I do feel for survivor issues



  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,629

    i play solo survivor and i can safely say that most of the times killers aren't the real problem, but it's your team that is usually dumb and do extremely bad plays. For example imagine going down aganist a trapper without settled traps in less than 10 seconds, in a map like the game, with all pallets still intact. In those kind of games you simply cannot win (at least not in the classical manner of doing all the generators and escape through the exit gates), your only hope is playing stealthy, doing more points as you can, don't be caught and play for the hatch. I don't care if i die tunneled to death / camped to death with only a single hook but the others escape (after all i've kindred for camping killers and for tunneling killers it's enough to play safe while being chased), you can't always escape... (and you can't always 4k as killer)... i'll really pissed off only when i see people that aren't smart and waste the time that i have earned for them (example: i'm on a hook, the killer is a camping leatherface and survivors will waste time running around the hook despite i've kindred and will try to do the save at all costs instead of doing generators). this is the casual part of the game (sadly), if you want avoid most of the survivor's problems playing with a premade it's your solution (still i personally i REFUSE to do it cause it's boring and go aganist the game's mechanics imo)

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    No. Don't play the game, but watch it on YouTube/Twitch/whatever. That's the true Entity game mode

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    The problem is that the game treats both sides like trash, and their issues sustain one another.

    And the devs don't even want to fix it, since they personally like the issues.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The issue is, that for the last 2-3 years the pace of the game became significantly faster. Before that, getting 8 hooks before someone was killed and before the gates were powered. Was possible. But now its like winning the lottery. Killers tunnel&camp because gens fly and gens fly because survivors fear getting camped&tunneled. Even when the killer does nothing in this regard. Totems and even teammates get ignored and only gens matter. Which leads to the NOED complaints.

    Yesterday i got complaints from a 8k hour streamer who let a teammate go into struggle and suicided on first hook, because i abandoned a gen to rescue a teammate.

    The pace of the game needs to slow down significantly.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    And that's partly the community's fault as well, because they like fast games. I'll admit, my Hag games get tiring because they last so long a lot of the time, but most of that feeling comes from me investing all that time and effort and still losing anyway.

    The people who do gens as quick as they're doing have no right to complain about NOED. They didn't do any totems, and NOED spawns on them half the time anyway. I swear the devs make easy totem spots on purpose. I have yet to see a well hidden NOED outside of maps like The Game.

    And the survivors absolutely have control over people getting 2-hooked and DCing on hook and stuff. That's not the killer doing anything, that's the survivors. With Leatherface face camping, I get, because you can't run in at the last second and hook trade without giving the killer a net gain. But any other killer, the survivors can just fake the unhook, get the killer's grab rolled back, and pretty much guarantee the hook trade.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I am solo survivor. My friends are not online most times.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    So what? I don't control anything outside my actions. By design, even if they play bad, I'm still given free chances to escape without the need for objective progress. The team playing poorly doesn't mean I can't play well.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    It's true that the hatch exists. But that doesn't mean that you'll always get out, because the killer might get to it first. The way you're supposed to be escaping is through the gates, and that's something that solo teammates make impossible to do when they're uncarryable. I don't care how good of a survivor you are. Even when you go on a 5-gen chase, the gens might not get done, and if you're the one doing gens your teammates might go down so fast that it literally doesn't buy you enough time to do them. You cannot 1v1 the killer, because it's a team game.

  • Smolshark
    Smolshark Member Posts: 19

    We all had to just learn. You stick with the game you begin to catch on. You find your build you find some friends ds in matches to help eachother queue into actually games and teach one another.

    I mean that's my story so far. I'm still learning and still will zone out and wiff a skill check (so will the survivor with 1000 plus hours in the game)

    Just remember your actually gonna suck sometimes just don't disconnect. Push through cuz you never know what could happen you could pull something incredible off and blow your own mind. Yeah tunneling and and camping suck but that's how some play also sometimes a killer isn't tunneling sometimes you're bad at the game and run into them again, which is why I never solo q without spine chill so I have some info. Don't do meta perks cuz chances are if your new you don't know how to properly use them you're more then likely gonna be running and dead hard in to the wall.


    I don't know why I ranted I. Literally still trash at the game just a little less trashier then when I started.

  • Magicalclawz
    Magicalclawz Member Posts: 14

    I disagree. tunneling is fair game, if you as the survivour cant be skilled enough to last in a chase then how is that the killers fault? The killers role is to eliminate survivours and there are no rules. Tunneling isnt an actual thing its just made up by this community who likes to cry about everything. If the killer is chasing you again and again then you need to accept it and deal with it. Also its just another playstyle just like genrushing is a playstyle for survivours.

    Once people accept then all this moaning and crying will stop. just go into a game without expecting anything yet expecting everything.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Dude, I actively Run DS and Kindred in solo cue instead of BT because I get farmed off hook and tunnelled cause I reached second stage

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I have feelings for Survivor issues.

    Apathy is a feeling.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Solo queue is definitely more frustrating to me than killer ever will be.

    I always play solo survivor and I have to worry about my other solo queue team mates who most of the time are bad, toxic SWF, and the killer.

  • Mike323C
    Mike323C Member Posts: 7

    Well the most killers tunnel and camp because of the meta-perks and the toxicness from the survivors.

  • Mike323C
    Mike323C Member Posts: 7

    What if everyone would have the same opinion like you,and every killer would do/think like that,no one would wan't too play the game anymore because tunneling someone without any reason is just a dickmove,and it doesn't make fun nether be fair.

  • Mike323C
    Mike323C Member Posts: 7

    Playing killer is also amazing,first game and what do i see...a hacker,flying around,doing gens in 2 secs and other survivor who done nothing whole game,just won because of the hacker was tea-bagging me,and i was like:are f**king kidding me?you have done nothing the whole game!Why are you tea-bagging me?!

    Where was i....oh yea....fun👍

  • Magicalclawz
    Magicalclawz Member Posts: 14

    You do realise that its a game so if youre taking the killer tunneling you personally maybe dont play lol. What else can i say to make you understand?

  • Mike323C
    Mike323C Member Posts: 7

    I said if every killer would do that no one would wan't too play the game anymore,(what is true).Why does that have anything to do with taking it personally,first read the comment,and then answer you smartass

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415

    If survs dont let games play out and pop gens as fast as humanely possible with maps illed with safe loops everywhere. killers dont have much choice.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Take my Opinions with a lot of salt, im more killer biased.

    While survivors could be improved in some aspects, I think they indeed got a bit entitled to the whole 3 lives thing. You can and will die with less chances. Yet here we are. Back then survivors didnt care as much if they were killed early, fast, or "tunneled out".

    While I do agree with survivors possibly getting buffs to facilitate voicecomms, that'd only be a good thing if its a Message System / Wheel, and not something SWF/Comms doesnt even have (UI / HUD stuff). The community would be better off if they looked at that solo-swf situation and didnt think "those poor weak solos"... Solo and SWF dont even have ingame differences. It's all just behavior (randoms vs swf) and voicecomms. YES Survivors as a whole can also get new toys like those UI-icons, but they better not be labeled solo-swf-gapcloser, but as flat survivor buffs.

    While camping and tunneling became "more rampant" recently, it'd feels unreasonable to punish those things, especially if they boil down to the killer's choice of "location" and "target". It'd be interesting to see ideas that dont boil down to "give me free unhook".

    There are certainly a lot of issues that cant be fixed with simple bandaids or "easy solutions".