Prediction: With the upcoming Twins Tome, many Mainsurvs will stop playing

They are super unfun to play against, if the killer has more than 2 braincells, it´s most likely an easy 4k.
Victor can jump 1 Meter in each direction (above, beneath and behind) you, you will get hit. I know it´s because of the ######### hitboxes from DBD in it´s current state.
Maybe you guys can give me some advice but in my opinion, they have little to no counterplay (with the miserable hitboxes etc.). I played them some rounds (i barely play killer at all), and i had only 4k´s, because it was super easy.
I like the concept of this killer, but the implementation is a dreadful catastrophe. With the upcoming tome and the many killers trying to do the rift challenges, this killer will pop up even more often, and it will suck a lot.
I actually enjoy playing against Twins. I think most people just have no idea how to play against her because of how rare she is.
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Wait next tome is twins?
Definitely expecting survivor games to be ass with DCs and constant suicides
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So basically 'Survivors will stop playing if they can't win most the time'? 🙃
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Hm. Yes, the challenges could be very hard because of dcs.
Maybe they should make the tomes like - make 1 surv dc - make 2 survs dc...
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Twins is one of the more """fun"""" killers to face imo. Nowhere near Spirits level but it's kinda fun using the buddy system
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Fun fact:If Victor gets Dead Hard validated,he still falls to the ground can be be kicked :)
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I don’t think we are allowed to talk about leaked content.
Anyways, I agree with OP. Survivors don’t know how to play against them. It’s not hard either actually. Keeping Victor for most of the trial is a good way to counter them and sticking in pairs also helps.
Many perks counter them atm, here are a few: Any Means Necessary, BT, Boon: COH, Exponential, Shadow Step, Lucky Break, Unbreakable, Power Struggle + Flip Flop and DH. Most of these perks are common at the moment.
I also think that they will still be in their current state when the Rift releases. I would be surprised if they get any changes in the Mid-chapter update. And besides, many players don’t know how to play them either.
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Well if they would rather quit, then they should do so, and decrease the surplus survivor population!
In seriouness....
They have the third lowest killrate in the game (and lowest pickrate). I personally enjoy playing against them. A rare treat. People also complain about every tome killer, because no one really enjoys facing the same killer over and over, and tomes encourage that. Also, DCing against Twins during the tome just ensures you see them more as players are then forced to keep playing them to finish their challenges.
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But they are monsters in the highest MMR. (to Q&A)
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I can't believe people are actually complaining about Twins of all killers now. What's next, Legion is OP? Ghostface? Geez.
BTW Victor is screwed big time by the new DH validation. If the survivor DHs his pounce he will inflict no damage but still fall right next to the survivor, who can then stomp on him for free.
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Twins is very easy to face, the problem is that she's annoying and unfun
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so i am more or less forced to play DH for the win, then killer will again complain. "gEeZ"
I just say that they are unfun, not OP (but yeah IF you will call a killer OP, they are right after Nurse in my opinion). Why do people always try to missunderstand written texts? Also i am not people, i am just myself.
Funny thing, Ghostface is f**cked up because of the ######### registration when you try to reveal him, do you think it´s fine? (AGAIN, i am not saying he´s op, he´s just broken because it shouldn´t "work" like that.
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I dislike twins but I got bored of elden ring so I might come back anyway. I am pretty burned out still tho.
I wish I could like playing this game all the time but I just can't. I envy people who stick with one game for years without breaks.
My breaks can be pretty long.
Sorry for the derail. Twins can be pretty intimidating to vs as solo but I might have been too harsh. Probably because being slugged is uncomfortable and as solo you are not really grouped enough to counter victor effectively.
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As soon as survivors figure out Exponential makes it literally impossible for Charlotte to ever pick them up if they're a decent distance away when they get downed by Victor, no one's going to be quitting until BHVR finally buffs Twins and makes them less clunky.
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If I see an uprising in twins because of the tome, I will run every anti slug perk in the book, even no mither. Because being left on the ground for 4 mins is so fun!!!!!
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"Stay in groups of 2 instead of splitting up 4 ways"
Oh my gosh what a horribly overpowered killer with no counterplay what-so-ever! Expecting survivors to use the BUDDY system? Impossible! Nerf Twins immediately!
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You do realize anyone can 4k with any killer right? Also, who cares if twins if survivors leave the game simply because people are playing that killer then honestly I hope the door hits them on the way out lol. The only people going to leave are the same people that complain about every other killer when they get beat up by them so I see this as a good thing.
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Killer likely getting a play increase? Adapt my broski! Look at perks that counter said killer and use them! Look at playstyles thst they are weak too! Use them! Just adapt broski
Signed Hexy, DevotedTricksterMainExtraordinare
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I don't think they're going to stop playing. Boon Exponential and Unbreakable might see a surge in usage though.
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Man,threads like this shows just how entitled some survivors are,dcing just because you go againts a killer they dont like.
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Unbreakble but not the meme perk.
The first two boons are the best, once CoH gets adjusted for real.
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A good Twins player is a nightmare. I'm surprised there at not more Twins. Said player is in two locations essentially at the same time. Victor is unbelievable at getting downs. Unbreakable should be basekit for the duration of the tome.
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Twins don't have many players because of how clunky and lengthy their cooldowns are.
It also doesn't help that their strength is at their best for camping & slugging.
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If there's a surge in Twins players because of the tome then exponential will be used. Its free unbreakable as many times as you want.
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Inb4 Plaything and Penti make theur way into Twins builds.
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I do agree it is a bit clunky when trying to switch. Sometimes they don't switch when you are pressing the button, but I don't see how the cooldowns make them weaker or anything like that. Charlotte is actually asleep so she has to wake up.
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Decrease the surplus population!
Nice ref! :D
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Im not going to stop playing but Ill mostly play Killer, Twins is an abomination to play as or against.
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Survivors will stop playing. Theres plenty more of them to go around :p
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When I get hit with Victor when I'm healthy I just run around around the outskirts of the map in circles for the funs. Charlotte just chases me in circles while my teammates do gens.
I expect a facecamp after, and kudos to those who are level headed enough not to, for being so bloody annoying but I find it funny to run around being chased by Charlotte with a shrieking Victor on my back.
I also sometimes run Starstruck, Agitation, Iron Grasp, and Mad Grit and play games where I meme around just trying to drop survivors while I'm carrying a struggling survivor on my back for laughs.
I think I have a demented sense of humour now to think of it...
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Of course! Don't you know that the Killer is supposed to IM every Survivor in his lobby, ask who they hate, and then figure out what Killers are allowed on a per-Survivor basis?
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No one is ever happy anyways. But really? It's not out and your complaining of "it's gonna be to hard". I never see her getting played and I think it's hilarious to play against. Even if Victor is creepy. I'm not gonna quit, I'd like to see more twins.
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Does Tomes really affect which killers are popular that much? I play them for the few challenges that I'm required to, tops. I can't play a killer I don't like more than a couple times.
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Having more killer variety is a reason to quit now?
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That is interesting, can't win so will stop playing? 🤔
To counter them there is a simple counter to them, always run in pairs.
Should 1 get downed by Victor then the other kick Victor and start healing the downed survivor.
Sure Charlotte could be close, but then again you can't win them all an nor should you.
And should 1 be injured and the other healthy, then do what you can to position yourself between Victor and the injured survivor.
Also dropped pallets can help against Victor
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When that tome comes out I absolutely will be using anti-slugging perks more often.
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I think a load of players will just skip the challenges that require the twins since they have the lowest pick rate anyway I'm not gonna play twins either they just don't appeal to me, bhvr can give them a tome but that doesn't mean everyone is gonna play them.
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well the only reason I ever had trouble is lack of practice. If they're using them for the first times then they're babies I can learn from. I'm not joking when I say I play this game 6 hours a day and see twins once every two weeks.
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Twins isn't that hard to counter. As long as they don't camp or tunnel, going against them isn't going to be a problem.
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I will once again inform people that it is not hitboxes. It is BHVRs bad servers.
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