Legion Ski--I mean... Suzie skins...


So OBIOUSLY I love Legion--psyched for their update, yay--but I gotta say their skins are kind of a big fat BUMMER because really Legion is 4 characters in ONE, and it makes the odds of getting a cool skin even less for the one you like to play as. I love playing as Julie. I honestly can't stand the whole "uwu i didnt WEALLY wanna stab him..." Suzie story, and she gets ALL the cool skins and has way more stans than i can understand or tolerate. She gets the new year skin, the cyper punk skin, the killer kitty skin... and even Joey gets really cool skins with his hi-vis and mecha mask skin. JOEY AND SUZIE EVEN GET THE HOLIDAY SKINS!??! Frank gets THE ultimate blight skin and Julie gets.... nothing. Literally bottom of the barrel crap.

All the other characters have bunny suits, so that doesnt really count because one--its a gag bunny suit that they all get and the only differs in color and how the model stands--and the ONLY other skin she "only"(because frank also has it) gets is the party crasher skeleton skin--and honestly that one sucks for her, at least on Frank his whole body is painted(because no tetas).

It just sucks. Legion already is a pretty under-skinned killer, for being out so long, and getting a DECENT skin for the one member of Legion you play is even harder. Dead by daylight devs seem to favor sad little girls--I took a look at their killer roster and pretty much EVERY female killer is a tragic one(imo) save for like 2(Julie and Pig).

Apparently a female killer who LIKES to do it, just aint worth their time.

I know this comes off as super whiney--but this kinda is a sore topic for me because all my mains are just WILDLY under-skinned. I play Jeff and Bill as my survivors. Bill has ONE skin(unless you manage to unlock his secret one in the rift) and Jeff is arguably one of the least played survivors in game. (oH jUsT pLaY a NeW mAiN--Not all of us wanna be bunny-ear Feng Mins, ok.)

Anyone else feel like this? Damn, Twins got it bad too but at least they share all their skins....

