Worst thing to happen to you in the middle of a match

What's the worst thing that happened to you in the middle of a match and nothing like your power or internet cut out I mean stuff like your door bell rang and you had to answer it that kind of stuff.
Batteries dying mid chase against a myers doing evil incarnate sorry for giving him tier 3 lol
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Spilling a drink
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My cat deciding that he needs to be let out NOW, and won't stop screaming. Just so he can step out the door, sit on the rug, and cry to be let back in.
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I once downed a survivor by a window, then went to pick them up and it totally glitched making me vault the window instead. I vaulted the window so hard it DCd me immediately afterwards. Weirdest thing...
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My desk broke once midmatch
That was a mild distraction
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The realization that every second of my precious time could've been used elsewhere. (proceeded to uninstall)
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Cat jumping on the keyboard/controller. Cliche, but will ruin a match every time. Especially if they land a paw on just the right button.
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another one
I accidentally spewed a giant gulp of water on my TV mid match
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Hot woman delivering my order
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I lied. I accidently vaulted a window instead of picking up a survivor and DCd out of embarrassment. I still lie awake thinking about it.
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I started lagging super bad while I was struggling so I died right in front of my teammate coming to unhook me because I couldn’t do the skill checks. Yeah we 100% lost because of that and I felt so bad.
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My pet rat chewed through my ethernet cable. Also I was losing and on haddonfield which made it look even more like a ragequit 😥 I didn't even bother trying to convince the survivors what happened because it would sound extremely made up
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My headset cord got stuck between the wheels of my chair and so when I backed up I pulled on the cord and it bent the usb till it broke and so I had to play and entire match deaf and order a new one. That headset didn't work either so I had to send it back and get a new one.
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So we had 1 person slugged, 1 person hooked and 1 person getting chased by the slasher, right? It's up to me to save the day.
Lights flicker and my monitor turns off, but I can still hear the game and I'm still in it. I can't hear very well and my character was injured.
Through sheer map memory (it helps it was a corn map, but not the one that's just a shack in the middle of miles of corn) I unhooked a survivor and picked up the slugged survivor. Fortunately the lights came back on 30 seconds later. We escaped.
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Microsoft based screen updates/Windows Updates
Power Going out/Power Surge
Cat pulling the Ethernet cable outta the router(Yes it happens)
Finally had my CPU actually shoot sparks due to a misplaced screw fried my CPU and GPU
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IRL problems such as sick family members and getting really, really bad news.
It doesn't matter how macho you are - some news just can't be taken properly in the middle of a match.
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Mad case of random morning sickness, mid chase and couldn't mute....
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Having a impressively great loop n getting the “stuck on the hill” glitch🙄
Once had a suuperr bad muscle cramp in my foot from inadvertently putting my entire body into a intense chase, n physically leaning into every lunge attack, that I had to lose the chase and the match just to massage it out, smh😅
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UPS ringing my doorbell with my new monitor, unfortunately for that game I had to AFK. To my surprise, The Doctor was pretty nice, he didn't kill me and because of my AFK started farming with everyone.