Is camping and tunneling now staple in killer matches?
Literally every match I’ve played today the killers has just babysat the first person they’ve hooked and go after them when they get unhooked, despite having borrowed time. And for the cherry on top they shake their heads, hit on hook, and BM everyone. But then you 4 escape them and then they have nothing to say in end game chat. And that’s not even showing the builds they run, you can guess a few already… DMS, NOED, RUIN, UNDYING, and SCOURGE. People claim all survivors play the same way but at this point it goes both ways, maybe even more so on the killers end. It’s sad.
Camping for sure. You cant stay at the top if you dont at least periodically proxy camp. I say this as somebody who begs survivors for an excuse to not proxy, but map sizes and gen spreads dont always allow for it.
Camping on first hook AND at 5 gens is pretty ridiculous though. Like, at least use "genrushing swf!!1" as an excuse before resorting to that
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Pretty much every game, then you get dcs and then you’ve wasted 15mins of waiting to get in a game, loading, and doing a few gens, massive waste of time
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Yes, due to the oppressiveness of SWF teams and multiple gens going off with prove thyself 30-40 seconds into the match
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I don't like it but it's hard to blame people.
It's incredibly difficult to spread pressure with Circle of Healing removing it in no time at all.
Ergo, it makes sense that people want to eliminate one Survivor as fast as humanely possible. It was always the best strategy, but it was never the most fun. The only reason people didn't camp and tunnel EVERY match in the past was because there were alternatives that were much more fun for the Killer.
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Killers don't have to respond to survivors in end game chat.
Most have it disabled now anyway.
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That’s true I mean Circle Of Healing can cause killers to play that way and I think killers have been playing that way since it’s debut but idk I guess I feel bad for the players that get camped and tunneled out so quickly.
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I get what you’re saying but if you’ve experienced even the slightest of solo que hell, you’d understand why there are so many SWF’s.
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Yea I agree solo queue is unplayable because of it
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It's funny Survivors often go out of their way to make the game as unpleasant as possible. Yet when a killer does it its not alright. Lol
Its such fun getting looped, pallet stunned, flashlight stunned, body blocked, booned and gen rushed.
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I've never had survivors care about how much fun I'm having as killer. It'd be nice one time to see a guy holding W directly to House of Pain and turn and go to a unsafe pallet because it's more fun and fair for the killer
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If you have a better idea, killers would love to hear it.
As it stands, wounding doesn't matter at all unless you get them on hook. Letting them leave your presence while wounded means your wound was a waste of time.
You get 25 hits, that just means you lost points for 25 heals.
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Hate to admit ,but if I get rough map or first chase takes too long, then yes I must camp first hook stage if I want to win, I try out of my way not to tunnel that person then, but it's much easier knowing I only have to catch them once after few minutes, it's a scummy strat and I hate when I'm at the receiving end, but often it feels like the only option if you want to have a shot at winning.
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I will camp and tunnel if it’s immediately apparent that I got matched with pro survivors who know how to abuse every broken loop in the game. I’ll also camp and tunnel if three gens pop after my first hook because the SWF team all split up and made sure to optimally spend their time on gens. If I can tell the survivors are more on my skill level (which I would say is “intermediate”) and they haven’t tried their best to genrush me, then there’s no need to camp/tunnel.
I honestly don’t have time to spend thousands of hours in the game to become a pro-level killer who can mindgame the best survivors with every killer so that I can get quick downs against pros. I like to play casually; I will play “nice” if I’m in a match on my end skill level and I will play “scummy” if I got thrown into a match way above my skill level because the SBMM system doesn’t work.
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i mean these are part of the games mechanics as one could argue camping is, unfortunately nothing will change as it seems most complaints here aren’t ever actioned or investigated, plus as much as I like playing killer this forum seems to be just filled with killer mains and most survivors complaints get drowned out and no real discussion happens. It’s pretty sad as I think both sides have a point, killers struggle with swf but solo q survivors struggle on their own e.g camping killers.
either way I think everyone feels both sides have unbalanced playstyles
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Pallet Stunned
Well get your ass out from under them\
Flashlight Stunned
You'd rather get clicked?
I forgot I'm supposed to run into ur weapon srry :(
Gen Rushed
This is the only game where ppl complain about survivors doing the game
As opposed to what? Survs never using them?
Body Blocked
Hit the guy, it's not complicated
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I used to get mad at killers and blame their skill level every they camped and tunneled, but I've come to the realization that this is the game and the blame solely lies on the devs for being too afraid to go back to the drawing board and improve the games core mechanics rather than band-aid the game through the use of perks. Things will change, eventually, when frustrated players (of both roles) move on to other games.
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Oh great youre back with the same boring posts.
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I don't like camping, but I understand that killers do it because of the difficulty of catching a surv, but there are people who do it to troll players, as well as those who leave survs on the ground to die, but I think there should be a perk anti camping, I'm sure not everyone would use it, but there should be
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there is a reason for this fear, if they create a native anti camping they would need to nerf the survs gameplay, and that could make the game a bit dull, nowadays it seems that the meta is the long chases, that's why they created a lot of perks of generator delays, which honestly is making it more and more boring to fix generators
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Survivors going out of their way to run away from you in a chase & do generators.
How very dare they!!
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It is the lazy way to win.
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Yea, I agree, but they have to do something to incentivize killers to go for chases rather than camp and tunnel that doesn't feel like it'll lose them the game. I stopped playing killer because it wasn't fun for me to tunnel people (or get bullied by a toxic group), and it just felt like I had to in a lot of the matches. Now survivors just getting stale with the rampant tunneling or proxy camping ( I don't see many face campers unless I make the killer whiff a lot, that seems to piss them off) and I am actually considering taking a long break from the game. It's not like I'll miss much, the last several chapters just felt like the same ole same old.
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I am on console. I can't say anything after hitting you on hook, and shaking my head. If I could, I would certainly hit them with a nice gg ez.
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DBD has always had camping and tunneling. No amount of nerfing or complaining is going to make it disappear. Its a annoying strategy for sure but its to be expected. Especially if the killer is losing the match very fast.
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if it comes to a point where a killer had to camp and tunnel for pressure than they have no choice.
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With CoH, yes.
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Not seen ANY camping for ages. Tunneling though is out of control. Tunnelled out first 4 out of 5 at the weekend and twice out of 3 games tonight before work. Its actually tunneling season it seems
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Any survivor complaining can simply go play killer and not camp or tunnel.
Soon you'll see that you're just the survivors' Bloodpoint Piñata and stop playing killer, leaving only the killers who camp/tunnel.
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On bad killer players, yes.
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At higher mmr you sometimes have to in order to increase your odds only high mobility killers such as nurse blight and nightmare dont need to. Thats not to say its not fair but often times the situation calls for it
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I disagree. Now I do think that good killers prioritize chasing. And some killers do go out of their way to make sure that everyone gets a fair shot at playing the game, I do not think that is the norm or what should be expected. If a player is playing verses other players of similar skill then to win means taking every advantage. I personally do not play killers that lean into camping. Examples include Bubba, Trapper, Hag or Twins. But if I'm playing survivors who as good as me or better and I think that I can get an edge in the match through either camping or tunneling than I will. And I'm often punished for it by eating a DS. I also refuse to grab off hook. I'll hit the survivor with a basic hit and let the match continue. Grabbing off of hook is a stupid and boring mechanic that encourages face camping.
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Camping and Tunneling isn't a balanced playstyle in most cases, because the person can simply cheese it and stand there to gain the pressure you didn't have. Just by standing there.
So on principle when I think about the killers who mind-game, who actually chase and are smart about it instead of opting to this cheap "trick", yes those other players are bad.
They did nothing special and only added to the already bad reputation the playstyle already has.
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I will never understand the survivor entitlement in this game. I have all these people at the end of the game saying something like "wah wah I didn't have fun" when it's a PvP game.
How much do I ever care about the fun of the guy I'm shooting in an fps, or killing in a moba, or competing with in literally any other online game? The attitudes of this community are ludicrous. And somewhat funny since it does make it trivial to troll. DbD is the saltiest game hands down. A game like R6S people will be salty they lost but they won't be on the forums crying about getting shot lmfao
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lol not even, just had a match with a camper and tunneler, we were all solos (i asked) no one was running BT, DH, whatever perk killers find toxic and not a single flashlight, we didnt gen rush, it was a pretty standard game time-wise, so no, killers just camp and tunnel cause they are either in survivor-hate mode at all times or just bitter overall or i guess they cant secure kills if they dont camp and tunnel shrugs
these past weeks have felt like im playing against baby killers like I did when I started playing dbd
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I was a killer main for years and the only time i tunneled was if a survivor was tbagging me, not even flashlight clicking, so no. People get triggered so easily these days damn
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Because hearing music, chatting and laughing is more fun than playing alone in silence?
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Yeah about that "nothing to say in chat".
How often do you give killers positive feedback after a match? Even when no one escaped.
My endgame chats can be boiled down to "gg ez" when someone escaped (coming often from a survivor who did the least). Or dead silence when no one escaped. Hell I don't even get a "thank you" after giving hatch anymore.
When killers always receive negative feedback, independently how they play. What playstyle do you think will stick with then?
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"Efficiency bad"
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So every Killer that likes to win is a triggered Killer main?
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No, if you tunnel and camp because u like to win it means you aren't skilled enough to win chases and secure kills otherwise shurgs
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Lemme just 12 Hook a SWF that wants to win on Badham with Trapper without tunneling and camping because that's apparently possible if I git gud at chases
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No, unbalanced efficiency is bad for the game.
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it actually is LOL
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Im really not a fan of camping and tunneling especially not the early kind. If the doors are powered I find it totally understandable. But the bad players thing is a bit scummy when you look at how bad the matchmaking works. I would love to be a better player and play as fair as possible I really would but I'm not some hardcore darksouls guy that loves to suffer through something. If I had consistent matchmaking so I could learn to be a better killer while facing survs at my skill level I really think I would get frustrated sooner or later and resort to tunneling to have a better chance.
And I think with CoH it just seems like the logical thing to go after the unhook guy rather then the unhooker. Before CoH I knew if I led him run he either needs another mate to heal him wich cost time or he needs to deplete recourses in Form of a med kit or he loses time to self care. But now as soon as I hear the thunder from a boon I know if I let someone go he is healed in no time with out wasting time from the team or needing a resource
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Only boring people camp or tunnel. More importantly, it is in no way as common as people make it out to be.
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My point is that it is well within the capabilities for survivors to simply go play the killer and not tunnel, allowing their fellow survivors a break from the camping and tunneling.
As killer, when I get tired of Circle of Healing I play survivor and use my totem-hunting build to cleanse all the totems and give the killer a break.
Post edited by Nos37 on2 -
Isn't that what survivors are supposed to do? Just want them to just jump on the hook?
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Well the killer is supposed to... Kill. But survivor always want to dictate the methods.
So if survivor want killer to play inefficient by splitting hook evenly then survivor should all sit on one gen at a time WITHOUT prove thyself or leader or toolboxes.
Sounds ridiculous? Thought so.