Swf are a massive problem

See the stuff killers gotta deal with? Just because I didn't 4k, I'm "ez" they were using boons and flashlights, I mean c'mon, nerf survs, remove flashlights and leave flashbangs (because you ACTUALLY GOTTA DO SOMETHING TO GET IT), it's annoying to get messaged "u very zzz" just because I didn't care about the whole match, #########
Flashlights are the weakest item behind keys and flashbangs/firecrackers
Post edited by IlliterateGenocide on13 -
You good man? Keys are actually worthless compared to flashlights, if I had to rate survivors items, Flashlight/stun are strongerthan anything, then it's Medkit/toolbox, keys then maps
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I mean if you've literally never played the game before, flashlights are bar none the strongest item.
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I did play the game, I def did and I aknowledge keys were stronger PRE-NERF, Flashlights are now the best items survs can ask for
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That's just rude.
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Typical Survivor thought process... The same thing happened to me
I even had a conversation with a Survivor (who was actually level headed) about the match that I played against them
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i think i made a mistake, i meant flashlights are the weakest item other than keys and flashlights/flashbangs
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You still are wrong, keys are now weaker, in all the games since MMR was implemeted, I've never seen someone escape with a key, sadly
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yes thats what im saying, keys and flashbangs are weaker than flashlights but flashlights are still garbage if the killer has any idea of what there doing
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When used with an organised team who purposely go down under a low wall loop pallet and their two buddies just hover around waiting for you to chase or pick up. They are one of the strongest items in the game.
You only need one survivor doing gens if the other 3 can prevent you from ever getting a hook.
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But Keys aren't only for escaping... they still have a use for Survivor and Killer auras
Maps are only used for Totems, Gens and Chests
Flashlights are used for Blinds... That's it
Medkits are used for Healing... That's it
Toolboxes are used for Gens and Hooks... That's it
So it's hard to say what's strong and what's weak... Oh and I'm including addons as well
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It's fascinating how survivors have long queues on one hand and leave rude messages after a match (independently of how the match went) on the other.
Do they expect that the queues will get better the more they BM?
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Both sides can be toxic like this. Also all the high MMR players, including all dbd streamers and content creators you watch consider flashlights one of, if not the weakest item in the game.
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Me when I get annoyed that people dare to have friends and decide that this one message is the reason that SWF are op, not stopping for a second to think that if this was one of the bully Squads all 4 people would be messaging you.
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Second thread where I read 'got bullied by boons and flashlights' today
Guys it is Sunday
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You heard about THE OP killer perk lightborn it might help
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Turn your messages to private, I disagree with your post and what it's about but turning your messages to private stops that part of it and if you're not willing to do that then I don't feel sorry for you
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Someones mad because people have friends to play with.
Just literally it.
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Flashlights are easy to counter but they can be annoying when you’ve got to deal with 4 of them + comms + 4x DH and Unbreakable and then 4x BT when you finally get some hooks.
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you seriously think that medkits aren't strong when they are literally a portable, almost guarantee self heal? I can understand why you say flashlights and maps aren't that good but toolboxes and medkits can make a huge difference.
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I dont think Swfs are that big of a problem. It's more that the balance of the game is very one sided with the exception of maybe 2 killers on some maps.
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SWF isn't, the way the game ignores their existence and pretends everyone is solo is the problem.
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That’s basically the same as saying SWF is a problem though lol. Which imho they are as the game is “balanced” around solo queue and therefore inefficiency.
SWF can play inefficiently but comms are the single most powerful tool survivors have access to, and if utilised correctly they provide tremendous advantages that aren’t part of the default game, nor are they taken into account with its balancing decisions.
That’s a good point. I do think SWF is too strong if playing to win, but two of the major contributing factors are poorly designed maps, littered with safe tiles and too many pallets, and weak, outdated killers.
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It's pretty much impossible to prevent a locker+flashlight save against a mildly coordinated team unless you're sporting lightborn.
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A key with the killer aura reading add-on will completely deny any mindgame at loops. It's incredibly powerful, specially since the effect still lingers for a couple of seconds so all you need to do is tap it to get a fair glimpse of the killer trying to moonwalk or whatever.
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I wouldn't say "Weakest". Forcing the Killer to drop a survivor - even once, is extremely detrimental for the Killer and could cost them the whole match.
Though they require their share of skill, and timing to pull off which balances it out, and why you don't see them as much as Med-Kit's and Toolboxes, or even Maps/Keys.
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And if you get 4k: "toxic tunneler/camper, trash killer"
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Where you came from huh? Leave.
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This content has been removed.
SWF is what makes this game extremely unbalanced. The game is a bit survivor sided but it's extremely SWF sided...
Flashlights should not be removed in my opinion, they are fine.
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It's shocking how 80% of swf I go against are toxic it's true the game gives them too much of an advantage to win and to be mean to you sadly it's always 1 doing gens 24/7 and 3 keeping you busy and if you dare to pick someone you finally down they will flash light blind you and sabotage / body block hooks it doesn't work in solo q as effectively but while using comms it's just too overpowered. Flashlights are the most op item used by swf keys are useless..
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this isnt a problem with swf its just ######### people that has nothing to do with the actual gameplay
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My issue is that swf breaks certain mechanics. Take the perk "knock out" for example. 4 solos will not have much of an idea where their teammate went down unless they get near them.
A swf will say, hey guys im down by the killer shack. Right there that is an advantage they should not have. So swf is a problem. I don't feel people should be punished for playing with friends.
My main issue is, the killers are given nothing to compensate for the level of communication the survivors get. It's as if the killers just need to accept it and git gud. That to me is an unfair advantage.
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I feel that swf is unfair based on the communication that survivors have. Take the perk "Knock Out" for example. A group of solos is not going to know where their teammate is unless they are near them. Swf on the other hand can just say, hey guys im down by the killer shack. That is an advantage no matter how you look at it.
People should not be punished for playing with their friends. However, I do think that another major problem is the killer is given nothing to compensate for the swf coordination and communication they get.
It seems killers are just expected to git gud and deal with it. I feel that is unfair. The killer should be given something to compensate.
Just my 2 cents.
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Nothing is better then playing against a SWf and using discordance and discordance always procs on the gen way across the map because the survivors coordinate where you are at all times and know which gens to smash.
By the time you get there unless using a teleport killer or nurse or blight the gens done or 95% done. You get to that gen and discordance procs on a other gen across the map lmao. It's op and dumb.
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Just noticed you are back. Wb man.
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Nah. As a killer main I can definitely tell SWFs are just fine. Problem comes from the fact that there are 3 game modes when there should supposedly only be 2. So they balance the game for 2 of them (solo survivor and killer) and ignore the other (swf on comms).
I mean I do not play survivor if I can avoid it, but if I did and have the option to play with others I definitely would prefer that than solo.
Nerfs are not the solution. Reducing the capability of survivors to progress on their objective is even worse (seriously, add 10 seconds to Gen repair time and mid skilled solos will have NO CHANCE).
No, the only solution is to close the gap between solo survivor and SWFs on comms. Then balance around the premise that everyone has the option to communicate, swf or not.
And it would be the easiest of solutions. Adding built in communication for solo survs HAS to be easier than trying to balance the game in its current condition. Voice chat is a no-no because language, but definitely a robust information sharing system. Maybe even the option for survivors to add points of interest everyone can see (limited) or reveal the aura of the killer or their own on demand (with a hefty cooldown). Something that can actually match the amount of information you could get from having voice comms.
Then balance.
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Something similar to communication / ping wheels could also work.
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No I was just saying what medkits do... Of course Healing is strong
That's part of my point though.... Keys can be useful
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If only I got the month after Elden Ring came out.
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Flashlights can prevent a hook many times more than a medkit can
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I wasn't disagreeing with you.
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I know... Thanks
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I'm allowed to post on this discussion. You win some and you lose some.
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Are you? I guess so.
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how do u know they were swf? did u get a msg from all of them?
I said in another post, I solo queue and its kinda common that every time we all survive the killer says it was because swf even tho we werent
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Yes I did, matter of fact, all said I was ez, not gonna post the all, 1 example is enough tbh
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If you're upset maybe you should delete the game or turn off messages. The game been toxic since the very beginning.
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I have no idea why you think I'm upset, but whatever.