Why haven't they done a "disable Dead Hard" test yet?

Are they really afraid that no Survivors would play with DH gone? xD
Mandy has said in the past they wouldn't because killswitch is reserved for perks that are bugged only.
But also, you know what would happen? Survivors will run sprint burst instead and killers are going to have an even rougher time. I sure don't want 4 sprint bursts, especially when I'm playing a m1 killer.
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Would be interesting if they tried that stuff for a weekend I guess weekend test stuff was canned after the bloodlust one
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you can usually counter that with fearmonger and not everyone knows how to use sb correctly it requires more strategy to it than dh ever will. besides it's a change of meta it's welcomed even if it's still strong and opens the way for perks like lithe and overcome to be used more.
or they can figure out a nerf for dh that still makes it usable but not as braindead as press a button to outplay.
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You know what, if SB can make killers to have harder time, survivors are using it.
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Sprint Burst makes me laugh. DH is godlike in comparison. Mandy's excuse is not a good one.
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Since my biggest problem with DH is the fact that you can revert losing the mind game by pressing e I would gladly take sb instead. Sure using DH for distance sucks but I'm Okey with that we have movement tools to but the I frames make me mad.
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why is sprint burst a laugh? you can do gens in deadzones and sprint away to a safety tile.
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Sprint Burst takes more brain power to use even decently.
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Remember they killswitched bloodlust for a test
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Exactly. Kill switch DH BHVR. I bet you see a huge difference. While you're at it, kill switch NOED too. Tbh, neither of those should exist anyway.
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Because unlike something like Bloodlust which is a base mechanic present in every single game, they can already simply look at matches with any number of DH they want. From all 4 having it to no one having it, and everything in between.
And I know I know, "There's no matches with no DH!". We're not talking about the tens or hundreds of matches an individual or even group of individual players can gather data from here. We're talking a lot of matches.
EDIT: And oh, that's not even kill switch to begin with. Kill switch is for stuff that's just plain broken. Not "nooo thing is too strong" but "this map has an uncleansable/unsnuffable totem" or "this perk does something it doesn't even claim to be doing in the first place" Wake Up bug style.
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Still want it tested. To make DH not even an option for a week straight. :) They're too scared those Survivor #s would drop for 7 days in a row.
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If sprint burst was actually better than dead hard it would be used by a lot more survivors. I as a killer main do not see that many sprint bursts. I see 2 to 3 dead hards almost every match.
I think people say sprint burst is better to take away the focus from dead hard, which they know Is the best perk in the game.
Again, this is just my opinion. Play what ya want. 😄
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It's not that survivors won't play without the meta, it's that they can't.
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DH being the prime example of that. If they tested this it would undoubtedly show.
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That was way before killswitch. Pretty sure the disabling of bloodlust was back before All-Kill even came out.
Killswitch was introduced during the PTB for Hour Of The Witch. Killswitch specifically has only been used for things that are in a significantly bugged state (Object of Obsession, Wake Up, Nurse, etc) or maps that are in the process of being reworked (the only case is Haddonfield).
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Not that it even matters..
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Thank you for this!
Many people just can’t seem to see outside of their own narrow point of view…
also the devs already confirmed they will take a look at Dead Hard.
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What? I'm simply stating that killswitch was not what they did with the bloodlust experiment.
Bloodlust is a general Killer mechanic which applies to every Killer. Dead Hard is a Survivor Perk, not a basegame mechanic.
Realistically, the only reason they'd disable Dead Hard is if it somehow caused a crash, or something like that.
I'd love to see them prove us wrong and actually try it for a weekend, but I doubt it.
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Obviously everyone already got that. A redundant 2 cents...
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Once again someone does not understand the Killswitch. The Killswitch is used when things are broken and not functioning as they should. DH works as it should.
Furthermore, they dont need to disable a Perk to see results, they get plenty of information from Survivors who dont run Dead Hard. Bloodlust is a game mechanic, every trial has Bloodlust, so they had to disable it in order to gain Data.
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You guys are idiots. They could use the kill switch JUST BECAUSE IT EXISTS...to simply do a "disable DH test". I know it works.... This is all hypothetical. Everyone in here gets it. This is a so called "RULE" that the devs can easily break if they want to test it bad enough, which I doubt they will. In before 12 more people explain the same exact thing. It isn't going to make me want it any less... xD
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Oh, I am actually quite intelligent. But thanks I guess.
And nah, they would not call it killswitch. Because then we are at the point where they would killswitch stuff which works as intended. This would open the gates for players to ask for other things to be killswitched for whatever reason.
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I'd rather play against basekit Sprint Burst every match than dead hard....
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Whatever they would call it blah blah blah. The premise remains the same.
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We know that, doesn't change the fact they did it.
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It doesn't change the fact, but it adds a counterpoint.
They're not the same. Why is this hard to understand?
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Sprint Burst is significantly weaker, and has plenty of counters
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Oh please, they use it when they feel something is too broken. They don't apply it evenly.
Totem that cant be cleansed map killed.
Doors not spawning on Haddon fine.
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Doors not spawning on Haddonfield?
They... haven't implemented breakable walls yet?
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Im probably saying the wrong map, the school map then, Badham? The doors werent spawning for a week. The map was left in rotation.
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Badham's walls? Yeah, those were stupid, to be fair. I don't know why it took them so long for that.
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Why does my opinion matter to you so much?
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Sprint burst would have wrecked the whole game by then, everyone thinks DH is unfair, they just don't know Sprint Burst + Vigil.
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Because the devs have data on matches played without DH. Bloodlust was active at all times so it needed to actually be removed to test
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I'd kill to see what would happen if they disabled it for 3 days just to check the stats.
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Killswitch wasn't a thing, they tested removing bloodlust due to it being a mechanic that was added when loops were near impossible to beat as a killer. With loops being adjusted it was time to test the removal of bloodlust, and as it's still in the game it's probably safe to imply that the game isn't ready for it's removal just yet.
Why does testing the removal of a base mechanic that was added purely because loops were tough to deal with means they need to test disabling a perk. lol.
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He means Badham preschool, Haddonfield has been disabled for weeks, it took Badhams doors a week to be fixed and didn't make the game unplayable, I'd argue that un-cleansable totem spots also don't make the game unplayable but breaking totems is a base mechanic that can have very strong hex' on it.
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What exactly would a 'test' like this prove?
They've already said they're working on changes for it, we already know killers cry on the daily about it, what information would a 3 day test of removing Dead Hard actually do besides increase kill rates? lol.
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Then a no Exhaustion perk weekend.
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Having Sprint burst was always a 100% counter to the first attack of Spirit/Nurse.
Imagine if you did this 4 times per game. Imagine if everyone else did the same. That's at least 2 minutes of killer time wasted.
There's a very simple way to nerf DH. The doctor's shock effect adds a 2.5 second interrupt to all survivor actions. What if we added a 5 second action interrupt to DH. That would mean you can't DH to make a vault or pallet. That would greatly reduce the value of DH because it would prevent you from chaining extra tile elements in a chase. This would make it almost identical to Sprint Burst in that you can guarantee one attack to miss - instead of being able to loop for an extra 30 to 60 seconds because you can chain extra map tiles together.
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So my laptop crashed when replying earlier to a few of the other replies here and I kind of don't want to type it up again but I really don't think SB takes an incredible amount of skill to use properly either, and fearmongerer actually makes it easier to 99 as well if they are not in a dead zone (remember, it's only 5 seconds). I would be interested to see everyone saying they'd rather go against 4 sprint burst users who manage exhaustion properly, it really feels a lot worse and I find it interesting some of you don't think so. *shrugs*
I'd enjoy this actually since I am actually against exhaustion perks (other than adrenaline)- I actually don't use exhaustion perks anymore when I play survivor.. since I think june last year? But realistically, I don't think they'd do this anyways because the only ones that are really problems are dead hard and sprint burst.
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Damn, and survivors are allowed a no slow-down perk weekend as well?
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What about a killswitch NOED test then?
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I have 4.8k hrs (I started in September 18) and I only used DH for about a year. Since then, I did not use any Exhaustion perk on a regular basis (archive missions are an exception). I'm completely fine with all exhaustion perks except DH and maybe Sprintburst.
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it's not considered game breaking ya dummy
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That is debatable.
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That's how I use it, and often The Killer doesn't pursue me, especially when they lose line of sight.