

Killer Concept: The Fearmonger

Member Posts: 615
edited March 2022 in Creations

Heyo everybody, today I have a Killer concept that came to me in a dream. Been a while since I did this...

I see him stalking me from the shadows. I hear chains scrape against cement, dragging in the dirt... I can feel his sickle scraping the halls as he stalks me... Is this what dread is, in this place, or is that what carnal fear does to a man hunted by nightmares?

Power: Fear the Reaper

A sickle bound in seemingly endless lengths of chain that coil and wrap around the Fearmonger's arm. Its strange, otherworldly properties cannot allow it to harm one mid-flight, but being struck instills primal terror in those who realize he knows where they hide.

Reaper's Scythe:

Holding the Power button allows the Fearmonger to wind up to throw his sickle, and upon releasing the button, the sickle is launched from him with an increase of speed depending on how much he charged the throw.

The sickle can be directed, and will extend up to 48 meters before needing to be recalled. Survivors who touch the chain gain one Carnal Fear stack per second.

Survivors hit by the sickle itself gain up to 5 Carnal Fear stacks depending on how far the sickle's chain was extended, and the cooldown of Reaper's Scythe is decreased by up to 5 seconds respectively.

Should the sickle hit a wall, it will rebound and continue moving in its new trajectory until it reaches its maximum length or is recalled early, each incurring a cooldown of 5 seconds before it can be released again.

While Reaper's Scythe is on cooldown, the scythe returns to the Fearmonger's hand over that time, preventing him from attacking until it returns. In exchange, until it does return, he trails his chain behind him, allowing him to inflict stacks of Carnal Fear upon those unfortunate enough to trail his path.

Carnal Fear:

Survivors will gain stacks of Carnal Fear from the Fearmonger's sickle, up to a maximum of 10 stacks, with dangerous implications at various intervals.

From 0-4 stacks, Survivors are unaffected.

At 5 stacks, Survivors afflicted sufficiently have their auras revealed to the Fearmonger.

At 9 stacks, Survivors afflicted sufficiently become Exposed.

At 10 stacks, the Fearmonger may mori the Survivor similarly to how the Shape's Tombstone addons work.

The Fearmonger may choose to teleport to Survivors whose auras are revealed to him for as long as they are revealed, even through the effects of perks. Doing so subtracts all stacks of Carnal Fear from all Survivors unless the Survivor has 10 stacks of Carnal Fear afflicting them, and places him as close to directly behind the Survivor as possible.

Killer Perks:

No hope:

You instill the fear of being trapped forever in your prey.

When you hook a Survivor, you may press the Interact button to inflict the visual and audio illusion that the Survivor has given up to the Entity and died. The Survivor does not actually die, but will remain hooked with no penalty for 40/50/60 extra seconds until they attempt to escape or an unhook attempt is made on them, requiring no skill checks to maintain their current hook state.

No saviour:

You instill the fear of being alone in your victims' hearts.

While carrying a Survivor, the effectiveness of their wiggling decreases by 55%/65%/75%, and all Survivors suffer from the Blindness and Oblivious status effects until the Survivor is released by any means.

No light:

You instill the fear of defeat in the eyes of those who seek freedom.

When a Survivor lights a Boon Totem, all other Totems gain your Terror Radius for as long as that Boon Totem remains standing, with any associated effects that may or may not be incurred as a result. Additionally, any Totem that is cleansed is reconstructed as a Dull Totem 20/10/5 seconds later.

And that's a wrap!

This concept may be OP AF, but considering this came from a dream initially, I hope it has some quality to it!

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 276

    I think there is a thread for killer ideas to post , but apart from that IS soo good.

    Yeah, sure it's a mix match of like... 3-4 diffrent killers (but so people said about Onryo), but the fact it came up in a dream and you thought out perks / numbers for his power ? Very nice. Bravo man.

  • Member Posts: 421

    I like The Mindbreaker better tbh

  • Member Posts: 615

    If there is, I'm blind.

    But yeah, this is definitely a mix of like, 3 or 4 Killers that exist now, but since he's both pretty strong conceptually, has a level of skill involved(Bouncing the sickle), and has a theme BHVR hasn't explicitly focused on yet, it puts him pretty high up on the quality list.

    That and the perks are pretty good, too.


  • Member Posts: 258

    As far as concepts go, its pretty good. Though I have a few questions/concerns.

    FtR: The idea of a bouncing chain allowing you to teleport to a survivor, akin to the Lament Config, is pretty cool. And if the power was just the scythe to gain tracking and mobility, there would probably be no issue, as this makes him in the same ball park as Onryo in strength. You trade immediate pressure to scout the map. Very fair.

    It's the Exposed and the Mori that concern me. What's stopping him from pegging a person with the sickle repeatedly in order to prepare the instant mori? I'm not seeing any form of counterplay that a Survivor could do.

    NH: You saying interact, like how Hex: Pentimento interacts with dead totems, or interact in the way that Diversion is an interact? If the latter, killer's don't get that button. If the former, maybe limit it to stage 2 only, as killing one self is loud in stage 1, and inverse the tiering to 60/50/40 seconds, because this does make it harder to pressure the hook if someone can stay alive twice as long on Hook. Or find something else to tier, potentially making it tier bonus Sacrifice BP, so the tiers are consistent in effect. Additionally, it may need to be limited to once per match (not that it would be useful after the first attempt at using it, as they will already know you could do this), as the ability to drop the number of active players for a time is quite useful. Really cool idea, just maybe a little ironing.

    NS: Iron Grasp already mitigates the wiggle effect. Maybe have if physically obscure the carried survivor's vision, and then tier it based on how long the effects of the perk linger after hook, maybe 4/6/8 seconds of lingering effect.

    NL: The TR on Totems is such a fun idea. The respawning Dull Totems kneecaps Pentimento, and makes NoED and TotH a bit too strong. Maybe after snuffing a Boon, all Totems gain your TR and are blocked for 20/25/30 seconds. You become Undetectable for that time. Base ability of allowing you to see all Totems in Yellow from the start of the Match, to lessen any time that you would spend looking for a Boon.

    Again, these are just ideas, based on the concerns I had when reading this. Really good ideas.

  • Member Posts: 615

    Thank you for your input! This is a really solid review, and I'll try to address your concerns and comments down the list!

    1: Fear the Reaper- The trick is that in order to do that, the Fearmonger has to waste tons of time waiting for the cooldown of FtR, since the cooldown and Carnal Fear stack gain is based on *total distance traveled* by the sickle, so if he just spams it at close range, he gets 1 stack out of it, once every 5 seconds at most. Additionally, teleporting consumes all Carnal Fear stacks unless he teleports to a Survivor with 10 stacks, so he has to be ABSOLUTELY SURE he can swoop in for the kill before committing to it. (No, he doesn't get to see how many stacks they have until they reach the point where tangible effects begin. Plus, if they're already at 10 stacks, they can be insta-moried like Meyers' Tombstone addons, making the Exposed status actually worse for him in that case.

    2: No Hope- The idea for this perk was to be a bit of a memey "fakeout" perk, with some weird utility for unaware solos. The mere existence of this perk could cause people to double-guess a death-hook, even if for a moment. Also, the Killer using this perk would get a prompt while hooking a Survivor to trigger it.

    3: No Saviour- Honestly, I wasn't sure what other not-totally-obnoxious status I could have inflicted on the Survivor with this one, but the idea is that it both reduces the struggle time AND wiggle effectiveness, thereby allowing it to mitigate Boil Over and work as well as Iron Grasp. If Survivors get perk power creep, why not Killers, too?

    4: No Light- It isn't especially friendly to Pentimento, no, and it might make NoED kind of... Busted, but I'm basing this idea on the concept that BHVR would be smart enough to tweak NoED beforehand or something. An edit could be made that turns these dulls into Pentimento shades or something, I guess, but the concept is the same. The yellow aura for totems is an interesting idea, but considering that this perk was primarily designed to be the anti-Boon perk Killers have been crying for since Mikaela's release, I went with this idea over anything else.

    Like I mentioned at the bottom of my post, this concept might be a tad overpowered, but again, I got it from a dream, so what can you expect?

    Thank you so much for your review, though!

  • Member Posts: 258

    So its just 60 seconds to get a mori on some one? Cause you said it is a 5 second cooldown, and I am assuming you can just whip it out and instant shoot like Cenobite's chain. No Hope wasn't an issue with the memeyness, I like it. Just might want some buffering. For No Savior's Power Creep? Not really a good excuse. You say that survivor's got power creep, but I think the only perk in the last 2 years to actually shake up the meta of DH, BT, Unbreak, DS, etc is CoH. And that's just because that one isn't well designed. Power creep is also stupid, and is a lame excuse. And noed getting adjusted? I don't think they've adjusted many of the colorless perks. Last one was Small game to make it stop screwing Trapper unnecessarily. I wouldn't assume that they're going to fix their game.

  • Member Posts: 615

    I mean, those are fair concerns. I just have too much undeserved hope that BHVR would fix some issues, in regards to your last point, there.


    As for the power creep thing, I know it isn't a good excuse, but meh. Just didn't have much other reason for what I put in. Nothing else to be said, really.

  • Member Posts: 615

    Holy crap, you are absolutely right. That's a little crazy to think about!

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    I like the sound of the base power a lot, it sounds really fun, albeit potentially unreliable. Riccochet can be really hard to nail down but if it can work consistently, I would absolutely play this dude. Being unable to attack at all while your power is on cooldown is definitely an interesting aspect to his kit, not sure how I feel about that one.

    To be entirely honest though, the oblivious and blindness parts of no savior sound largely pointless though. You're probably not gonna be sneaking up on anyone anytime soon while holding a person.

  • Member Posts: 615

    I'm gonna be absolutely honest with you, No Saviour is intended to play along with the "Carry Build"TM, where you use Iron Grasp, Mad Grit, and Agitation, leaving you to be a bit of a spooky man, or even skulking away with your prey if you use Knock Out for whatever ungodly reason.

  • Member Posts: 141

    Aaaaah, were did you come up with this Chapter if you don't mind me asking?

  • Member Posts: 615

    A long time after this comment, but legitimately, this came out of a dream. I refined some concepts while conscious, but the general idea came from sleeping.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Definitely seems like an interesting idea. Not sure if being able to teleport to survivors whose aura is shown without the use of the power is very fair though. Perks like BBQ and Bitter would be must haves on him. Maybe instead of generic auras, his power gives survivors special auras of a different color in order to tell the difference.

    No Hope seems a bit gimmicky, but still a fun idea. I'm not sure how much use it could offer, especially if survivors are on comms.

    No Saviour I don't get. In most situations I don't understand how it would be useful. After picking up a survivor, their aura already disappears and would come back after being dropped or hooked. Plus, it steps into Iron Grasp's territory with the decrease to wiggling. It sounds like it would work better if after hooking or dropping a survivor, all survivors then suffer from those status effects for a set amount of time.

    No Light is a cool idea. Completely wasted though if no one lights a boon. Having a perk that can counter boons would probably be better if that were just a secondary effect, but that's just my opinion.

    Also, if this all came to you in a dream, makes my wonder if you were actually visited by some primal fear demon.

    Overall, love the ideas, love the concepts, just needs a bit of work. Keep up the creative work.

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