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As a killer, do you get intimidated and leave?

Erendriel_00 Member Posts: 30
edited March 2022 in Polls

You're a killer, and on the prematch you see the survivors are one of the options below, does any of theese make you leave that lobby and look for a different match?

Like, something makes you feel like you're gonna have a hard time with this group of survivors, they're all have the same meta perks as always, it's going to be no fun and you're gonna end the match with hypertension.

I sometimes get intimidated and do this, I was wondering if im the only one.

And if you do it's completely fine, no need to be ashamed, it's ok trying to dodge having a bad time.

(And don't be toxic on the comments please) 

As a killer, do you get intimidated and leave? 51 votes

I don't do that / tbh I don't even look the prematch.
31% 16 votes
Stramers / Content creators.
11% 6 votes
Survivors with expensive / fully bloody skins.
3% 2 votes
Full team of Claudettes, Feng Min, etc.
7% 4 votes
Full team with flashlights.
19% 10 votes
Two or more options (comment)
13% 7 votes
Other (comment)
11% 6 votes


  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2022

    I actually like if it is a full lobby of flashlights, it means that hopefully it is going to be a fun match with lot's of altruistic save attempts and possibly some off-meta weird swf bully builds.

  • DriplordDrew
    DriplordDrew Member Posts: 246

    A full team of flashlights will make me leave. If the whole team is wearing the same outfit I will leave cause its going to be impossible to know who is who and you know they are going to go for the bullying. The last thing that will make me leave is if they are a full team that is not on the same system as me.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    I dodge when there are clones if I'm running any obsession perks. Otherwise, I tunnel clones because I can't tell them apart. Gets on my nerves, no variety.

    Although once I went against a squad of David's that dressed all in black and played like a commando squad, that was pretty cool. Safe unhooks, losing me in chase, watching each other's backs but when necessary instead of showing off, it was like Seal Team Six out there.

    I can appreciate a theme, last night a team of Feng's all wearing the same outfit in different colors, they looked sharp.

    I dodge any lobby where people keep changing, pick your loadout before I get there or wait some more. If you weren't ready, you shouldn't have clicked ready. I'm ok with the last-minute-switch though, lets me know you want to play hard.

    And last of all, I dodge more than 2 toolboxes. My queue is pretty much instant, but I'm not going to sit through lobby and loading screens to play five minutes. Two toolboxes with two BNP, that's essentially a couple free gens. I was in this game last night, two gens popped before I could make my first full patrol, I got a hook from one of the popped gens, ran back to that same hook to camp it because now it's endgame.

    5 mins, nobody got any points. I don't get it.

  • FlameLickVA
    FlameLickVA Member Posts: 158

    I don't dodge unless I forget a challenge, why isn't that an option? D:

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    I don't dodge claudettes in general but if some claudette shows up in the invisible brown shirt + pants combo, I'm not playing against that. Literally impossible to track them during a 360 on console

  • Potatomasherannie
    Potatomasherannie Member Posts: 11

    Or you could get what I got yesterday, which was a group of people with flashlight bound to scroll wheel looking to meme 😕 I still wouldn't leave upon seeing four flashlights, but you bet I'm Alt + F4 next time I get buzzed with a scroll wheel flashlight.

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    I dodge based on vibes; Killer queues are near instant anyways.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    I almost always dodge legacy skins and really obvious swf's. It depends on the killer I am playing and the feeling I get from the lobby but sometimes I also dodge 4 toolboxes (because they are wicked OP) and TTV's because a lot of them are extremely toxic and hateful. I almost never check profiles before I load in tho. I don't dodge because someone has a lot of hours for example. Before keys got reworked I almost always dodged because keys were one of the most broken things in the game (I still don't understand why it took so long before they got reworked).

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’ve never left a lobby.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I don't dodge unless I'm doing adept or maybe a challege which is a real pita to get done.

    All those examples in the poll aren't indicative in themselves of hard lobbies. If I dodge, it's based on logged playtime.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    A team with 2 or more flashlights will make me leave. I hate flashlights with a burning passion and going against them is just annoying.

  • LunarWendigo
    LunarWendigo Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2022

    2-3 flashlights or 3 toolboxes and I'm out of there. A killer much more skilled than I can deal with that 😂

    Oh also when the lobby is of the exact same character and cosmetics. Cause ... no lol. I'm not dealing with that either

  • wynine
    wynine Member Posts: 3

    the only thing that makes me avoid the match is playing with the same SWF for more than 3 matches in a roll

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    You really can't tell how a match is going to go - regardless of how well synergized the team looks.

    Even all prestige claudettes with flashlights aren't 'intimidating' - it just mean's they're going to throw their advantages away trying to bully you.

    Never feel discouraged, my friends.

    I also prefer, in many cases these days, not to look at the pre-game lobby. It's a waste of time. I que up and do other tings, going back to DbD when I hear the sound effects of the trial beginning. I check the offerings as the camera circles.

    Unless I'm going sweaty or in a lobby with friends - it's better to just play the game fresh.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I don't get intimidated, but after thousands of hours it's pretty easy to spot when a lobby isn't going to lead to a game I'm going to enjoy, and Im playing the game to have fun, not to be tormented.

    Months ago I decided I'm not taking a lobby with a twitchy. At least 90% of the time, twitchies run in 3-4 stacks, and put more emphasis on making the killer's game miserable than just playing the game. I have no interest in engaging with them and my games have been far, far nicer since adopting that policy.

    The only other case would be clones of Neas or Fengs in this month's most toxic outfit, carrying flashlights. That's enough of a warning sign that I'd rather wait the extra 30 seconds in queue for something enjoyable.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    If it's a full flashy squad, expect me to bring lightborn.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    For me it's both streamers and people with a lot of hours. Anything usually over 1.5k+ scare me a bit. Sometimes I'll dodge the lobby if I'm maybe tired, or just looking to have a more casual time without sweating too hard. Streamers give me major performance anxiety if they're live. I feel like I need to play perfectly as to not embarrass myself in front of an audience especially when I'm a self proclaimed Trickster master. Unfortunately this usually has the opposite effect as my performance anxiety gets the better of me and I overthink everything 😭

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    Streamers with flashlights because they abuse locker saves and meta perks.