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It is heartwarming how survivors generously don't use SB even though it is better than DH

In all the DH threads, survivors have most graciously pointed out that SB is so much better for them than DH.

I never realized how 70% or 80% of survivors are deliberately using an inferior perk, to give us killers a chance! From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Or...wait. How many of you own monocles and Victorian fainting couches? Hold them tight and pull them near, respectively, because I've heard another theory:



DH is actually much, much better than SB for many reasons explained at length, and survivors' dire warnings about using SB are a bad faith deflection to avoid a DH nerf!

Which is more likely, friends?

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  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited April 2022


    Although I suppose in a weird sense, I kind of do this. I do not use DH because it is so frustrating to deal with as killer that I feel just...dirty using it as a survivor (I use Lithe instead).

    But yes, anyone who is actually arguing that Sprint Burst is superior to Dead Hard either has no idea how to actually use DH and they keep slamming themselves into a brick wall every time they try to use it or they are lying (OK, I suppose there are probably a handful of users who actually do believe SB is the best Exhaust perk somehow but hey, if that's what they prefer to use, then as a killer I 100% endorse their decision).

    Or they're Meg in real life and therefore have a biased view on the perk, in which case, I did not realize they had computers in the realm and I suggest they use them to try to contact someone rather than go on the DBD Forums.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    I prefer using SB because it makes dangerous spots less threatening.

    At least with SB, once the killer catches up to the survivor, it's fair game. The killer shouldn't expect a dash to give the survivor the distance they need.

    With DH, survivors can make a mistake and recover from it. Heck, they can even stay in the same loop and keep you occupied in the same area until you're close and OOP- DH into the pallet...

  • Member Posts: 353

    Sprint Burst is the better perk by a mile. Can use it while healthy, It gets you outta deadzones, and provides you much more distance, and can't be baited out. No clue why people use dead hard over it. Probably because you get the choice of using it when you want while injured.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Dead Hard has a lot more flexibility which is why it gets used more. But Dead Hard is only as strong as the tile the survivor is on.

    Dead Hard does nothing if the survivor is out in the open whereas Sprint Burst is useful no matter where the survivor is.

    The other thing with Dead Hard is that it's just a more fun perk to use.

  • Member Posts: 353

    I believe the only reason dead hard is used more than sprint burst is for Nurse and blight. These killers are the only two that actually counter sprint Burst. Other than that IMO sprint Burst is better in all other situations.

  • Member Posts: 32

    SB is better than DH in very situational situations. DH is just the safer option to bring to your kit.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    It is absolutely not better and I have no clue why people say it. The only thing I can think of is that a YouTube man said it once and everyone is repeating it like an urban legend.

  • Member Posts: 2,418


    everything DH has been talked completely to death anymore, so much to the point where even though I never used the perk more than a handful of times to begin with, I now absolutely refuse to use it... just like I refuse to watch Avatar after the obscene amount of chatter surrounding the film, and the fact that it felt unappealing.

    anyway, since I use Balanced and it’s already had its nerf, I won’t be feeling any remorse or woe after DH gets thrashed... I don’t ever see OoO anymore & I never used that perk either, before or after it was gutted.

  • Member Posts: 308

    Sprint Burst requires more brain power to use effectively. You can just wing it with DH and still come out on top with basic W toward pallet aim.

  • Member Posts: 421

    They want to use DH not because it's the safest perk to use, but because they like to use it to dab on killers. "Oh you thought you got me because I made a mistake? Sorry, let me press E, better luck next time"

    In order to use SP you need to play safe and respect the killer, and respecting the killer is something survivors have an almost alergic reaction to (which is why the hate Nurse so much, but that's neither here nor there)

    They don't want to be safe, they want to make the killer miss his hit and then laugh at him. They want to make the killer look like an idiot for their YouTube compilations.

    SP is the better perk for safety, but DH is the perfect perk for bullying. No wonder it's used by 46% of survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    DH allows me to play a lot more aggressive-- especially with a good team, which is more fun. SB is a better and and safer perk, but more boring because you play more cautiously and with a different mindset. I'd much rather try to make ballsy plays at the risk of dying more because I don't like playing all that safe if I can help it.

    With the exception of the strongest killer players, you don't even need exhaustion perks to win against them.. so that should tell you the state of DBD balance at the high end. A good group of survivors can do just fine without DH or SB.

  • Member Posts: 5,762
  • Member Posts: 659

    So what you're saying is you want me to run DH instead of SB? Fine twist my arm

  • Member Posts: 353

    Sorry but not everyone agrees as in this post it proves its more of a 5050 split.

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited April 2022

    DH makes you invulnerable and can be used at any point if injured. You have to micro manage exhaustion with SB (so you have to be inefficient walking sometimes). It also doesn't give invulnerability.

    SB requires more skill to use in a chase and can be used to deter a killer from initiating a chase all together but I'd still say DH is much better.

    DH also lets you go through traps and allows for extra 50/50**(ish?) mindgames which takes it to another level.

    **What I mean by this is that if you're at a bad downed pallet (or even a window TL), you can basically guarantee the killer will eventually swing for you if you don't vault after a mindgame or 2. Once they start their lunge, deadhard into the pallet and vault it. They can predict this if they are really aware but the odds are they will lunge.

  • Member Posts: 939
    edited April 2022

    I use Lithe instead.

    I'll show myself out and sit with the mediocre survivors lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    I think the big difference is that DH is just annoying.

    sprint burst can deny a chase.

    dead hard can deny a down.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    It's more like, they're pointing out what killers will complain about next after they get DH nerfed (Sprint Burst).

    Seriously, if and when DH gets nerfed or gutted survivors will move to SB or Overcome and then there will be complaint threads about those.

    I like to think Balanced Landing, Lithe and Smash Hit are fine but there's definitely a group of killers out there who just hate exhaustion perks period.

  • Member Posts: 305

    Yeah, it's pretty obvious with how strong people try to defend it, even being someone who mostly plays survivor now, I just can't get over the fact that people are like this trying to make people think they are using it over the kindness of their hearts lol. to put it into perspective it's like saying an all slowdown blight is using all slow down out of the kindness of their heart and not just picking it because its the meta. and yes, survivors do use meta perks same as all slowdown blights so they win more. the only difference is that since killers are rewarded for diverse perks on different killers all slowdown killers arent in every single match you play lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    Yeah I actually feel kinda bad for poor nurses and blights, so I’m rather using dead hard over sprint burst to give them a chance! 🥴

  • Member Posts: 673

    You wrote exactly what I was trying to type out perfectly and more concise, so thanks for saving me an essay

  • Member Posts: 517

    100% Agree. One other thing I'd like to add about DH that doesn't get mentioned much

    SB usually wastes a few seconds of a killer's time (killer starts chase, then ends it after seeing the survivor zoom away). DH can easily waste an extra 30+ seconds when used properly mid-chase. Particularly brutal when it's used in the first chase, because it all but guarantees that 3 gens are gunna pop if the survivors are efficient

  • Member Posts: 571

    sprint burst can be better than DH, especially against insta down killers such as bubba in a dead zone. its just that DH is always more reliable and in your control.

  • Member Posts: 3,139
    1. You cant have sprint burst on demand 100% of the time you want to use it
    2. If you wanted to have a sprint burst ready for in the middle of every chase you would need to throw the game and force a chase with the killer
  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Indeed, its truly heart warming and just shows how nice our community really is!

  • Member Posts: 309

    Overall DH is a better perk. I have used both SB and DH extensively and ever since validation I believe DH is superior (Before this I would have said SB).

    Simply putting it, its just more flexible. Its even better when ur in a 4 man comp team (which I tried both in this setting as well) and when you basically know where the killer is at all times you don't need SB as you have plenty of time to prepare for a killer's approach.

    In the wispy tournament basically no one ran SB which sells me on it more. But overall I see way way more DHs than SBs in normal play since even in a non-comp setting on average (especially with the higher tier killers being seen more) DH does better in these pub scenarios (unless ur running into a bunch of bubbas or hillbillys).

    As a killer I would much rather face 4 SBs than 4 DHs since I know I don't have to wait a lunge and there is even a chance the SB might have been used up just moving across the map (even really good SB users wont be walking everywhere and will have it expended sometimes).

  • Member Posts: 143
    edited April 2022

    SB can't be used on reaction to nurse teleports and blight rushes, SB can't be used to pass through hatchets, death slinger harpoons, and trickster knives. SB doesn't cause Victor to eat ######### and get kicked, Sprint burst doesn't let you run over traps, etc.

    Sprint burst doesn't invalidate killers using their powers or outsmarting survivors like dead hard does. Dead hard for distance is just one part of the puzzle that makes it infuriating to play against.

  • Member Posts: 566

    It's practically my go to Anti-Nurse build, where i can just lose the Nurse in the first 20 seconds of the chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,377
    edited April 2022

    Dead Hard might be better but I personally prefer the advantages Sprint Burst gives.

    99% Sprint Burst is also super fun to do,esp with my Fixated and Vigil build.

  • Member Posts: 134

    You have no idea how many free hits a killer gets when they find a survivor on a gen. SB will get je to a loop before the killer can get that ez first hit. Survivors will also pre-run to loops if they don't have dead hard. You're clueless if you think SB is below DH

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I think it has more to do with victims of strategy guides. Most players either watch a streamer or look up what's considered the best. Instead of using the stuff and finding out themselves. So if something goes under the radar, the mass opinion is "if everyone isn't using it, than it must be weak".

  • Member Posts: 566
    edited April 2022

    Both are wrong though, What every survivor doesn't understand is DH fails where SB doesn't

    You could use sprint burst to bait a hit and get to a safe location far from the gens your team is doing saving some time to finish your gen.

    You can do gens everywhere without risking dying in a dead zone and far from where your teammates can unhook you,

    You can save gens from PGTW and PR if you're far away enough from white hooks and gen in progress.

    You can cover a lot of distance which is enormous if you're trying to unhook or take protection hits.

    Killers will take a lot more time to get a down and snowball if you get to a safe loop far away from any gens.

    SB can break LOS without the need for Iron will which is enormous against Nurse and Spirit players.

    Wraith and Oni wouldn't be able to get a free hit and will suffer in huge maps with good loops.

    The list goes on but its all the same. It's easier to use and no need to always be injured and with vigil I can use it ever 30 second.

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    You're trying to convince a person who even thinks Lithe is better than Dead Hard. All Dead Hard is - is a gap closer, and a moment of invulnerability. That creates a very small window where that perk is used skillfully, but rather only get's used when the Killer out play's you, you make a mistake with distance, or need a free health state (which is usually because you lacked the skill to avoid the situation your in - in the first place). It's a second chance perk. It's only strength is giving bad survivors freebies, and that's why it's so commonly used. However players that have skill, map awareness, and can apply that knowledge and skill to their perks shows in perks like Lithe, and Sprint Burst where you control your status conditions, distance, and positioning - without going into a big lengthy description.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Everyone here talking about DH and SB, meanwhile I'm having the time of my life, knowing people already forgot Overcome exists

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    Most of your arguments are just about whether or not it's skilful to use or not, that's not the point. The point is its better. You're also acting like a killer will never eventually catch a skilful player - this is not true. Which is why when they are about to end the chase (even if it has already "skilfully" lasted 3 mins), dead hard is there to extend it further.

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    There are plenty of survivors who don't get touched at all with no perks.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Sprint Burst is the better Perk. As already said, it makes every area safe. This does not apply to DH. And in some games you have to be in unsafe areas to do a specific Gen and DH does not help at this point.

    The main reason why Sprint Burst is not used as often is because most people probably dont want to bother with 99ing their Exhaustion or walking instead of running for some time of the Match.

    I recently used Sprint Burst on the new Survivor, because I did not have any Perks from my usual Loadout while prestiging, and it is such a strong Perk. But I would not use it normally, because as others, I dont really bother with 99ing it.

    If DH gets nerfed, you will see that Survivors will adapt and more will use Sprint Burst in a smart way. And Killers will complain that it is frustrating that Survivors can sit on a Gen until the very last second before running away with 0 danger. Or that a Survivor running away with Sprint Burst does not mean a slightly longer chase (like with DH), but probably no chase at all, because they are too far away.

  • Member Posts: 566

    if only it wasn't an exhaustion perk then it would have been huge lol

  • Member Posts: 241

    DH extends the chase against Nurse by 5 seconds, something SB cannot do.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    Situations where Sprint Burst is better than Dead Hard

    1. You hear the heartbeat and run in the other direction. (Basically stopping chases before they begin which means the killer wasted all that time coming over to the gen. You can't do that with Dead Hard)
    2. You wait for the killer to get near enough that they have to commit to a chase then use it. (If your good at chases, this allows you to reach, normally unreachable bad chase spots of killers, such as the killer shack).
    3. You are on the hook and have a tunneling killer, this allows you to Sprint Burst away from the hook and can counter tunneling. (Dead Hard might be the second best at this, since you can use it off hook but Sprint Burst outshines Dead Hard).
    4. Allows you to safely do gens in Dead Zones. (Dead Hard is worthless here)
    5. Against 1 hit down killers, Sprint Burst will allow you to get to a safe area, while you won't even have Dead Hard because you'll be a full heal.

    Here's What Dead Hard Gives you

    1. Fixes Mind game mistakes
    2. Can dodge one-hit downs if you are injured
    3. Is more interactive for survivors which makes it more fun for survivors.

    I use Sprint Burst almost exclusively and despise using Dead Hard. I really think Dead Hard is all hype and prefer several other exhaustion perks over Dead Hard. I would say Sprint Burst is by far, the most versatile exhaustion perk. But Dead Hard definitely gives you the endorphin rush as survivor, when you use it.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    It's better than SB. Overcome has DH's biggest strength, being able to loop normally. Unlike every other Exhaustion Perk, Overcome and Dead Hard allow the Survivor to play normally

  • Member Posts: 421

    Slippery Slope is literally a textbook fallacy for a very good reason.

  • Member Posts: 176

    Sprint burst is very good in the right hands, I use it for getting out of tunnels as well, but if you don’t know the map well enough I’d stick with dh just because bumping into to random things or hitting a dead end you never knew was there it helps a lot.

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