Gen rushing is still a problem



  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 260

    "the killer can not be four places at once."-tru3ta1ent

  • Sylhiri
    Sylhiri Member Posts: 178

    Game can snowball pretty fast. Gotta focus on gens while the killer chases the same poor bugger until death.

  • Travis_Bateman
    Travis_Bateman Member Posts: 279

    People are so hypocritical here,talking about camping/tunneling/slugging being boring but when its the other side then its okay lol

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694
  • Erd69
    Erd69 Member Posts: 221

    But I lost 3 gens in 4 mins with quick downs on a small map so maybe I'm bad?

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    Well that’s a long ass time to be chasing someone so of course you’re probably gonna lose multiple gens.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Welcome to Survivor-Life, where the developers have only given us 2 meta changing perks in the past 4 years. And where we're forced to play either Decisive Strike and/or Borrowed Time because those are the only way to counter Tunneling and Camping.

  • Erd69
    Erd69 Member Posts: 221

    Gens will go fast anyway and the only explanation people here in the forums got is that you're bad lol

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2022

    I feel like corrupt and BT should both be standard and not perks.

    It would need other balancing though as it essentially would give 4 extra perks to survivors and only one to killer.

    Also hex's could do with something like corrupt on them.

  • Erd69
    Erd69 Member Posts: 221

    Did you miss the part where I said "quick downs " if you applied logic, how do I get quick downs if I only chase one person for a long time?

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,872

    I wouldn't say fine, but gens aren't totally busted.

    You shouldn't have to run 2-3 gen perks on many killers (and Corrupt is a virtual necessity on some killers), but if you do, you can mitigate gen rushing enough to give you a chance. But you have to be smart, drop chases that go on too long, pick your gens and pressure them.

    I know when I get blitzed and lose, it's almost always because either because the surv team brought an insane toolbox array I had no real hope of countering, or because I screwed up, usually because I didn't consider gen locations or drop chases to pressure gens, or ran a stupid aggressive build.

    I do think some tweaks are advisable, like decreasing the amount of time it takes to kick a gen, and/or increasing the time it takes for survs to "tap" a gen (the differential between the time it takes a killer to kick a gen and the time it takes for a surv to stop that regression is stupid). Or increase regression speed, and have a kick immediately regress the gen like 10%.

    But I think the time it takes to complete a gen, uninterrupted, is largely fine.

  • YoungFang
    YoungFang Member Posts: 2

    I think gen speeds need to be addressed. Yes, certain maps are awful and need to either be changed or outright removed to make the games there any fun. The fact that survivors can complete 2-3 gens in the time it takes to find, injure, and down one survivor that is competent with effective loops is unbalanced in the extreme. I understand that increasing gen times would be particularly punishing in certain instances, such as a 3 gen situation and that it would make perks like Pop Goes the Weasel more powerful. I feel that such a change is needed if the game is to continue holding the interests of people playing killer, rather than leaving killers feeling like they are signing up to be punished. Certain killers are completely unusable with the current state of the game solely due to the gen rush gameplay. With the additions of boon totems, killers have been given extra tasks that need to be accomplished (often several times) in a match. Meanwhile, survivors are able to continue focusing on one objective and finish the game in under five minutes if they are more skilled. Before someone points out hex totems as an exception to this, yes they can be an additional task, but they rarely do much to counter gen rushes. Such things are only meaningful if the killer is running noed and survivors DON'T slow down to do hexes, or has a significantly powerful hex that takes priority over the gen rush.

    To address someone's earlier point: If there is a perk (Corrupt Intervention) that is so utterly required to prevent gen rushes that you have to use it every game to prevent public humiliation, it should be part of the base kit and not take up a perk slot.

    Those of you who want to name certain streamers and say "Look at them. They don't have a problem.": Be realistic. If you think every player is going to be on top tier streamer's levels, you aren't even trying to be honest. A mid tier to high tier survivor lobby (not even always SWF) can complete all of the gens and open the gates in 4-5 minutes via gen rush without toolboxes. The reality is that BHVR has provided many killers that are so sub-par that they aren't worth using in any games that the killer isn't ready to throw. The fact that there are perks that are necessary for killers to bring to make the match last more than 4 minutes is an absolute travesty.

    As awful as this is to say, I want to see BHVR make changes that make killers scary again. Right now the state of the game is such that ending up on certain maps, seeing certain killers, or failing to see killers bring certain perks results in survivors laughing at them and congratulating themselves on their escape before the first two minutes of the match are complete. This is supposed to be a horror game. This is not supposed to be a parody of how to bully horror icons.

  • Erd69
    Erd69 Member Posts: 221

    They don't need toolboxes to do gens fast but it is overkill. The issue is the objective and all you have to do is hold a button and that's enough to make the killer sweaty and nervous or even have anxiety. The problem is gen speed and I don't blame most my losses on me unless I actually did play bad like missing many swings or getting stuck on objects alot etc

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    Gen speeds should never change, it’s already boring enough holding M1.

  • YoungFang
    YoungFang Member Posts: 2

    What solution would you then present to fix the abusive gen rush that exists now? Don't just shut it down, come up with something better. Additionally, don't just say "leave it as it is". People are in here discussing the problem and possible fixes that could be implemented. It's not even a question of whether the problem exists; anyone who plays killer for more than three games realizes how unbalanced the game is via gen rushing. Try to be helpful rather than just slamming a proposed solution.

  • Wendygo
    Wendygo Member Posts: 114

    I mean. What else are you supposed to do? You kill to fast. "Tunneling" you do gens which the game is built around doing "Gen rushing". Literally no one is ever happy. If you get Gen rushed learn to play around it, what can you do for perk wise as killer to slow them down. Dead man's switch, eruption, corrupt intervention, and thrilling temors is a really good slow Gen build. Puts allot of pressure and minimizes allot of the gens you normally have to look. Give it a shot! Helps with a mobile killer too.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    Bad Maps helps with Gen rushing, couple that with slow m1 killers, There's no real gen defense aside from Corrupt intervention.

  • CoolConnor96
    CoolConnor96 Member Posts: 164

    With a very efficient survivor team yes the generators can be done extremely fast. Which is why as killer you really need to play tactically and yes sometimes scummy in order to put pressure on the survivors and stop them doing gens as fast.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    I wouldn’t do anything because gen speeds are not the problem.

  • Posh_xp
    Posh_xp Member Posts: 18

    I just wanted to remind you that there isn't a way you are supposed to play. Those are fake "rules" forged by the community to make winning easier for themselves. Don't fall for it, play in whatever way makes you win the most or allows you to have the most fun. It's the dev's responsibility to make sure both sides are having fun when both sides are trying as hard as possible, not yours.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's very risky on Hag who needs to set up and not have survivors running towards her.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Gen Spawns, Survivor Spawns

    So basically Maps are an issue

    80 seconds per Gen minimum isn't all that much... Great Skillchecks, working with other Survivors, Bringing Toolboxes make it take less time to do a Gen