unhooked survivor

So I have had this problem for a while where when I hot a survivor who jas just been unhooked does not go down. The survivor did not get any white auro or anuthing, nor the the survivor who unhooked the other one had borrowed te.
What is this bullcrap?
Well if you hit them too early they have an iframe when they first get unhooked to prevent campers immediately hitting them down before they have a chance to move, so if that's what's affecting you then I suggest not camping as much or if you're going to anyway wait till theyre fully done with the animation before you swing
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It is not that. I patrol around and when I see someone going for the hook then I follow and try to down them again. It used to work. And still does randomly. I mean, the unhooked survivor gets downed again just after getting unhooked. Sometimes when I hit the surv who is unhooking the other survivor, it does not cancel the action, in fact, he does not even flinch, tho he gets injured state.
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That is intended to happen. You can only interrupt unhooks with grabs.
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This is also weird, because sometimes when i hit the survivor unhooking the other surv, it does not cancel the action. It was a clean hit too.
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Is it maybe that the game counts the hit to the yet not unhooked guy instead of the unhooker? happens sometime
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Naw, it was a clear hit on the surv's back
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yet he continued like nothin' happened at all