Dunno if it's latency or an invisible survivor hack

Literally goes invisible and no scratch marks mid chase.
it is your connection. i had the same problem when my provider swichted my internet from IPv4 to IPv6 without telling me. my packetloss were going up to 15% and i had the same issue as you have in you clip, but alot of times per match, wasnt fun.
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Looks like lag, possibly lagswitch had a few of them recently where only one guy lagged and only every when being chased.
Although it could also be normal run of the mill lag
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That is latency, and given the fact that you didn't seem to have the slow connection symbol in your top left corner it was on the survivors end. They could have just had an unavoidable lag spike, though. The way to see if it's a lag switch is to check their ping when you aren't near them: If it's consistently low but they do that sort of thing when you chase them, they are probably cheating.
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I don't think it is latency, looks like a hack to me, did you not see the person the rest of the match? I had it happen to me the same way and didn't see the person the rest of the match but the escaped somehow?
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I think it was lag switching or hack, my internet is decent and I have never seen a Survivor just disappear mid chase and for the rest of the match like that before a match I just had.
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Not enough data, was it a one-time thing?
Did he die in the end?
Did he do anything else?
I mean i saw people teleporting because of some weird lag stuff. Internet can be as weird as the game itself.
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This is like almost 2 years old lol, this was before dedicated servers and everyone was connected via their own internet connection. Dwight probably had a lag spike is all, which was pretty dang common back then.
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Well mine was current and it didn't seem to lag they just disappeared infront of me and I didn't see them the rest of the match and they escaped?
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You didn't give a video or anything the op is from 2020