When u finally got good with Nurse?

solidhex Member Posts: 915

I had a really good time with her for the first 20-30 matches, and i thought i learned pretty fast, but as soon as i played against good survivors with over 1,5k hours i struggled hard and i get only like 3 hooks sometimes. They know they just have to run around big objects (you basically have to predict AND blink exactly) or make distance and break line of sight. I often just miss by centimeters.

I watched some tutorials but there was no advice that i don't already know, so i guess it's just a matter of practice? It's just really annoying to get demolished this hard and i want to know how long i have to take it and then decide if that's worth it


  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,167

    Be ready to dedicate a good amount of time in mastering her. Her power ignores the rules of the trial which means you have to as well.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Imo it is not worth it unless you:

    1) Love the killer so much

    2) You want to take the game super seriously and be competetive

    I don't think it is worth to spend XXX ammout of hours on a single character in a single game unless the 2 reasons above.

    Keep in mind that everything is subject to change and if they will rework Nurse or change her a lot again your effort might be lost.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Can't really put an exact number on it. "Good" is all relative. I always chuckle at the posters who say "I got Nurse down in about 10 games" because they're in for a rude awakening when they face decent players, as OP found out.

    It's a matter of practice. Nurse is a tricky killer in the sense that you don't know what you don't know until you see a survivor do it, and then you have to train your eyes to read that specific move and build the muscle memory for that specific blink.

    The basic telegraphed double back is easy, but what about the super late double back at long range? What about the delayed double back off of your second blink? The list goes on and on, and you keep adding things to your memory bank and become more efficient as time goes on.

  • Suzzys_Secretary
    Suzzys_Secretary Member Posts: 46

    50 hours on nurse 30% win rate issue doing fast blinks

    200-300 hours 40-50% similar issues op had line of sight and mind game survivor

    400 hours 60-65% muscle memory with all distance blinks, good tile knowledge

    600 hours 71-75% start to watch supaalf for tips and tournament matches

    1k+ hours 90% win rate

    just nurse hours not counting playtime for being a survivor main or other killers for fun.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    As others have said, it depends on what you mean by good. I would get an occasional 4k in my first month or two, but it took me 6 months- a year to get GOOD. Contrary to popular belief, Nurse is not just about muscle memory. You have to memorize maps, how much blink charge it takes to get through certain objects/tiles, and anticipate a good survivor’s movement.