General Discussions

General Discussions

To All Pig Mains

I want to say that I am sorry that your killer is being used to be such a troll. To anyone who thinks that putting the traps and then standing in front a box to try and get a 1k is fun I ask why? I feel bad for the pig mains because this will eventually cause something to happen where she nerfed. I hope that the trap on head addon is not removed but instead for all the idle afk pig turds cause the key to be moved after a certain amount of time if they are standing in front of a box and if I have been to all others and need that one an new box lights up and that one de-actives. The pig who plays a proper game is already at a disadvantage to SWF's because at her core she is an M1 killer. If you care about killers maybe its time to stop the meme before you screw over the people who really play her. 🤷‍♂️ Play how you like but doing this will make a change that really didn't need to happen. As a survivor when you see a trap on you head before doing any gens make sure she is not just standing in front of a box so you don't screw over a teammate or get your self screwed over.

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  • I’ve been killed more by teammates standing in front of boxes than pigs.

  • Member Posts: 421

    Pigbowl is fun because it, unlike what's usually claimed, does have counterplay. It requires the survivors to 99 5 gens, then immediately leave in order for the doomed guy to escape through the hatch. If more than one person needs the blocked box, someone needs to kill themselves in order to free the other guy. Nobody can make them do it, so it's entirely in the hands of the survivors who leaves and dies. Make your choice.

    It's the closest to an actual SAW trial as you can get, which is why it's so soulful. People should enjoy it for what it is and stop whining about it, it's not like it's a good strategy for the Pig anyway since she's spending 9K in addons for at best a 2K in BPs if someone dies. Even less if everyone escapes. That alone severely limits how often somebody is likely to get Pigbowled, which makes it even more of a winging for winging's sake. It's NEVER gonna be a problem for anyone in any significant capacity.

  • Member Posts: 246

    Sure but the point of loading a match on DbD and not some SAW trail is that you expect to get chased by the killer... If you find it fun go for it but as it does not actually go with the intention of how the game is meant to be played it is actually not fun. You are right there are counters but lets face it if you are solo que and the survivors have never seen this trash play or just don't care about others they will do their gen and move on. AFKing is code of conduct as it blocks normal play. At the end of the day the more the trash play is used the more likely the nerf hammer will hit the pig again. Keep playing like this and I can't wait the here the killer mains who do not play pig because she truly is a weak killer gets nerfed and they will WHINE because yet another killer gets nerfed. In the past weekend I had 5 trails with this type of pig. It was annoying when you ran into it 1 or 2 times in as many or more weeks but now people are doing it just for the meme. So I will say it again to the pig mains I am sorry that people who think its funny to possibly ruin the game play of others might ruin your killer once more. Play how you want but know that the fact that you had to add the addition that one may have to suicide for the other means that this could possibly mean that there is no true counter as you seem to think there is. Kill=Skill and all that lol.

  • Member Posts: 246

    Yeah I feel that and this trash play isn't hyper common because it is locked behind and Iri addon but its the enough to be annoying. Teammates can suck if you are solo or have a rando on the team because they are out for them self.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    The only thing they really need to do is just re-work Video Tape, as it's clear to me that the re-work for that specific add-on was a complete bust. Making the box somehow searchable from all angles would also be good, though that requires changing the Jigsaw Box model and likely needs approval from IP holder. Anything beyond that to address the AFK Pig issue risks being way too heavyhanded.

  • Member Posts: 421

    There's is nothing wrong with it as far as the rules go. Unless the killer is bodyblocking survivors, forcing them to either stay on indefinitely or DC, no rules are being broken. As long as the game is moving forward, or is able to move forward, it's allowed.

    As for the devs overreacting and nerfig Pig, that's on people who make mountains out of concaves about this instead of just chuckling and moving on who are to blame. In this sense, your thread is guilty of that more than the Pigbowlers. I'll say it again, the chances of getting pigbowled are incredibly low. Pig has already a low enough playrate as it is, and among them the pigbowlers are even less in number. It simply isn't a problem.

  • Member Posts: 246

    Ture I think having the key move to a different box would be a fair compromise if the pig is AFK in front of the box the survivor needs to go to as it means the pig would have to move. If she is close enough to completely block access then it moves after say 10sec. You realistically shouldn't be standing that close to the box for that long even if its end game and the last player is scrambling to get their helmet off. Even if they start you can pull them off or push them away. I don't want her to be hit heavyhanded because its not fair to people who play her legit and I am afraid this will cause them to nerf her because something is being used in a way that was not intended.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I personally don't think the Pig should be punished for successfully catching someone at the last box, especially with how many things need to go right for the Pig in order for that to happen.

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