Toxic bully squad tried to bully me with Head On and boons but I killed all of them

BadZilla Member Posts: 467
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

This is what this game has become match after match I'm getting matched against high mmr bully squads they kept abusing head on perk to bully me but they couldn't' and I managed to kill all of them. Sadly this type of squad would make new killers rage quit and even hate the game and then everyone is complaining about tunneling and face camping killers, if it wasn't for these sweaty bully squads and players and how the game offers them all the tools and perks and communication to keep doing it and at least some balance between killers and survivors ( game is hugely survivor sided ) the average killer would enjoy the game more and prefer chasing different survivors.

Edit : For those didn't understand what they were doing / trying to do here as an example :

Post edited by BadZilla on
