Hiding w/o any intent to play

Just hiding forever in game with two...and not touching a gen in a hour.
Is this considered taking the game hostage and a reportable offensive?
If someone refuses to participate in normal gameplay for an indefinite or extended period of time (such as hiding and not touching generators for an hour, as you mentioned), then yes, this would be considered holding the game hostage, and a reportable offense.
Along with the in-game report (required), video evidence of the match would also need to be submitted via a Support Ticket for the ACMs to review: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
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Rather than writing a thesis and needing to report outside of the game client, why can’t we have an in-game feature to prevent this from taking place to begin with? Such as idle crows swarming survivors who don’t touch a generator for 20+ consecutive seconds after three minutes have passed.
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This sounds a lot smarter than the official response.
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It's concerning that a lot of players don't know that they have to submit a ticket in order for the in game report to be even useful. It's happened a few times that we face a cheater and I'm the one who has to explain the rest of the players during end game chat that only reporting in game won't do much unless they submit a ticket with evidence, even finding the direct link to submit it is difficult. I think there could be better communication regarding this and an easier way to find that specific link, not the support link in general because even there is not clear where to go and do the specific player report.
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As a survivor like the idea in theory but if am looping a killer really well and hit 3 mins (rare but has happened) does that mean at the 20 mark i also get the crows? Also easily gotten around by touching a gen for the barest of seconds and moving away. I think there needs to be away to be able to report the lack of game play and if the system sees a distinct lack of game play from the survivors or an AFK killer then the game will shut down the trial. This would also give the names of the people who are not playing in game play. I was in a game yesterday where two survivors were dead and the other survivor was simply hiding and not doing anything. I tried to stay hidden but it was impossible to do a gen so in the end I used the flashlight I found and the pallets around the map and a looped that killer for fun.
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Why? You can't force the survivors to risk their lives if they're scared 😂😂😂
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The repair timer can be made higher and paused for being in chase. Anything is better than what we have now.
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Video requirments ? Hell , that's horrible.
So i would have to go to 3th party software and clip how long excactly ? 10 min ? 30 ? 1H ?
Don't forget i need to upload it as well .
I think after a certain ammount of time the entity should just end the game and kill them.
I don't mind them hiding and trying to figure how to do attempt to fix gens when they 3genned themself but i'd say 15 min without a gen touched = forfeit and auto win for the killer