Now I fully understand the DH rage

I'm not the one to normally complain a lot in here, but I've been trying to complete the rift by attempting the killer challenges, but the fun is really REALLY being stripped off by the MANY Dead Hards in every single match.
I understand that the devs mentioned that they're looking into it, but goodness playing killer is so draining.
The amount of times I was able to pull off a nice mind game only for it to be denied by DH really is infuriating.
Killer mains out there now have my full respect.
I remember someones' suggestion a while back by either removing its distance or invulnerability and I think that was a pretty nice idea.
Funny enough, there's a challenge that dead hard makes super easy. Need to dodge hits as survivor 5 times.
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Bruh :((
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One change i remember someone mention i thought would be good. Press E to do the DH animation without the distance but keep the i frames. If you dodge a should've been successful attack break into a sprint for 2 or 3 seconds.
Whatever change the devs plan on mind just hope it's soon since it's the #1 used perk by far and that's a red flag something is wrong and in need of changes.
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Devs: We are happy to announce that Dead hard will be getting nerfed. Enjoy! Exhaustion timer 40 -> 45
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I can't believe they actually did that. What were they thinking?
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It will take a year before dev adjust it
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Dh should just be changed to work like a parry/counter.
You activate it and do a animation, if you counter/parry a swing then you tank it and do the normal dh dash and then become exhausted.
If you whiff it then you become exhaused, but only for 20 seconds or so.
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This is up to this point in theory still the best idea i read. (I also saw the idea in another thread a few weeks back.)
The problem is in practice still behaviours spaghetti code and the old engine this game is running on.
It took them years to fix the base dh interaction and this is even more complicated and I guess wouldn't work with the given framework and therefore will never see the light of day.
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Can't wait to see that.
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Did you really pull off the mind game if you didn't think Dead Hard was coming?
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some survivors tend to hide it until last hook
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Then they've wasted a perk slot to use DH once.
The issue is that DH is needed for a lot of survivors against great killers or mediocre Nurse/Blight etc. otherwise already short chases would be over even quicker.
If you want to know how frustrating DH can be, go play scratched mirror Myers. It's absolutely fine as is.
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Unfortunately I don't expect BHVR to ever actually do anything meaningful with it
For whatever reason known only to BHVR, they have always balanced and catered this game to the low skill level player. So they're going to cater DH to the Baby Dwight that Dead Hard's themselves into a brick wall trying to dodge the killers swing that then come to the forum to talk about how DH isn't really that big of a deal.
I'd love for BHVR to prove me wrong but catering to the noobs has been their main priority when it comes to balance. Since DH is fine in the hands of noobs, DH is fine in the eyes of BHVR, no matter how much hell it puts killers through once they run into a 4 man DH squad that has actually played the game for more than a few dozen hours
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This content has been removed.
You get the offer!
you'll lead DBD development team as balance & game experience manager.
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That's only a small portion of the killer roster. The majority however will suffer.
"needed" is a bit too strong to say. I've played against many S+ tier killers without DH and still found some success.
DH is still an issue otherwise and needs to be looked at.
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dh is hated because they already kill ds, MoM,bl, OoO and boil over. Don’t worry, you’ll see soon sb rage, COH rage, and so on
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It's an absolute joke.
Dead Hard, along with the complete nonsensical high number of pallets means chasing and downing a survivor before 2 of 3 gens are done is close to impossible.
The devs have made this game completely miserable for killers. Congrats.
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What if they changed it to only activate when healthy. That way you know you will get your down guaranteed.
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First time I heard that suggestion. Could be interesting.
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It won't synergize with David's perk "No Mither" and since DH is from David's basekit, they should synergize somehow.
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Honestly thats a good idea
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coupe de grace (tier 3) should be boosted to 100 instead of 80. I think that would not be a problem if the survivor has DH. 1 perk vs 1 perk. is that fair?
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Their eyes have been opened.
Post edited by EvilJoshy on4 -
I think in order to get DH you should, at least get a protection hit or two... this way will synergize with WGLF (We're Gonna Live Forever, for new players), encourages altruistic actions AND it's not a "free hit", you should earn it. And if you ask, you need to unhook someone to get "Deliverance" to activate, even though it's a one use perk and also very situational. DS is a strong perk and it has conditions that you should meet in order to use it as well.
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I would like that when using DH, the effect "Guard" was hung on the survivor for 2-5 seconds. If a Survivor is hit while this effect is active, they dash and take no damage.
The Exhausted effect is applied after the Guard effect ends or the dash is completed.
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Although I agree that coupe de grace should receive a buff, a single perk alone won't make DH any less problematic.
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except you literally only get to use coup 5 times per match. Just let me get a coup stack every time I hook instead of a gen being completed.
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I've been playing defensive plague lately so I at least get some value while getting gen-rushed. She's pretty good now tbh.
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A buff like that would be very good.
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At least SB has no I frames. As annoying as SB is, I at least know that person doesnt have on demand invincibility.
I've seen people unironically say "if we change DH people will abuse SB!"
...Okay? Bring it on lol.
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Very true.
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SB abuse.... hastily runs into a beartrap. lol
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But you realise when the majority of killers just hard tunnel people out of the game, why it is such a commonly used perk.
If the game was balanced where killers didn't need to do that, it wouldn't be such a problem.
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I pretty much REFUSE to play killer without corrupt. Early game is so brutal it feels like a building collapsing on me.
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Well, there's the answer. The game needs to be balanced better, but the game won't magically become balanced overnight thus steps need to be made and DH would be a great start.
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Nope it doesnt we keep with the Press E to outplay perk
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5 secs is long as hell bro.
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dead hard is the only perk in the game making the experience agaisnt stronger killers tolerable. and even then it isnt.
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My only problem with DH is survivors using it to dash straight into a wall and the hit will not register even tho you're directly behind them. Or use it to go through you.
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Well, that's BHVR's fault for introducing killers who demand meta perks to be used in play.
I just think the game needs a full balance overhaul at this point, but that's not going to happen anytime soon so we'll need balance changes one at a time I suppose.
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Change no mither to only cause broken when injured for the first time
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It can be reduced to 1-2 seconds. These were approximate values.
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Thanks for the tip.
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I'm struggling to find value in that perk.
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Biggest get out of jail free card in the game.
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That is true but atleast it gives survivors a reason to heal up. Many high up players dont heal up still to this day and rather stay injured with iron will. This counters it, also a big frustration of dead hard comes from the fact that the survivor is injured and therefore "about to die" and having this beeing robbed by dead hard feels very annoying.
If you change this now to a healthy state this "robbed" feeling isnt as bad anymore, since the survivor is anyway healthy. Now once a survivor is injured its way more of a risk to do anything.
Many plays can happen BECAUSE dead hard exists, if we switch the rules to healthy its gonna change up a whole lot to the game. Thats why I think its a good idea honestly. More changes are also still necessary like dead hard shouldnt make you avoid unlethal attacks like doctor shock but also it shouldnt give that much distance aswell.
Post edited by BenZ0 on1 -
I find it most useful for killers who need to set up e.g Demo or Trapper.
It's pretty valuable for any killer, but that's assuming you're able to find someone early while the corrupt is still active so you'll need luck on your side which I hate because luck is never EVER on my side whenever I play this game whether I play survivor or killer.