What are your favorite off-meta builds?

Although playing off-meta can be difficult in the times of MMR, I still feel that it's important to sometimes take a break from the meta perks and enjoy some unique builds.
For me, I like using a massive terror radius build on Doc or looting builds for survivor. Pallet shredder builds with killers like Bubba, Nemy, Blight, and even Legion are also lots of fun.
What off-meta builds do you enjoy using? Hopefully this post can inspire people to be more creative with the perks they bring :)
As survivor: Counterforce/Repressed Alliance/Slippery Meat/Lithe. Counterforce to help find and cleanse totems, Repressed Alliance to block gens when needed, Slippery Meat because my teammates usually never help, and Lithe to extend chases.
As killer: Merciless Storm/Dead Man's Switch/Deadlock/Corrupt Intervention. Basically blocking gens a lot.
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Fixated, Botany, Stakeout, Parental Guidance
Empathic Connection, Autodidact, BT, WGLF
Counterforce, FTP, Overcome, BT
DS, FTP, Deliverance, Vigil (if killers use deli as a DS tracker they’ll eat the DS because they’ll pick up too soon)
Resilience, Selfcare, Botany, Desperate Measures (if everyone is injured you selfcare at nearly normal healing speed!)
DH, BL, Shadow Step, Dark Theory (this is pretty much the only time I ever run dead hard)
Plague - Plaything, Thana, Thrill of the Hunt, Pentimento
Myers - Fire Up, Bamboozle, Corrupt, Brutal
Vanity Mirror Myers: vanity mirror + dead rabbit; Lerys offering; Monitor, Surge, Devour Hope, Undying
Wraith - double shadow dance; Pop, Call of Brine, Eruption, and either Oppression, Dragon’s Grip, or Overcharge (this one isn’t really as off-meta but still different)
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i tend to only ever run agitation, mad grit, iron grasp, and that one perk where you can see survivors auras at the start of the match(i forget the name tbh) it only works like half the time but its funny to see over aultruistic survivors punished.
as for survivor I tend to do some form of mettle of man build to give myself another objective of some sort as games go to quick if you just focus on gens if you know what you are doing
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Kindred, Bond, Open Handed (4th could be Windows of Opportunity, an exhaustion perk or whatever you want)
Sprint Burst, Fixated, Vigil, Spine Chill
Lithe, Dance With Me, Quick and Quiet, Iron Will
My current solo queue build is Kindred, Sprint Burst, Counterforce and Rookie Spirit. I think it helps a lot with the weak aspects of playing by yourself, focused on your inability to communicate with your teammates and trying to be as efficient as possible on gens, unhooks, totems. And Sprint Burst just helps you extend chases and avoid surprise hits.
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Not using it myself, but id like to be a speed demon and have Lithe, Sprint Burst and Overcome together.