What about about a suicide option when slugged?

A survivor can let go on hook, but cannot suicide on the floor... when the hook only last 2 minutes, but bleeding on the floor last 4 minutes. Especially after seeing another topic on the subject, i think according a way to surrender when slugged could make some situations less tedious.


  • Ashendale
    Ashendale Member Posts: 23

    I don't think it should be called that, but I think the idea has merit. They could give them skill checks, similar to the 2nd hook phase, so that it was more of a struggle to remain conscious while bleeding out, and you would have the strategic option of giving up if you chose to.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Skill checks while bleeding out is a big no from me. It means you'd have to stop recovering or crawling to hit them, which is very bad, also there's no way i'm spending 4 minutes hitting my spacebar

    I think it'd be better if you just bled out faster if you're the last survivor or all the survivors are slugged to avoid killers just wasting your time for the sake of it

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The game does not need more ways for salty players to quit while dodging the DC penalty.

  • IWFreak
    IWFreak Member Posts: 252

    How about dodging salty killers...? If I (or any other person for that matter) don't want to wait for the bleed out timer, I want a way to bypass that.

    Bleeding out means no gameplay, no gameplay is a no no for me...

  • DeadBySunlight
    DeadBySunlight Member Posts: 30

    Best thing to do with the killer wants that 4k is just go on your phone while you're slugged

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843


    I think instead of skill checks, the game should just kill all the players if everyone is slugged, much like everyone dies on hooks when everyone is hooked.

    It only deactivates if there's no dead hards in play.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Why not. Let me hold m2 and accelerate the bleeding. There is no harm to it. Sure slaty people will instantly bleed out no matter how long they are slugged but they will also kill them self asap when they get hooked so it doesn't change anything.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 564

    So.. there is an issue of killer slugging survivors for up to 4 minutes. The issue isn't the bleed out itself but rather killers using this very toxic style of gameplay. So instead of punishing or at least discouraging this style you simply give survivors the option to give the killer an auto win so they don't have to be bored and miserable, further rewarding killers.

    This is such a perfect behaviour band-aid fix.

    Instead of... you know punishing killers for doing this. Like they lose 5% of the total points per every 25% of each individual survivors bleed out timer. So if 4 survivors bleed out they would lose 80% of their total points. This would also encourage killers to hook survivors more often which is the objective of the killer.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    I think you mean unbreakables. Though Soul Guard and No Mither can also give that effect.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Sorry that's what I meant.

    I've been talking about Dead Hard all day

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,899

    I think this should be an option when it comes down to a 2v1. Nobody wants to spend 4 minutes on the ground while the killer slugs for the 4k, give the last person a chance for hatch and don't drag the match out for ages.

  • Ashendale
    Ashendale Member Posts: 23

    To be fair, there are instances where it's strategic for the killer to not pick up the survivor. If they're running as an SWF group and plan on bullying the killer with multiple flashlights, body blocking, boil over, etc, and you know you will just not make it to the hook.

    I agree it's not very fun if a certain point is reached where both sides are just essentially waiting on the clock to run out, but if a function to let you bleed out was put in, BHVR could probably tune things so it resulted in a loss of BP only in certain circumstances.

    Looking at things from a different angle, what if they just reduced the bleed out timer? Say, from 4 minutes to 3?

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    either this or make it so a survivor which has recovered fully gets the option to hold right mouse button to increase bleed out speed to 4x

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286
    edited April 2022

    How about if all 4 are slugged for more than x time (/a cumulative slug-timer) one survivor (based on rng) gets automatically picked up by the entity - with soul guard for them & potentially everyone they pick up while injured - regardless of how much they have recovered. Slugging is a viable strategy to some extent and sometimes it would even be plain stupid to deliberately avoid a slug. But having all four slugged and going "kek-troll-face" and proceeding to wait for the bleed out while looking at them is way up there on the list of styles of gameplay that no one wants. Anyone playing remotely normal wouldn't be affected by this at all (prolonged slugging of several people is a condition) while those going kek-troll-face would at least run the risk of the survivors making some kind of come-back.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186

    There are so many ways to reset back up when all 4 players are slugged. The game isn't over when all 4 survivors are downed.

    there's plenty of perks to reset a situation like this. But even without perks, if all 4 survivors crawl to the same area, there's no way there's hooks for everyone. Like, i'm not saying it's a great situation to be in, but enforcing death before the game is over is a big no from me. Me and my friends have come back from a 4-man slug several times because the killer gets cocky and try to taunt us, giving us time to plan our reset.

    Force killing all players like that is already a terrible mechanic I hate when all of the last players are on the hook. It ruins perks like Deliverance, which could otherwise be used to get yourself off the hook. Combined with Decisive Strike, you could stun the killer and save other survivors off the hooks. But the game will instantly progress you to the 2nd hook state and kill you, without allowing you to use your perks.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    I think it wouldn't be so bad if, after 2 minutes, survivors had a 'give up' option. That wouldn't be so bad.

    Just make it need 5 seconds of holding the active ability button to power up.

    After powered up, scream - revealing your location to the killer - and play an unstoppable 3 second animation before dying.

    This counts as a Mori for the killer, not a bleed-out. (Because survivors would then use this feature to spite the killer of points, not to simply escape the match)

    This would give the rest of the players time to react to the option being taken, while also not letting it be used instantly after being downed to deny the killer a final hook or any such cheese.

    I think this is not a bad idea at all.

    There should be negative scoring events for 'Toxic' styles.

    If a survivor bleeds out, the killer faces a BP penalty and has something around 20% of their entire post-match score deducted.

    Great! Not a bad idea!

    Only two things I'd add:

    • Make it so that there's a special hidden 'toxic' score that effects your MMR, and make the MMR system bias the matchmaking based on this score. Meaning the more toxic things you do in the game - the longer your cue times are and the more likely you are to be matched with other toxic players.

    • Sometimes survivors are spiteful and will hide to bleed out rather than being hooked. This should be considered when taking into account the various natures that such situations can unfold.

    I like this idea a lot!

    It needs to be tweaked. But something along the lines of - When all non-hooked survivors have been in the Dying state for 24 seconds, the Entity will restore one to full health. For every additional 24 seconds where a survivor has not been hooked, the survivor with the lowest bleed-out timer will be restored to full health.

    This can be countered if the killer hooks even ONE survivor - but at the very least, it would make griefing killers choose to hook at least one person.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    But in those instances, the survivors will be trying to survive; they won't need or use the bleed out faster / give up.