We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Question about MMR system

Chusan Member Posts: 137

Hello, I just started playing as a Survivor. Is it normal to match up against Red Rank 1 Players even when you're new to the game?


  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Public ranks don't technically affect matchmaking, they're used for season rewards (every 13th of the month) and then everyone gets reset at rank 20

    Matchmaking is affected by some hidden value (equal for all your survivors, personal for every killer)

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    Alright. So it is perfectly normal for a new player to match against Rank 1 :/ Got it

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,622

    Red Rank 1 isn't an indication of skill, it's an indication of how much time they've played and how much they've filled in the emblem system. Matching totally new players with red rank 1 is probably part of the system being a little iffy right now, but in general the grade scores aren't used for the matchmaking.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited March 2022

    What I meant is I just started playing as a Survivor and yet I'm matched against killers who played for more than 1k hours (31.9 hrs for the last week. I viewed the steam profile. Can see how long he played for the past week). Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    I'm using the skills that it is given to me along with the survivor but I'm up against killers who can sprint onto me and bang against the wall to "adjust" ^^"

    Personally, I feel that it's unfair for me to match against killers who are alot alot more experienced on the game while I'm totally new :( sorry. Just want to understand what's the definition behind the MMR system.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    It is unfair my friend. Unfortunately MM seems to be an unpredictable ######### show.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Yea that's the nature of the beast ATM. Don't let it get you down, play a few games and soon you'll start to balance out. Once you get better perks and get some experience under your belt you'll be fine.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Just to explain it in a little detail

    The game gives you a hidden Match Making Rating (MMR) when you start and as you escape or die as a survivor it goes up or down. How much it goes up or down depends on the relative ratings of your opponents you win or lose to and maybe some other factors. Initially your rating starts out below average probably, and then after a few games will shift up or down based on your performance.

    When you go to find a match the system will take a look and try and pair you with other people who have somewhat close MMRs to yours. If it doesn’t see any it will wait a bit to see if any show up, then expand its search. Eventually if nobody in your bracket is around then it will put you in whatever match has a free slot regardless of rating so you aren’t waiting forever. Similarly, if a lobby has five people in it, and someone leaves before the game starts, it will prioritize filling the gap so it doesn’t have four people waiting even longer for a match.

    So if you find yourself in a match with someone who appears to be way above or way below you in rating, what probably happened is either

    • There wasn’t anybody around in your bracket and it put you in the first available slot. If you waited a while for a match and then got to a lobby this is what probably happened
    • The other player had nobody in their bracket to match with so eventually got into a next available match which happened to be yours.
    • The mismatched player was in a swf with a friend who had a much lower rating than them.
  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited March 2022

    Noted. Still feel unfair for me to match against veteran players. Would've killed my interest if I'm not a resident evil fan +_+

    Thanks for the answer!

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    Yeah.. sadly, I can't do anything against all this Rank 1 killers while I'm playing alone. I myself watched alot of content creators like otzdarva and like to give it a go but it's too hard for me :(

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    If you're playing survivor I'd suggest some other content creators, otz is a great guy but hes definitely not the best survivor as hes mostly a killer main.

    It's hard to find a good survivor who isnt toxic, maybe truetalent? Just know hes more serious

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    Hi EntitySpawn, What I meant is the MMR system is unfair for new players like me matching against veteran players instead of players who had just started like me.

    I played the game solo too so it should be easy finding new players.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    Will stop till they "revamp" the mmr. thanks for the comment still.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I'll just copy and paste my response from a similar thread:

    Grades correlate to time spent in the game, which is analogous to having a working knowledge of the game more often than not. An iri 1 survivor is gonna be better than a bronze whatever survivor by dint of experience the vast majority of the time. It's more than a little silly to say the two are not related at all.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    What I meant is I just started the game and yet I'm matched with players over 1000+ hours. Maybe it is different here in Asia but it is just highly unfair for new players like me.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    Never met doctor before. I only met teleporting ghosts and uhh.. charger? something that ram itself onto the wall or something. Sorry :/ new to the game

  • HoboBob
    HoboBob Member Posts: 3

    This is a legitimate concern. I haven’t played in over a year and I thought I’d hit the game back up and try one of the new killers. Since my first ever game as the lowest rank to now on the brink of gold I have faced 2-4 red rank survivors in every match. Red rank survivors know what they are doing at this point in the game. There is no reason in hell a brand new killer should be in the same thought as a red rank much less the same lobby. This is a good way to destroy your killer player base and judging by the queue times it already has.

  • HoboBob
    HoboBob Member Posts: 3

    Same with a new survivor vs red rank killers

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    If you wish to reply to someones comment directly click on the quote part, it will add their message and notify them like this did for you :)

    And yeah but grade means very little, I have been playing since game release and I'm not even rank 1 killer just because I dont play it much (not fun)

    Sadly, theres not much you can do about it. Their matchmaking will place you at X rating by default and so you have to lose X amount just to be placed correctly.

    But hey at least you arent playing killer, that's the real torture lol

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    Actually.. I tried killer.. (that if I killed anyone)

    Tried Wraith. can't seem to kill anyone at all as I have no idea what are their purple perks :(

  • HoboBob
    HoboBob Member Posts: 3

    If you’re gonna keep playing dead by daylight my best advice to you right now if you’re new it’s find a group of friends to play with and queue up as for people. If you’re looking for people to play with I suggest going to an official Discord or just starting a thread looking for people I’m sure there’s plenty willing to do it.

    Dead by daylight always ruins their MMR when they try changing it and really dumb ways. I don’t know if any of them have gone over well initially.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    Yeah.. watched youtube about a dev playing DBD at Korea :/ I feel bad for him whoever he is.

  • SS007
    SS007 Member Posts: 168

    Rank 1 indicates skill somehow because a new player that barely knows how to play the game won't reach red ranks it's difficult enough to pip 5 times for each rank so it takes some skill to hit rank 1.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    That is one of the big issues with how matchmaking works. It makes no sense. - I mean, even the hours needed for someone to reach red rank 1 are gonna be more hours than you spent in game total - even if they manage to +2 every match (in which case they should really be put in a different lobby). Even if they played x hours, never hooked anyone and thus have abyssmal MMR they still knwo a lot more about the mechanics and how the game works than a newb.

    I started in December '21, am 450-ish hours in and it's safe to say for the first 200 hours I just fumbled around cause it's just too much of everything. Hardly any difference between hour 20 and hour 200. You can't learn your way around a map if you don't consistently land on it. You can't learn how certain killers work if you don't see them. You can't learn how perks work if you don't see them / get to use them. You can't learn how to stay alive in a chase if you're down after five seconds. I think those fitness people have a name for how it should be: progressive overload. In dbd it's all the latter and none of the former.

    In the end I got a friend to go afk in some corner on some maps in a custom game and I literally ran air just to get a somewhat decent idea of camera movement, character movement (when to vault, when to pallet drop, how to hug walls/objects etc.) and map layout. Doing that for five or six or so hours helped me more than the 200 hours in public matches. It's incredibly boring though. I recommend you have something to listen to, audio book, podcast, stream - whatever.

    I don't think vets realise this (I certainly have a hard time grasping it when it comes to games where I'm considered a vet with thousands of hours over several years), but the very fact that they started out not having to play as much catch-up and usually got a massive influx of matche swith certain killers, perks and/or maps whenever they dropped means they not only had more time to lean but also that the time they did spend learning was much more efficient than what a newb is dropped into at present.

    Long story short: If you don't find one or two people to consistently play with (and maybe do the one or another custom match) it's gonna be very, very hard to get anywhere anytime soon.

    Sorry for the essay - I guess I needed to get something off my chest 😅

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    Hello Javimii, Sad to say I'm playing this game solo :( I just interested on the game because of twitch content creators but I'm having a hard hard time starting the game

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    Twitch people are a species of their own when it comes to dbd players 😅At least where I'm at not at all representative.

    And yes, getting a start is really, really difficult. Sadly. It is very frustrating when things just happen and all you can do is blink and go 'wth just happened?' before finding yourself on the next best hook. :|

    As far as solo goes; some streamers have discords. So if you're not exclusively a lurker maybe joining a streamer's community to find one or two people to play with who are somewhat new might help. Most discords have a lfg section.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Chusan, are you playing with friends when you play survivor. And if yes, how many hours have they played?

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,524

    BHVR have failed at making a working matchmaking system, and, as you can see from the BHVR comment above, they don't care.

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  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    Hi Konchok! No sadly. I'm playing alone as a survivor. Tried killer twice. I'm called "chaser" instead of "killer" :(

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yeah sadly killer is very rough, it is a shame theres no practice verse bots or something so you get a bit better feel of the game first, all I can suggest is you try looking for other new players and play custom games to learn abit more

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    Sadly, just trying this game on a whim and found out that there's a huge gap for new players such as me playing with veteran players with great skills.

    Just would like to point out that how can this mmr system matched me a "not even 10 hours of gameplay" player matched against over 2k hours player.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    This game is crap for newbies, Let alone learning the game, the grind is horrendous to just be competitive, It is'nt as bad as a survivor but killers need perks to be competitive.

    Either sink the hours into it or quit, because it takes awhile for it to get better.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    :( That's sad to hear.

    I'm a huge fan of silent hill and resident evil. Such a shame..

    Post edited by Chusan on
  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    guess dbd dev covering their mistake with mmr :/

    Post edited by Chusan on
  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    It is unfair, but that's how the game goes sometimes. I just consider it another challenge from RNG. Some games I can win, some I can't.

    Try to look at matches like that as a learning experience. Keep trying, get points, learn. Every match is improving your muscle memory and teaching you what doesn't work. When you lose, just ready up and lose again. There's plenty to grind, you might as well get started.

    This game is super-hard on new players. Super hard on most of us, actually. Hang in there.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    Dude, killer is hard, but it's also awesome. The only way a new killer gets kills is if the survivors really screw up. ALL killers went through this.

    You don't come into a game like this and just win. The skills you have from other games don't carry over into DBD much. You're being WAY too hard on yourself. I probably played 20-30 trials before I got a kill. I still play lots of games where I don't get any kills. That's just how it is.

    Pyramid Head and Nemesis are two of my favorite killers, they're fun as hell and in the stronger category of killers. I don't think you should let negative comments make up your mind for you. I said to hang in there when I thought you were a survivor, but now that I find out you're also a killer, I really think you should hang in there.

    It's a strange game, there's a meme where one guy says "DBD is fun" and the other says "No one that plays DBD would say that." But I play a lot, and I do think DBD is fun. I love playing killer, I would rather lose as killer than play something else.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    Hello Warphead, Thanks for the feedback! Sadly, I don't think I'm cut out for this game :/ Kept on getting teabag by survivors when they finish the generators at exit. Don't even want to exit till you head over to the exit gate.

  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477

    Yeah ever since they introduced the mmr system the matchmaking has been h o r r i b l e, it's one of the main reasons why I can't recommend this game to anyone, you'll be notoriously matched with veterans even as a total newbie ...

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    yea.. Got my first hit while they finished 4 generators ^^"

  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 325

    I agree with @SS007 ....while the "rank" may not be used to technically score the player it is definitely an indicator of experience and to a degree, adequate skill to pip that many times. It should not be considered normal or acceptable that a new player to this game is matched with someone who pipped to red I. @Chusan is it happening very often, even outside their SBMM tests just recently?

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    Yeah sadly.. Currently the rankings are hidden so the only way for me to determine how good they are is via looking at their hour played (Which is 2k-3k hours :( )

    Someone even tell me to get good before trying to be an adept at the game? not sure what it means

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2022

    Just started the game again. matched with players like this with Dead hard Self Care Borrowed time and Decisive Strike x4 then teabag me nonstop. I'm done :(

    Thanks for all the replys. Hope you all have a good day

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279
    edited April 2022

    don't blame them.