

What Killer Do You Think Needs Adjustments Next?

Member Posts: 797

Whether it be buffs or nerfs.

With Legion and Ghostface getting buffs very soon, I personally think Myers should be next on the list, he's disrespectfully weak, honestly I'd be insulted if I were the license owner.

What Killer Do You Think Needs Adjustments Next? 88 votes

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  • Member Posts: 941

    She really needs a buff. The Deathslinger nerf should also be undone, he did NOT deserve any nerf at all...

  • Member Posts: 707


    It's long overdue and what wouldn't be more perfect than a Myers rework/slight buff than making it at the same time as Haddonfield rework.

  • Member Posts: 16,662
    edited March 2022

    Myers, clearly.

    The latest Buffs did not do much to him and he still has outdated Add Ons like Tombstone Piece and Fragrant Tuft of Hair which both need to be nerfed. And his Basekit and other Add Ons seriously need to be buffed.

    Myers is basically the prime example of a powercreeped Killer, when I started playing, he was considered a solid A-Tier Killer, now some people call him the weakest Killer (I would disagree on that, but he is not far away from being the weakest Killer).

    Post edited by Aven_Fallen on
  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Myers obviously.

    but Pig Ambush could also need some QoL adjustments and slight tweaks/buffs.

    Freddy still needs a rework combining everything good from each of his iterations.

    And Twins but the devs already confirmed they are among the next ones they take a look at iirc

  • Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2022
    Other (please specify)

    Demo obviously they keep nerfing the bejesus outta him

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    If I recall correctly Twins are next on the list anyway, but I agree with that assessment. Myers would be next up, but since he's still much more fun to play and less frustratingly clunky than the Twins, I think they take priority.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    The devs need to acknowledge that Twins aren't a mistake and that people actually play them. They need to give them a load of QOL buffs

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    He's basically the same since 2016, if someone needs a review it's him.

  • Member Posts: 246

    Sadako sadly took no time to figure out how to counter her. The hit and run to the next meta was great before CoH but now my SWF team have at least two using CoH. I use it with shadow step and the number of times killers lose sight of you because of SS is amazing. If I have to heal myself its no big deal as it can be a few seconds but often you run into someone else who is more then happy to give you the rubs. She like all M1 killers are at huge disadvantage against the SWFs to a comical amount and I say this as a SWF and survivor main. If it is not the Blight or the Nurse it is boring because we can just gen rush and getting 3 done if first chase the last 2 done while they hang and the person off hook and body blocked to the door more often then not. Even if you get past out wall if you do not have a mori you are eating their DS to the DH out. Also have a friend who unhooks just to get his deliverance so he can unhook after being hook at the end and pulling himself off just so he can DS at the gate and flashbang. If you dare play an M1 killer against this type of toxic SFW groups you will not have a good time.

  • Member Posts: 541

    I think he needs 115 tier one. That or the further away you are the more evil you drain. 'Member when Myers was kind of good? I 'member.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I'm going to say Myers since he is one of the most outdated killers in the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    Personally, I think that Sadako would be perfect if condemned was harder to lose.

    I mean, I've had games where I get 3 stink eye moris, but against competent players, it's practically useless.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    Twins desperately need QoL.

    Myers next, though.

  • Member Posts: 5,047
    Pyramid Head

    add on pass

  • Member Posts: 795
    edited March 2022

    Myers, he needs it BAD! Id pull the license from BHVR if I was the Halloween right holders. He's weak for a horror legend, Maybe the ultimate horror legend. Give him a big base kit buff and nerf the tombstone add ons or whatever.

  • Member Posts: 517

    I was so tempted to say Clown because his rework was painfully underwhelming, but Myers could really use some big adjustments. I love the core of his power but there's a lot that could be done to make that more fun and effective

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    He's very outdated and is possibly the worst killer in the game at this point.

    Honestly, all they need to do is give him some tweaks.

    If they made Tier 1 a major pain and take a lot longer to get out of, but make tier 2 a bit stronger than normal then make his Tier 3 WAY stronger and have a shorter duration (30 second duration) and increase his stalking speeds - make the distance he stalks at more reliable to gain his power, which will make it much easier to use him regardless of distance. Also, removing his stalking limit per survivor would be huge as well.

    This alone would make him a lot better - make his Tier 3 something to be horrified of. His addons are insane as well.

    T1 - 106% movement | -10% break/vault | -35% lunge (~36 seconds of stalking to attain Tier 2)

    T2 - 118% movement | +5% break/vault | +5% lunge (~24 seconds of stalking to level up to Tier 3 for first time, 12 seconds after this.)

    T3 - 124% movement | +20% break/vault | +45% lunge (30 second duration)

    Although, the developers they have locked in Behavior's basement are very creative. I'd love to see what ideas they and the community could come up with!

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    Not disagreeing, genuinely curious:

    Who would you say is the weakest killer?

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Probably Trapper. I mean, he got some Buffs and they helped him out. And in general, I think that every Killer can win against the majority of teams they encounter, but in the end, he is a Killer who needs to pick up his power from the ground.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    "B-but, the statistics...!"

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Myers needs a buff but Blights add-ons are too crazy not to be touched.

  • Member Posts: 173

    Blight needs to be nerfed (his most popular addons, not basekit and ofcourse fix the most used bug "hug tech" ).

    Double recharge on Nurse. Why? What was the point of nefing her basekit to have a recharge ability when with double recharge you basically have old basekit nurse? After you hit or miss you have 1 blink and 90% from the second blink recharged.

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    Honestly just slap chase music on her, maybe a nice new mori

    tho myers does need more help

  • Member Posts: 42
    Other (please specify)

    Freddy needs a Buff. let him have both dream pallets and dream snares, and just put a cap on how many he can have out at once. And then just make his dream pallets add on, say you can have more dream pallets than normal. And maybe give him his ability to put people to sleep again.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    Myers is my personal pick for worst killer in the game. He's the only killer with a hard cap on how much you can use his power and that's pretty dumb.

    I think a good way to buff myers is to LET HIM DRIVE A CAR, HE DOES IT IN THE MOVIE #CARFORMYERS

  • Member Posts: 421
    Other (please specify)

    Nurse needs a couple of buffs severely. Making plaid flannel basekit would help ease in new players to it and increase her playrate and accessibility. Her post blink fatigue is also way too long, and I wouldn't object to giving her another blink either.

  • Member Posts: 1,046
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    Demo buff. Nerf nurse.

  • Member Posts: 545
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    I don't really have enough experience with most killers to say for sure if they need adjustments. So I'll go with the one I do know which is Trickster.

    I'd like them to look at his chase dynamic a little bit. He's such a black and white killer right now in chases. Either he's going to completely dominate in open areas/low loops or he gets stomped on in jungle gyms and whatnot.

    I think making him a 115% killer would definitely alleviate his struggle in high MMR and with certain loops. My only concern with that is how he would be in the areas he already dominates. I worry he might be a little too much in that regard — but I'd definitely like to see the movement speed adjustment and how it affects his performance in high MMR.

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