

New Circle of Boon Healing NERF enough?

Member Posts: 42

They are testing in the PTB the healing from 75% to 50%

IMO, I think It should either have NO extra healing, or no self care. Or just a rework to boons in general.

New Circle of Boon Healing NERF enough? 62 votes

Yes, this should nerf the perk into a decent state.
23 votes
No, its still going to be a major problem.
39 votes

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  • Member Posts: 6
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    I agree that CoH is still likely to be a dominant perk unless either the healing speed is removed (or dramatically nerfed) or the self care part goes away. Both together is just crazily powerful. Personally I'd like to see the healing speed removed since that's the part that creates such a big discrepancy between organised teams and randoms. CoH would likely still see use as a team-wide self care that would help out solo queue groups, but it wouldn't be a way for organised teams to negate the playstyle of hit and run killers so easily.

  • Member Posts: 1,168
    Yes, this should nerf the perk into a decent state.

    I feel that it's okay now considering what's to come in the ptb with hemorrhage and the two killers that can ignore these issues. I just hope that Legion has an addon that gives the effect to survivors after hitting one survivor in frenzy.

  • Member Posts: 517
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    It still gives a far superior version of self-care to every survivor on the team with the use of a single perk slot instead of 4. This nerf basically adds 3 seconds for self-caring in the boon radius, if I'm understanding correctly

    The infinite use and teamwide self-care ability are the problematic parts

  • Member Posts: 566
    Yes, this should nerf the perk into a decent state.

    It's already dead but Killers are still complaining about it even though its practically Worst Version of Self care.

    Who wants to run to the other end of the map just to bless a totem for 14 seconds and heal for 32 seconds. lol

    Killer mains are being overzealous.

  • Member Posts: 566
    Yes, this should nerf the perk into a decent state.

    It's an uneven exchange, 14 seconds of blessing only amounts to 32 seconds of self healing and only 6 seconds less to healing other and easily snuffed for 1 second. Might as well bring self care and heal on the spot, oh wait Self Care sucks.

    That 1 whole gen you could have done in that span of time instead running around trying to get to a boon, which would even get you killed.

    why not just bring aftercare or bond so you can atleast know where everyone is and heal faster with them instead of running around looking for bones.

    The boon is stationary, Survivors aren't.

    That's not even the problem in the first place, it was too spammable to be called fair, but the healing wasn't the problem.

  • Member Posts: 42
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    I agree the problem is its to spammable, and not the healing. But what do you mean WAS to spammable, to my knowledge nothing changed for that. Also you said it is dead now, but I have a feeling it will still be on every survivor team. But hopefully i'm wrong.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    Until snuffing boons shatters the totem - and/or removes the perk from the trial entirely - this gameplay mechanic will not be balanced.

    It will either be far too strong to allow survivors to continue blessing totems indefinitely

    Or it will become so useless that it will become a waste of time and a dead perk.

    There is no in between and I'm shocked that the devs have not yet realized this.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    The way the boon works is it adds 0.5 to your healing speed as a flat value.

    Self care does this on yourself.

    Numerically, this means that self care within the boon radius should be done at 100% healing speed, allowing a 16 second heal.

    Quite literally, it is faster to bless a totem and self care than it is to self care on its own, because the blessing only takes 14 seconds - not 16, making the total time 30 seconds instead of 32 for a full heal regardless.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    Tell me you don't play the game a lot without saying you don't play the game a lot.

  • Member Posts: 7,251
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    Not quite. What it does is it adds 50% (or 0.5) to your default healing speed of 1, making it 1.5. This is your healing speed if you're healing someone else, so 16/1.5 = 10.67 seconds. If you're healing yourself, then the self-care penalty is 50% of that value (1.5), dropping it to 0.75. Then you divide 16/0.75 = 21.33 seconds.

    Self care just does this without any additional bonus, so 50% of 1 is 0.5, leading to a 32 second heal (16/0.5 = 32).

    The self care perk has no additional benefit if you're using COH to heal; having it will not allow you to heal yourself any faster with COH.

  • Member Posts: 566
    edited April 2022
    Yes, this should nerf the perk into a decent state.

    that's still 35 seconds + the threat of being killed while running around like a headless chicken, Bond and Aftercare is still the better option out of Self Care or COH. The worst part is it makes survivors predictable.

    Tell me you don't play survivor without saying you don't play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,731
    Yes, this should nerf the perk into a decent state.

    I think it might end up being enough. In terms of time spent healing its slow enough that it's only a little bit faster than self care now considering you have to spend time setting up the totem, and after you get injured running to the totem and then back to a gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    If this was true, wouldn't it also effect medkits? I would have thought this self-care .5 multiplier would have been brought up sooner, because that's a pretty significant debuff to healing actions.

    I'm confused, because the language of all the perks and what we know of how they work suggest that there is at least SOME effect to using Self Care in tandem with CoH.

    For my education, do you have an external example I could see? I'm probably going to have to put this to the test myself if not!

  • Member Posts: 5,623
    edited April 2022
    Yes, this should nerf the perk into a decent state.

    I disagree with CoH being able to be relit indefinitely as a problem, atleast with the 50% helping speed boost. Blessing then healing will take longer than healing yourself with Self-Care.

    The nerf was more or less about being able to place the Boon whenever wherever willy-nilly, which now you're not going to be able to do anymore, due to the massive time sink.

    The new change will probably insensitive Killers to leave and snuff out the Boon Totem, which means bad Boon placement will be punished, which is what I wanted from a CoH nerf

  • Member Posts: 7,251
    edited April 2022
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    If you're using a medkit, then the self-care penalty does not apply at all. So a medkit with nothing else will allow self-healing at the regular speed (or faster if it's a green medkit), but COH or any other healing bonuses will make that quicker. A medkit heal while in COH is 10.67 seconds (16 / 1.5) or 8 seconds if it's a green medkit (green medkits give an additional 50% bonus, 1 + 0.5 COH + 0.5 green medkit = 2, 16 / 2 = 8).

    You can watch this video (credit Struggle With Game) to see a comparison between self-care, COH, self-care and COH (which is no different than COH by itself), and COH + a medkit. Keep in mind however that this video is a bit dated and was with the original version of COH (100% healing speed bonus), so the healing speeds in this video will be faster than they are now, but it's still relevant for showing how these unlockables interact with each other. In this case, COH increased healing speed to 2, but the selfcare penalty is 50% of that, reducing it back to 1, thus creating the 16 second self-heal it originally provided. With the medkit, the penalty doesn't apply, so the healing speed is 2 within COH, and you could heal yourself in 8 seconds.

    It would be fine being infinite if it wasn't a lose-lose for the killer to snuff it depending on where it's positioned. There's multiple ways to address that though.

  • Member Posts: 173
    edited April 2022

    You dont know how % work in this game, the heal with the new boon will be 21.333 seconds.

    COH gives you the ability to self heal Which is by default -50% from normal healing speed.

    Which us 32s but circle if healing gives you 50% bonus speed.

    So the og COH was 32:2 = 16

    current 32:1.75 = 18.285

    the new one 32:1.5 = 21.333

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    THANK YOU!!!!

    I feel so bad, I was so confident - I hate being wrong, so I greatly appreciate you steering me right!

  • Member Posts: 566
    Yes, this should nerf the perk into a decent state.

    read the rest of the thread

  • Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2022
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    Judging by that video, It will still be faster than Self care, even with more of a nerf. And sure you have to bless a totem first, but now your whole team can heal faster than another perk...

  • Member Posts: 903
    Yes, this should nerf the perk into a decent state.

    I already felt a difference with the precedent nerf. I think this one will put the perk where it should be though. Infinite self-heals aren't a problem, self-care is deemed to be a killer perk for a reason.

  • Member Posts: 7,251
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    You’re welcome :)

    Quick note, that video was with the release version of COH which had a higher bonus, I just used it as an example to show how medkits and the selfcare perk interacted with it. Blessing a totem and healing is now slower than selfcare. Heals beyond the first one are where you start getting value. I still don’t think the nerf will be sufficient though.

  • Member Posts: 138

    as a survivor main solo queue, I will never equip this perk again. It’s useless now. It takes too long to find totems, bless and then run back to the totem area for self-care. I would prefer bringing a med-kit or waiting until I organically find someone in the map.

  • Member Posts: 138

    You’re not accounting for the time to either find/boon the totem or running to the totem area which also exposes you to the killer. This perk is no longer worth the hassle. Med-kits/team healing is the way to go now.

  • Member Posts: 173
    edited April 2022

    Nope, WHOLE team can heal them by themselves there and it requires only 1 perk, other players can just get toolboxes and flashlights. And if you hit great skillchecks it will still be very fast. :) Also going into boon while being chased is kinda braindead play tbh.

  • Member Posts: 142
    No, its still going to be a major problem.

    Since you can boon it for infinite and still you have the speed of it, no, not at all balanced still. There should be a limit of how many times you can boon it, or reduce "tremendously" the range of the boon or decrease the speed till 10% or so; free heal is a free heal and denies playstyles like hit and run.

  • Member Posts: 139
    Yes, this should nerf the perk into a decent state.

    I don't think the nerf was necessary, so much as just the nature of boons needs to be addressed.

    Being able to light another one, with no real permanent counter, or penalty doesn't help healthy gameplay. There's games where even hunting down a boon takes too much time, and you'll just lose another gen, so why bother?

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