Why are people saying that Blight is lot harder to play than Nurse?

If nothing else, Blight's power can be used as a mobility tool, and Blights has a default movement speed of 115% so he can played very easily if someone wants too.
Try that with Nurse lol, 1000+ hour to reach what takes for Blight 100 hours at most.
He just is, I still can't play blight that well and I've played over a hundred games as him, but nurse after 20 or so games I've started to get atleast a 2k every game (mostly)
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Because Blight is harder. Learning Nurse is harder but playing her is not after get good.
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Nurse has a higher skill floor. She takes more effort to get the basic fundamentals of her down.
Blight has a higher skill ceiling. You can play as a basic m1 killer, or you could keep practicing to be an unstoppable pinball of death.
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I can't speak for not console but at least on console for me, Blight likes to play Blight Hawk's Pro Skater. He doesn't bounce off of ish for me, he just runs into it and then slides along it like a Slip N Slide
But I don't ever play as either so I can't say if this is a "me" problem or a "console" problem
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When you get to ignore near everything, the game tends to be a lot easier than if you're playing a killer that doesn't.
Nurse has a higher skill floor, but after a while ( 1000 hrs is a pretty wild number to throw out there considering how basic DBD as a game is), that's it. You dont deal with pallets or loops, you just go through them.
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When I started playing DBD I hated nurse and gave up on her she was too difficult but I didn't give up and mastered her in a short time she's so rewarding when you're good at playing her I still suck but my games with her are usually much better than other killers.
I enjoyed blight playstyle and tried to learn him for tons of hours but I ended up giving up he is way way harder than nurse like extremely difficult his ping pong playstyle can be juked easily and if you do you end up way too far from your target + he slides of many maps especially the artist map.
You said you can use his power for mobility but then that makes him another m1 killer that has nothing to end chases if you can't use his power which is extremely difficult it's just hard to land a hit in jungle gyms and indoor maps and pallets ect it's only kinda easy in an open area but even then good survivors can dodge you , feels like torture playing him sadly even with addons all my games with him I end up with 1 kill only or so just trying to use his power in chases wastes enough time for me that all gens are done.
Flicks are too difficult for a wrist gamer like myself I don't use my full arm to move my mouse so controlling him is difficult and you need to learn how to slide over shack and some loops I couldn't manage to learn it sadly it worked like few time.
Nurse in the other hand you just need muscle memory to land hits it's true Blight is way way more difficult to play then any killer in this game and he needs a rework for more accessibility because no one really plays him that much due to his extreme difficulty.
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I play on console and Nurse is way more difficult to play than Blight IMO. I think the biggest reason is Iron Will/Dead Hard. 4 DH + 2 - 3 IW lobbies are really common. When you're not good with Nurse, dealing with DH/IW is a complete nightmare whereas when playing Blight you can most of the time deal with DH like any other killer
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Nurse obviously has the skill floor, but after learning how to maneuver her properly, she really isn't that depth like Blight is.
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Nurse mechanically is just a simpler killer.
She doesn't have to care about walls, pallets, or vaults meaning that at the end of the day what you are really mastering as a nurse player is muscle memory for how far to blink.
Blight still has to maneuver around tiles meaning that you have to learn to how to play tiles with his power. Which is a lot more demanding than memorizing distances.
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Blight has far more depth and a higher skill ceiling, whereas with Nurse, once you break through the high skill floor, there's not much else to learn after that.
And that's just mechanically, with Blight you also need to learn the collision with a ton of objects on every map to know what you will and won't slide off of.
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Nope. Truly mastering nurse means predicting survivor movement. The muscle memory part is whatever- a monkey can learn muscle memory. What makes Nurse unique is that she is based on rapid fire prediction.
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Blight's power is map dependent and Nurse's power doesn't really require any maps to work.
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Predicting survivor movement is something every killer has to do. Otherwise, you become very predictable.
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Both are hard to pick up and master in different ways. They’re not comparable. They’re among the hardest in the entire game.
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Not so much; that’s the core of the problem for m1 killers. Too many structures give control to the survivors and there is literally nothing the killer can do except eat the pallet. Nurse always has the opportunity to make them guess.
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Simple answer is map/tile knowledge, plus the techs you can pull off such as the "hug tech" where you hug up to a wall after a bounce and can slide off of it
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It’s nice to see there is recognition that Blight is hard my ? Is why do people cry for nerfs on the two hardest killers there are to learn to play effectively? These killers should never be nerfed or tweaked for that matter I want rewarded for my hours of dedication to play these killers at high level
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You can make a lot more mistakes with Blight and still very easily win. He has a whopping 5 chances to hit someone and then he has virtually no cooldown and he is a normal speed killer. Then, they regain almost instantly.
There is no comparison of Blight to Nurse.
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He still has to deal with loops, windows, and pallets, where Nurse can just ignore those.
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You were wrong the last time you said that and you still are now. Blight has 4 chances to hit you while rushing because his first rush doesn't let him attack.
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It is still too many, he has addons that give him more. It's too oppressive in chase.
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And his godlike map pressure with Crow + tinkerer.
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Ikr. But nerf Parental Guidance because the Blight might have a hard time finding the survivor.
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Can't let tunneling get punished ig.
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Overrated and situational.
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Nurse has a higher skill floor but a lower skill ceiling.
Blight has a lower skill floor but a higher skill ceiling
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He's not hard, skill-ceiling-wise. Caveat: I'm talking about PC.
Usually, difficulty is the go-to argument in dbd to preemptively defend against perceived instances of nerf requests. Which is understandable.
There are a couple of things that one needs to know, like how stupid his hitbox is and how you can use it in shoulder flicks, or the infamous uber complicated takes-eons-to-master look down tech.
But other than that, he's very forgiving and can be played in a very algorythmic way.
Is he more difficult than Nurse? Probably a moot point. Personally, I don't think he is, because he can be played very straightforwardly. Ymmv.
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Two words: Butter surfaces
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Nurse is muscle memory, I sucked at both and found nurse a little easier. Somehow I have both adepts though lmfao.
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One gets cucked by not knowing which object surface is "slippery" or not and where the invisible edge stick out. And tight doorways like rpd are a nightmare to get through with their power.
And the other doesn't.
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nurse is high skill-floor, high skill-cieling
Blight is medium skill-floor, medium skill-cieling.
People that play nurse for first time are completely awful at her to the point that even killing one person is an achievement. It takes many games on average for a player to getting 2-3 kills on nurse at consistent basis. depending how slow/fast learner the player is, it can take between 100-500 hours. she is by far hardest killer in dbd. I'd go as far to say that many players never really get to an average level on her.
Blight's at the start plays like an m1 killer with mobility, but in general, people that play blight for first few games end up hurting themselves with their ability in chase. The funny thing is that they don't even know it. overall, I'd say that you get a basic grasp of understanding blight after around 20 games which is like less than 10 hours, but there is depth to his gameplay past first 20 games. His more advanced skills take a while to learn, like 100 hours or so. if you put time and effort to semi-main blight, most people get to a decent mastery of blight.
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Because nurse is not that difficult to play
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learning blight is definitely a lot more forgiving than nurse imo
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As a Nurse main on console:
Blight is definitely harder imo.
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Blighted Crow is fine. Tinkerer is fine. Together they're fine. Blight's a little bit faster because of an add-on, he's got Tinkerer so he can (hopefully) stop the gen, even he won't most of the time because he'll push someone off and someone else will come and finish it. And the survivors can hear him coming too, if not from his loud rushing then from his loud breathing. Tinkerer has always been overrated no matter what killer or perks it's combined with.