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Can I still do this trick with Spirit?

GlutenFreeIceCubes Member Posts: 11
edited March 2022 in Ask the Community

Hello, all! I apologize if this question sounds dumb, but I need to make sure so I don't look stupid in future matches haha

Straight to the point: Recently I got back into Spirit after bingeplaying Trickster and I've noticed that survivors no longer fall for my "standing still" trick. It worked a lot of times before her rework but now it just looks like I'm standing there for no reason and I look like an idiot lol.

I've yet to play against a Spirit ever since her rework [take a shot every time I say rework...sorry] so I can't really tell if they made survivors able to tell or not.

Am I still able to do it? Or am I just chilling in place for no specific reason?

Thanks in advance!! Any help is appreciated. I'll still attempt to play her for her awesome chase music and cosmetics, but it'll be less fun without my favourite trick </3

Best Answer

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709
    Answer ✓

    since the rework, survivors get a wooshing sound if the Spirit phasewalks nearby them. So no, just standing still is pretty much not a good strategy and it needs more effort to mindgame now (eg start a phase and immediately stop it or something)
