Are the RE perks gonna come to the Shrine soon?

I know you have to wait a year before they do, and the only perk I want is Lethal Purser. I have no interest in buying/playing Nemesis. I'm assuming RE perks will be in the shrine by April?
The shrine is RNG I believe.
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It's never a guarantee that perks will show up exactly a year after release in the shrine. So there is no real way to say exactly if it will being in the shrine in April. It's fairly random what cycles into the Shrine so you might get it in April or you might not see it till some random week of September or anywhere in between.
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Sorry, we need enduring and calm spirit to show up another 30 times before any new perks
But for real, it's kind of random and deferential to older perks. Could show up next week. Could show up in 2 years. No rhyme or reason beyond them waiting at least 3-6 months after release before a perk shows up in the rotation
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They should make it to where if the same perk ends up in next week's shrine, immediately replace it with something different
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2 YEARS before Surge came into the shrine in the SAME YEAR the perks became general perks.