Why can blight on PC rush backwards etc. But on console he cant?

Title, blight has so much more control and freedom on PC and I dont get why, hugging and sliding by choice is so much easier as well.
By no means am I an amazing blight player, but it shouldn't be far easier on my pc than my console...
This is a PC game with a console port. Like any other game this is how it works out. Despite Blight being able to do thing he never should be supposed to be able to.
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That’s no excuse for such a disparity between platforms.
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It is. Most other games have the same issue with "ports".
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Saying that other games can have similar flaws is a terrible argument for why such a flaw is justified.
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Gonna have to agree with @El_Gingero on this.
It shouldn't be acceptable for one device to be better than every other especially when theres limitations on options such as crossplay etc.
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Not really much bhvr can do without giving blight, console controls.
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It's the controller that causes this, it's not that they make PC better on purpose but with the way the controls work on keyboard and mouse you're gonna undeniably have a big sensitivity advantage and that's more on the console manufacturer for having a limitation like that to their controller, but at the same time PC runs the game smoother I could take the same controller I play on console with and hook it to PC and it will still give me a slight sensitivity advantage, the hardware is just that much better on a gaming PC that sensitivity and frames run smoother, not to mention most of the blight players that do what you're saying have a DPI mouse on top of that
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The obvious answer is to fix Blight movement mechanics and hardware tech exploits. That will make it more on par with console controls, but it would definitely send Blight down a tier, so not sure if people will go for that... but maybe if people post about it enough?
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I'd be okay with that, I dont feel one should be far above the other just due to platform.
It's not that my console system is bad, in fact my series X has more power than my pc (I'm not a huge pc player just have it for PTB, other games etc.) So I do feel it's down to the actual input. It's a shame because the stuff I can actually do on my PC is pretty nutty, wish I could do it on console and I'm sure many other console players do
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If they could somehow lift the sensitivity another 100 percent then you would probably be able to do anything the same once you figured button timings out, and if someone didn't want their sensitivity that high they could just lower it in the menu but other than that I can't think of another way they would fix it
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Its because it requires very fine input to execute, which in itself already takes skill. Controllers simply cannot do the movement required for it accurately (if at all).
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because exploits
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Switch version wants a word.
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Because it's been clear for 2 years they don't put thought into console when making killers
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I dont even know why DBD switch and mobile exists tbh 😂 at least mobile is on it's own, never played the switch so I'm not able to compare sadly
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Unfortunately true. Look at Trickster for example, where even a skilled FPS player will struggle to perform due to no aim settings for controller. He’s essentially unplayable on multiple major platforms.
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I main Blight on console and I can do everything pc Blight can do so this is new hearing this, you have to understand raycast and every single object in every map on where u can pull off unreal flicks that are nothing to do with exploits like mentioned.objects with smooth surfaces are going to be your easiest to pull off backwards rushes and u can do it on most shacks. U don’t have to take my word for it just go watch @Lilithomen on YouTube or twitch and he will show you how to do it with a controller with his Blight guide. Blight is not easy u have to put the time in and I mean hours and hours of understanding where and when to pull off such sick flicks. I’m messaged often accused of hacking on console Ps4 cause I pull off nasty flicks. My best tip if anyone is interested in becoming a Blight main is practice your bump logic to a tee first then worry about getting in the 180 flicks and fun rushes around objects forwards and backwards will come but you have to know how to do it and none of you have said how to do it so it shows u don’t understand or know about Blight cause he is not limited on console at all. In closing like I said go watch the Blight guide on YouTube and see with your own eyes that Blight is just as awesome on console as he is on pc. See you in the fog!!!!