Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Cascade of Insanity

Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89
edited April 2022 in Creations

New Killer: The Psycho "Michael Brooks"


Michael comes from a wealthy family. His parents have a house in Hillsborough, and he mentions a summer house in Long Beach. His parents divorced sometime earlier, while his mother became sick and now resides at a sanatorium. His father grew up on an estate in Beverly Hills, and now owns an apartment building in Los Angeles. Michael works at an investment firm which his father "practically owns", the business has many buildings around America. Michael attended Beverly Hills Unified School District for prep school. He graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Business School, and moved to New York City.

While being an investor, he is also a cold hearted psychopath at night, killing homeless people, prostitutes and even his co-workers. On the date

Physical Description

A sharp-looking, young urban professional. Roughly 27 years old and lives on the 41st floor of the Fifth Avenue Luxury Apartments of New York. Michael has a balanced diet and a morning routine consisting of exercise, showering and a low-fat breakfast, making him a strong and young looking man.

Power: Psychopathic Tendencies A mental state at it's lowest point can be the most dangerous.

Special Ability: Identity Theft

When Blending In, press the Attack button while in a locker to change your outfit, this will put you in a random survivor outfit. For example, Dwight's shirt and tie, your face will stay the same. This ability has a ten second cooldown.

Special Ability: Blend In Trick survivors by fitting in, act like them, do things that they would do.. Act, 'Normal'.

Optional: (Have the killer pop some pills to act normal, like antipsychotic medication)

Press and hold the power button toggle blending in. You cannot attack survivors in this mode. During this mode, you can -

* Hide in lockers, if a survivor tries entering the locker you're in. They scream and fall out of the locker in a dying state.

* Work on generators and decrease progress on the generator by 1% every second you're working on it.

* Walk as fast as a survivor, hold Shift to sprint as fast as a survivor, this includes fast and slow vaulting.

* Unlock chests and pick up items.

* The killers aura is secretly hidden to all aura reading effects.

* The killer becomes undetectable.


Addon Ideas

Iridescent: Knife Collection  Michael's collection of knives kept in lockers. When a survivor enters a locker you are in, instantly Mori them. (Mori Animation: A knife is inserted into the survivors back and they are kicked out of the locker.)

Iridescent: Hidden Pocket Mirror A hidden pocket mirror in your pocket to see around you. When you hit a survivor in a chase, all survivors in a 48 meter radius including the person you're chasing are revealed to the killer

"No Witnesses"

Very Rare: CokeX While Theatrics is toggled off, gain a 10% increase in movement speed and a 12% decrease to missed attacks when you hit a wall.

"240 grams of cocaine (80%), 30 grams of Viagra (10%) and 30 grams of Sugar (10%)"

Very Rare: Ball-Peen Hammer When in Theatrics mode, working on generators decreases progress by 30% in one blow, this has 6 uses.

Very Rare: Rohypnol A deep sedation drug known as a roofie. At the start of the trial, one survivor suffers from the Hindered Status Effect (-10% Speed), Exhausted Status Effect and Oblivious Status Effect. Female survivors have a 70% chance to be picked and Male survivors have a 30% chance to be picked.

Rare: Business Card  After toggling off Theatrics, survivors suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 90 seconds.

Common: Fake ID Switching outfits in a locker takes 20% less time.


Weapon Description:

A sharpened screwdriver made to look like a tool and be used as a weapon, this can be easily fit into a pocket.

Mori Description:

Michael crouches above the survivor and stabs them in the back six to seven times, Michael will have a smile on his face while doing it.


Teachable Perks

Hip New Music

Sidetrack survivors by talking about the newest and coolest album! When a survivor repairs a generator for longer than 26 seconds, gain the Undetectable status for as long as a generator is being repaired. The effect lingers for 15/30/45 seconds.

Voices In My Head

The entity amplifies the voices in your head, staying in a 24 meter radius of a survivor for 60/40/20 seconds creates a audio notification where the survivor is and shows their aura for 10 seconds.

Scourge Hook: Perfect Alibi

You always have a lie up your sleeve, 4 hooks are replaced with Scourge Hooks, each time a survivor is hooked, gain the undetectable status for 30/45/60 seconds.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Survivor: Henry Rhineback

Backstory: Henry came from a middle class family in Toronto, he had above average grades and went to Queen's University Law School, Henry moved to New York and became a successful private lawyer at 31. But when Henry was assigned to represent Michael Brooks, he had no winning chance, so he made up several lies to try to cover up the evidence. These lies did not fool the judge and Michael was sentenced to life in prison, while Henry's license was revoked. This put him in a position with no job and nothing to make his house payment on time. After a few months he was evicted from his home and broke. On a foggy night, Henry was on the street with very little money to pay for food, so Henry decided to walked to Brooklyn Bridge, he then got on the ledge, and jumped. But right before he was going unconsciously drown, the fog consumed him..

Description: Henry Rhineback is a 31 year old male Canadian, he has hazel eyes, brown hair and a goatee, typically wearing tucked shirts, black dress pants and well-shined black dress shoes.

His in-game outfit will look water-stained.

Teachable Perks

Give Up Recover 20%/40%/60% faster from exhaustion, every time a survivor gets hooked, your exhaustion recovery time slows down by 10%, the minimum being -30%

Lawyer's Prediction Start the trial with 1/2/3 tokens, press the ability button while interacting with a generator to use a token and put a mark on the object. Marked generators auras will be revealed to you, if the killer walks within 16 meters of the object, all survivors within 8 meters to you and yourself will see the killers aura. Destroyed generators will lose their mark.

Broken Man's Wrath When within 16 meters of the killer, press the ability button to let all your anger out and scream at the killer, if the killer hits you during this time, they will be stunned. Activating this perk causes the exhaustion status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Rough Draft of the Perk Icon:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Map: Brook's Financial Services (New York)

Description: It's a skyscraper in New York that has been abandoned for years due to the serial killer Michael Brooks, inside it, there is conference rooms, a "working" elevator which only goes to Floor 44 (Water Pressure Room), Floor 47 (Executive Offices) and Floor 50 (CEO's Office). Be careful to not fall on top of the elevator when it goes down, the doors take a bit of time to shut, there is a hole on the roof of the elevator to drop down in case that happens. And of course there is fire safety regulations so there will be stairs if you don't want to use the elevator, there's a lot of stairs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Killer Skins:

Very Rare: High-Risk Inmate

The second day in a supermax prison, he already has a shank. Shirt & Pants: Orange Jumpsuit with High-Security on the back along with a number 4219137 Face & Hair: A bit messy hair, his face is still the same. Weapon: Toothbrush Shank

Taking Suggestions

Survivor Skins:

Very Rare: Depressed Alcoholic Head: Greasy, unwashed brown hair. Black marks around his eyes, small signs of wrinkles around his face. Shirt: Navy blue blazer jacket, pulled unevenly to the left. A crooked light blue tie and a white button shirt underneath, all three have beer stains. Pants: Dark blue pants and black shoes, with 'beer stains' near the crotch area and down the pant legs.


Killer Terror Radius: 24m

Killer Base Speed: 4.4m/s

Killer Height: Average

This Killer is heavily inspired by American Psycho but I don't think they'll be getting the writes to the movie characters.

Chase Music: Something upbeat with a 1980's sound to it.

Please leave a comment if you'd like something to be changed/added, something is wrong, or if you like this idea.

Post edited by Ivory_Partnaite on


  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    Great Concept but SWF and Aura Reading perks would spell trouble for the killer.

  • Ivory_Partnaite
    Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89

    Is that a good thing or should I make it so killers can remove them? I had an idea while creating it where the perk allows you to put tiny flags in the ground but that wouldn't make that much sense for a lawyer, that's something a kid would do.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    You should add a blindness(to aura reading) effect for when you trigger Blend-in. so that your aura won't just pop out of nowhere to anyone who uses Bond or Kindred.

    Also add a penalty or debuff to survivors when they try to group up so they have to spread out in order to do anything.

  • Ivory_Partnaite
    Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89

    I thought I already put it so the killer is undetectable but I guess I just had the idea in my head but didn't type it, I also made it so Lawyers Prediction only works on generators and other survivors need to be within 8 meters of the survivor to see the killers aura.

    Another thing I did was make a rough draft of what the perk icon would be for Broken Man's Wrath.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    you need to block their aura reading because they'll see where the other 3 survivor is making you stand out(you're the only one without an aura), meanwhile if 4 of them stick together they'll easily suspect you're the killer.

  • Ivory_Partnaite
    Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89

    I mean.. I'm pretty sure they'd notice the killer by seeing his face. That's why he would need to hide his face, like this.

  • Ivory_Partnaite
    Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89

    I just found out that the developers said they wouldn't add anything like this. That's a shame.

  • Ivory_Partnaite
    Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89

    I changed the perk Hip New Music because it was too similar to Beast of Prey, it now grants the Undetectable status after a survivor has done a quarter of a generator.

  • Ivory_Partnaite
    Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89

    Wire Tap = Lawyer's Prediction Start the trial with 1/2/3 tokens, press the ability button while interacting with a generator to use a token and put a mark on the object. Marked generators auras will be revealed to you, if the killer walks within 16 meters of the object, all survivors within 8 meters to you and yourself will see the killers aura. Destroyed generators will lose their mark.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    While having a killer that can "blend in" with survivors sounds neat on paper, it just opens up a whole bunch of problems that can't be solved without completely restructuring the game. If you scroll through the ideas people make that are similar to this concept, you'll find they all have similar problems.

    Legion was likely to be sort of similar to this, but early in development they found those problems and had to change things up completely.