MoM, bl, OoO, boil over, coh killed.

It’s time for noed, I think
What is BL?
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Nevermind, I’m just dumb
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It was balance landing. You don’t know it because no one use it
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Except that COH and boil over we're not killed. I don't understand why people think COH is going to be useless. It's still going to be a pretty good perk. Just not broken.
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Mom was broken, Balanced landing was abusable, OoO was extremely abusable and felt terrible to play against and especially so on set up killers. Boil over was poorly reworked without taking verticality in mind and is now balanced around it and coh is still good just not blatently overpowered.
You can complain about them being changed but they were all for the betterment of the game.
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Not only COH, you won’t see any boon perk because we use them together
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The hell with Noed camping/gens is what should be worked on
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Literally the only bad perk on that list is MoM.
Assuming BL is Balanced Landing that perk is still perfectly serviceable, Object of Obsession is still incredible for information gathering, Boil Over still has the actual buffs it got ensuring that it's pretty useful though it is somewhat map dependant (the stagger matters more for indoor maps, it's still good though), and CoH will still be preferable to Self-Care due to it not requiring medkits to get fast heals and being infinitely usable as long as the totem is lit.
They weren't killed. They were nerfed, and some of them showcase some of the more inventive solutions BHVR have given for problem perks, OoO especially.
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Well. All of them needed some kind of nerf and are actually in a good spot.
thing is.. other perks like DH are just too strong compared to these perks and those just need nerf to give other interesting perks the opportunity to shine.
except for MoM. It was busted and is now just.. bad.
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I didn’t see any of them in months
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They're not overpowered crutch Perks anymore, that's why they complain.
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Yeah I would not mind if there was a way to buff mom but in a way it doesn't make it broken.
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I know this is off topic but weren’t you able to get 1 stack of MoM for a safe unhook? Could’ve been a dream. Maybe they could increase it to 4 and add safe unhooks too?
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not only they are killing COH, they are removing boon totems from the game, because other boon perks are trash alone
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Weren't all of these broken?
And CoH is still meta, it just punishes bad Boon placement
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That's because the meta in this game is extremely entrenched and only a handful of perks make it to the top. There are a ton of perfectly serviceable, genuinely good perks you're not going to see because they're not Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, or Unbreakable. You'll occasionally see a handful of others, but the fact is people only really run a handful of 'the best' perks while leaving perfectly good ones by the wayside.
Except for MoM, each one of the perks you mentioned provides legit value and is in a pretty good spot, they're just overshadowed by the objectively overpowered perks (Dead Hard and, until next patch, CoH) and the perks you feel you have to run to cover for gaps in the base gameplay (Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, to a lesser degree Unbreakable).
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Yes, you don’t see monstrous shrine not because it’s a bad perk, but only because there are better perks
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Boys Love
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You don't see Whispers, Agitation, Franklin's Demise, Surveillance, Discordance, Fearmonger, etc etc etc. Because they're overshadowed or pushed out of relevance by a reliance on other perks. They all do something, you're going to notice their presence in your games, but they're not slowdown perks nor are they the most powerful in the game, so they don't make it into the meta. Monstrous Shrine doesn't do anything of note, it actually is a bad perk.
Similarly, you don't see any perk on your list except MoM because they're overshadowed by other, better perks. Pretty sure you do already know the difference here, but just in case.
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Wouldn't call any of those perks killed, not even MoM although it isn't good.
Balanced Landing is still good albeit map-dependent, Boil Over is still stronger than it was before and just isn't as abusable anymore, OoO still does what it's meant to do, just in a less powerful way (especially in SWFs), and COH will still be a good perk and will still be very annoying to deal with on maps like ironworks.
Having said that, I don't disagree that NOED needs a rework.
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If people actually think coh is killed lol,its still so much better than self care and even if it wasn't,it was just 32 seconds to heals,still better than self care.
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Felix/Trickster fanfiction.
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I'm not wading into the noed argument, but balancing the game doesn't mean you have to automatically nerf or buff something on one side every time it happens to the other side. If the devs nerf noed it should be because they decide it's overpowered or unfun, not because survivors will be upset with the COH nerf and killers should also have something taken away to cheer them up.
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Don’t worry, there is nothing in the new patch for survs, nothing
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Which is a shame, I was hoping the bonus HUD info would come quicker. SoloQ has been rough recently.
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See the problem is they come out busted, and then when they get a nerf to balance it, the survivors think "balance" means useless
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You're comparing game-breaking perks to just simply unfun one.
MoM gave survivors an extra health state that you could use alongside DH/SB with 0 counterplay other than playing Huntress/Billy/Nurse (who was immune for some reason?)
BL created genuine infinities and made you flat-out impossible to catch on maps such as Haddonfield.
Boil Over was an incredibly toxic perk that you could use to easily make yourself unhookable.
CoH is getting nerfed because it deletes a killer's pressure in moments, stacks with medkits, and determines how the killer needs to play the game at the cost of a single perk slot of just a single survivor. Not to mention, breaking the backs of over half the roaster.
NOED is dumb, don't get me wrong. But what does it do? Make the killer camp someone to death? It's stupid but it doesn't break the game nearly as much as the others did. If you want an example of a perk that DID, look at Old Rundying. Now THAT was stupid...
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DBD Forums stop overreacting challenge (impossible)
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Do bones.
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I think we should hold off on judgment until we try it for ourselves
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As a Balanced Landing gamer I disagree. It still turns areas like hills or Coldwind Harvesters into viable areas.
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They do work on that tho
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Noed was gutted lmfao.
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MoM being properly balanced doesn't mean its dead. Boil Over got a slap on the wrist, Balanced Landing is perfectly, Object of Obsession should have never shipped as a hard counter to several killers entirely reason for existing, and Circle of Healing is still quite good.
Noed is one of the most altered and easiest to counter perks in the game and only happens at endgame. If y'all can't do bones at this point, that's on you. You've got all the tools in the world to help you find totems unlike killers who legit have basically no reliable way to find totems besides memorizing spawn spots.
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No they don't
Perks don't count
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Didn’t see anyone reply to you. No, it was originally any three basic attacks to trigger. Alternatively, they could count protection hits as hits to protect healthy survivors. For some reason it’s only considered protection for injured or carried survivors - which doesn’t make sense.
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I think there was a PTB that added safe unhooks to MoM, I think. It just never made it to live. I’ll look more into it
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MoM was busted. BL is fine, I still run it. OoO was busted in SWF. Boil over is in far better shape now than it was 6 months ago. CoH was hella OP, and never should have been to begin with.
The drama here is palpable.
And delete NOED for all I care, take DH with it.
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Boil Over is used in 2.63% of the time by survivors, it's pretty much dead. Not sure what it was before the nerf.
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That is actually well above average for % useage once you consider its competing against 103 other perks for a slot in you're build.
The average % if all(104) perks are used equally would be under 1% usage.
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The lowest of the "META" perks is Kindred with above 10%.
With survivor perks you are either used or not used. There's not really an inbetween like Killer perks.
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COH killed?
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I don't think they work on a perk it sounded like they are searching for a Mechanik and they already testet different Mechanik but didn't found a good one yet
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Mom was terrible for the game.
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NOED? Time for Cheryl's soul guard.
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These perks did get nerfed hardcore, but they definitely deserved it to a certain extent.
However these perks have 0 counterplay, while NOED still had clearly defined counter and thanks to boons, not only one.
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What's ooo
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Object of Obsession.
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... you do know that NOED received some pretty major changes to it as well, right?
it went from an always activating 2 minute long oneshot for the Killer to an entirely preventable Hex Perk that could be cleansed at any point in time (even prior to its activation in end game) with a less significant speed boost for the Killer than the previous versions had.
so even in that sense your, by the way very flawed, logic of "if one side gets a nerf the other side needs to get one too!" doesnt work, because NOED, just like all the Perks you listed, received a pretty major rebalancing in the past.
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Thank you, OP, as always, for your well thought out opinions presented in a completely unbiased way.
The forums could surely use more heroes such as yourself.