complete rework.
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Buff the penalty from 3 to 4/4,5/5/something % for each hook.
I'm crazy and playing much with DL. Perk is not so bad as everyone says, but ofc needs a buff. You feel the real benefit of this perk after 5 hooks, which is already nearing the game. And 70% of the matches where the DL was not an abuse, he won the game for me on the last gen. So imo it's enough to add 1% to the state assessment, then the perk will sparkle with new colors.
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A smart mix of all the ideas above.
Okay so with dying light, I think you can totally buff the percentage but the problem is that you can stack it with other slowdown perks. So 5% or 6% would make it worthwhile, but it'll totally be slapped on thana leigon with pentimento all all that bullshit.
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A smart mix of all the ideas above.
Yep, that's the huge problem!
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Buff the penalty from 3 to 4/4,5/5/something % for each hook.
Buff each token by 1% and make it so you don't lose it when the Obsession dies, it just stops wherever it's at. Now it's solid.