Idea to bridge long que times

I have mentioned this once but i just wanted to make a whole threat about it trying to catch BHVRs attention to it.
A way to bridge the long que times which would also make alot of sense in terms of dbd lore is to give ppl the option to join a "open" realm where ppl can just run and chill with EVERYONE who is also there atm waiting for their que times.
To put this more simple, survivors and killers have their own big "map", it should be a place with assets and things from ALL possible maps, a water tower from mac millain, the gallows from dead dawg at the middle, maybe the ormond small house at the corner etc.
All killers and survivors who are waiting can roam around there (they are seperated, survivors and killers have their own place). They can see and interact with each other (naughting, teabagged etc), tiles and loops should be also there so ppl can maybe in the meantime just run around there and train or try out things. Power are disabled cuz it may can cause FPS issues if therer are like idk 10 doctors spaming their shocks.
Whole purpose of it is you have something you can do while you wait for the que times, since other ppl are there aswell waiting with you, you may can do funny and silly things with other players there. Keep in mind that it should be optional, you can press a button to join it if you want, dont have to.
yea that would be fun, sorry if i missed this because im skimming through while in queues myself but would the game auto pull you out for the match. also would you be able to just go there without being in queue
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Ye thats the point of it, that while you wait you chill there and as soon as the game found a lobby for you, you get an little indication that you have a lobby with survivors so you can choose to leave and prepare your build or check out the surviors or stay there till its the last 5 sec before start and then you load in automaticly.
I guess after some time it could be enabled at any time for ppl.
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yea that sounds good, reminds me of the call of duty ww2 headquarters system, its a similar thing.
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ye some games have that thats true
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I think it would be a lot of fun to have some kind of giant practice realm where killers and survivors could mess around together while waiting for a match. The problem is there would never be any killers in there because they never have to wait for a match…
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you do, I have usually around 5-10 min que times.
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you wait that long to play killer? What time zone are you in and what time of day do you typically play? I’m in US eastern time zone and killer queues are instant no matter what time of day I play. Maybe less than a minute if I play early morning, which I can’t do except on weekends
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I have the german timezone (CET) and I play around 0:00-6:00AM. I play that late cuz I dont like to encounter those super sweaty squads. I get them pretty often before 0 for some reason, guess MMR just loves me.
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I really, really, REALLY like this idea.
Having a big open world to practice and vibe with other players with sounds like heaven.
For survivors, you can place them in one big map with resources and maybe a custom 'phantom' that acts like a killer without ever harming another player. Just teaches them how to loop.
Killers can have a giant realm with ever-respawning hooks and a bunch of dumb bot survivors. Everyone killing together and having a good time.
I 999% support this idea.
Knowing the devs, though, this would be a massive undertaking. I doubt we'd see anything for quite awhile.
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Who knoiws, if this gets enough attention by the devs, I will defo try to push it and write it to the devs if they do another Q/A.
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I'd hope so!
But seeing as the game's been out for about 6 years and we're only now getting daily bonuses - I think the devs have a much slower digestion than many give them credit for.