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Lovercraft Killer

Pantalono Member Posts: 4

I'm creating a killer for a mod in DBD and I still don't know if it is well balanced, maybe too strong, maybe too weak, at the moment I only have his special hability and his 3 special perks.

The Cultist:

Prediction: With right click you can activate prediction hability wich makes a random survivor and you see each others auras for 3 seconds.


Scourge hook, Chosen of the Great Old One: Even in control of the entity The Cultist still remembers his god, at the start of the trial,  4 random hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks, auras of the scourge hooks are revealed you in white, when two survivors are hooked in a scourge hook (Not at the same time necessarily) the rest of the players will scream viewing horrible visions, their aura will be revealed by 8 seconds, they will be paralyzed for 5 seconds and exposed for 2.

The one who shall not be named: Each time a survivor is unhooked or healed he receives a madness token when a survivor has 3 tokens they will say the name, they will become your obsession, their aura will be revealed by 2 seconds, for the rest of the trial (While no other player said the name) the survivor will be permanently exposed, if the survivor is hooked he will automatically be sacrificed (Even if it is the first time).

Driving into madness: Each time a survivor is unhooked the survivor screams getting paralyzed for 1 second and his aura revealed for 3 seconds.


  • Pantalono
    Pantalono Member Posts: 4

    I had a mistake, the Prediction hability actually has a cooldown, you need to hurt the shown player for it to recharge.

  • Pantalono
    Pantalono Member Posts: 4

    This would probably be how it look but one arm should be a tentacle (For weapon)

  • Underwear_Model
    Underwear_Model Member Posts: 97

    Scourge Hook: Chosen of the Great Old One: This perk would instantly become META. Especially if 2 were hooked at the same time or even 3 when this procs, the rescuer is completely screwed. The exposed would only come into play rarely since there is only 2 seconds for the killer to find them (this will happen though as some survivors will get close to the hooks to prepare for an unhook and hide), but 8 seconds of aura with 5 seconds paralyzed will allow for a free hit in a ton of situations and a guaranteed chase when they might be the last hope for the team.

    The One who shall not be named: This one is interesting. I like that it would require a team to rotate tanking the killer to prevent too many heals. Still feels too oppressively powerful to not be a Hex. I guess it's a little better since they aren't moriable.

    Driving into madness: This is essentially a nerf to Borrowed Time, which exists to prevent the exact tunneling that this perk seemingly promotes.

    I want to include that I play Killer/Survivor 50/50 and have almost 1,000 hours in game. I'm not trying to be survivor sided. I do really like Lovecraftian Horror, and a killer would be great to see!

  • Pantalono
    Pantalono Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for all the feedback! I must admit that I don't have much experience with the game, it's a very good idea to change The One who shall not be named into a Hex power, i didn't thought about that.The perk of Scourge Hook: Chosen of the Great Old One will be nerfed and I will do a thing that I think no perk has yet, at the star of the trial, only two of the totems are Scourge hooks, also the times have been reduced to aura reveal 4 seconds paralyzed 1 and exposed 2. To buff a little bit Driving into madness now the player will have the Oblivious status effect for 10 seconds (Maybe is too much).

    Also I made a google document for the people to see how it would be (I didn't started programming yet) it will be edited into the last patch I made. Here is the link:

  • Ivory_Partnaite
    Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2022

    The special ability doesn't seem that good, especially because the random survivor can see him. It just seems like Object of Obsession but for the killer. Maybe if the random survivor couldn't see the killers aura and the random survivor becomes exposed. Or maybe an added Special Attack that allows the killer to summon tentacles from somewhere and attack survivors. Also, "Hability", you might want to fix that.