can you please nerf that 180 corner hit???? it's total garbage mechanic and fully overpowered. It seems like an exploit. please change asap!
It is an exploit, he was not intended to be able to perform such a move. Exactly as the 180 Oni strike.
9 -
Had a rough time with blight eh?
28 -
Alchemist Ring? Sure
Base-kit? Nah. His exploits were removed anyway, unless Blight players found another way to Lag-Flick
21 -
You most likely faced against a good Blight player.
Anytime a survivor gets beaten by a killer they complain about it being OP because they want an easy game and not actually think "How should I avoid being killed" instead of running around.
People complain about really?
13 -
He is clearly not a good player, when he is exploiting mechanics
2 -
Have you ever tried playing Blight?
22 -
Blight is a killer for that kind of person that gets very aroused upon hearing the words "tech" "exploit" and "speedrun"
7 -
Do you have any evidence of this exploit? Like say, video? Because I don't even play blight and I've noticed a lot of the time people cry "exploit" it turns out what happened wasn't anything that hadn't been designed.
14 -
You can find it in every blight video always existed. You have to aim at a direction and then swing to curve your hit but takes a while to learn it because it's all about timing.
Heck it could be the blight used turn add-ons or adrenaline vial.
0 -
Boring <_<
4 -
"I'm fast as #### boi"
3 -
Get home asap a$ap
0 -
Thats not an exploit, that's his normal movement. The exploit was when people were using the dpi settings to achieve turns that couldn't be replicated with anything else.
8 -
Idk who needs to hear this but blight could always 180 even without j-flicks
when you are rushing you have about a 180 degree look angle for in front of you meaning you can look straight, 90 degrees to the left, or 90 degrees to the right, when you attack out of this look angle you start a straight path from the point in the look angle you are looking at and can then turn an additional 90 degrees during the attack
blights 180 is basekit, intensional and probably not going anywhere any time soon
9 -
Can a mod please close this thread? Accusing people of exploiting, when they aren't, should be against the rules.
8 -
How do you pull off a 180 Blight or Oni strike? Probably not possible on console, buy I'm still curious, lol
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Oni : look up during the rush when you wanna turn
Blight , you have to flick your mouse many times to do it
2 -
Exactly lol.
People think its Blight itself and not the dpi. Try doing it on the controller XD.
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1 -
The devs might listen if you add a few more exclamation points to your title
5 -
Blight is too difficult to play and can be only abused by pro players using high dpi mouse, blight needs a full rework so he becomes easier to play but less powerful since in his current state only pro pc players can use him.
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You just turn during rush then turn again during the attack animation.
3 -
It's really not that hard to learn him if you stick with it. I've gone from terrible to okay a week after switching to PC, and Dbd is one of the first games I've played on a PC.
0 -
Blight's only problems in my opinion are Alchemist Ring, C33, and you could also argue that the speed addons should be nerfed or at least not stackable, or that C21 is too strong.
Otherwise, he's balanced.
Oh, and Z flicking (the 180 degree turn you're talking about) is surprisingly hard to pull off. You should try playing Blight yourself before you make this kind of post (and if possible kindly provide us with a video of gameplay)
I get that it can feel very powerful at times, but it's still something that takes skill to pull off and is avoidable.
4 -
I learned nurse but couldn't for blight he can be juked easily and his power is extremely hard in jungle gyms and everyone can easily hide behind random objects and deny you hits but if he had a higher turn rate with nerfing his speed and cool down would make him easier for everyone.
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Take this, it'll help.
2 -
"Body is 1 character too short."
7 -
You never ran around obstacle in a tighter circle exploiting smaller survivor hit box?
I realize you are probably just grumpy about losing, but utilizing mechanics to their fullest doesn't make someone bad, quite the opposite typically.
3 -
That got me lmao.
3 -
I watched most of his video been subscribed for a long time and I played blight for too many games and hours I'm not a brand new player I have him at lvl 50 already and I'm trying to do flicks and sliding across shack and loops, I watched countless tutorial but I just can't play him I feel crippled and at high mmr I get gen rushed trying to get a down he is just too complicated limited movement and direction against good survivors that can easily dodge you, you need to be a god to use his power in loops.
0 -
Just because an exploit is relatively hard to learn doesnt make it any less of an exploit. Clairvoyance was very hard to learn to exploit with, and that exploit was one of the few reasons why the perk was actually good in comparison to things like Detective's Hunch, for example. It wasnt even an amazing exploit either and actually very easy to counter too. Oni's exploit is kinda easy to avoid too. Blight's exploit? Not really, if the Blight knows what they are doing, it's always a hit. Hence it needs to be fixed. I am assuming it will be (somewhat) fixed by the time they rework Alchemist Ring.
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First of all, the creator of Blight literally made flicking like that an intended feature.
Second of all, it can be mindgamed, which is what you are supposed to be doing anyways.
6 -
If you mean "Exploit" you mean the functionality of a killer that has been base kit for over a year?
Just laughable seeing people calling Blight trash when he first came out and now everyone is saying his power is an exploit Imao.
5 -
Blight is fine, but Alchemist's Ring needs some sort of change though. And 180 hit Blight is not an intended feature, it's an exploit. So that needs to be changed, too.
0 -
Someone got clapped by a Blight.
4 -
I know Blight's strong, but why? O_o
0 -
- Minimum Angle of Attack: 45 °
- This refers to the minimum Angle at which The Blight must hit an obstacle's hitbox to initiate a Slam, otherwise he will slide past it.
This can be exploited by looking up or down. Just to add it in, since this is another exploit on Blight that was even abusable on super close corners which should be Blight's weakest position, not his strongest. That's like giving Nurse aura reading through walls or giving her 3 blinks basekit.
The original flick was made 180 degrees, at which point it was decided it was too powerful and lowered to 90 degrees. Now there should be a max of 120 degrees with 2 addons. Doing 100 degrees+ flicks with no addons is not intended and will (eventually) be patched.
And no, it cannot be mindgamed unless you know what the blight is doing. Newsflash, you wont as flicking doesnt have a different visual effect. Oni's flick DOES have different visuals since his head moves with the camera, Blight doesnt.
If a flick needs things that can
1 - Minimum Angle of Attack: 45 °
So, working on a gen with old DS not deactivating wasnt an exploit of DS? It wasnt addressed for years after all. Pallet vacuums in 2017 wasnt an exploit? It was basekit mechanics for more than a year afterall. Oh, or saboteur permanently removing hooks from games not being an exploit because it was part of the perk for easily 6 months?
And no, I was actually one of the few people to say Blight had S-tier potential. And his power isnt an exploit, its certain functions related to his ability that can be exploited that are not intended.
The thing is, the exploit isnt as gamebreaking to be prioritized over other mechanics. The Nurse bugfix was a higher priority than Alchemist Ring, for example, even though Alchemist Ring has been in dire need of a nerf ever since Blight was released. There simply isnt enough people working at BHVR to move Blight higher up in the priority list.
Mark my words tho, the exploit will be removed, hopefully at the same time Alchemist Ring gets nerfed too.
0 -
Not an exploit there's no true 180 flick now since there's a turn cap. You can still achieve a 180 hit by pre turning then flicking 90 or if you just use adren vial which allows for 180 flicks.
3 -
Blight is not even an issue lol.
Many ways to avoid this so called "Exploit". For crying out loud IT"s HIS POWER!
Gonna say Myers is op because he can Insta down anyone or Mori someone with a tombstone? It's a ridiculous argument.
Wanna have a Nerf like Deathslinger to make him less fun and have less players play him?
Main point, Blight requires skill and only issue is making your DPI or Mouse overclocked to make those sharp hits so if anything its about using a mouse.
0 -
Sorry, but the two of you are just plain wrong. It’s done by either pre-turning 90 and then flicking 90, or by flicking, M1 to reset turn cap, and flicking again during the M1. The first example is just a 90 flick, just facing a different way when starting the rush. The second example is an intentionally coded mechanic:
The first part of this video is talking about J-flicking, an old exploit where super high DPI was able to break the 90 frame turn cap in a single frame, which was fixed. You cannot go past 90 in a single frame anymore. You either pre-turn, or flick, attack, and flick again in the new frame, since it is 90 per frame. And mindgaming it involves just putting yourself where he is not. If you think he's going for a 180 flick around something, don't be there, take a different direction. If you read him right, you evade the hit. If you didn't, you get hit. That's how mindgames work.
4 -
Before you make yourself look like an idiot, I will quote the literal second sentence of the post "can you please nerf that 180 corner hit????".
Note how I also stated that flicks up to 120 degrees(with addons) are not the issue, nor are 90 degree flicks. It's flicks that are higher than 90 degrees without addons that are the issue.
And no, that super sharp hit can be done on console too. But either way, it would not be about using a mouse, because if that were true, it can be patched out.
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"Before you make yourself look like an idiot"
Sorry, you already beat me to it
2 -
Thing is, you can visually see the difference between 2 90 degree flicks, and the difference between a flick turned into an m1. Yet, I've still seen people do greater than 90 degree flicks without visual confirmation consistently.
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The only other way to do it with no add-ons is to use a third party program (lag flicking). I dunno what to tell you.
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I mean, we play during a time where cheaters are concentrated in a small portion of the game, where people are willing to do so. So that could be, or people have found a way to override the animation somehow. Then again, it could also be DBD servers updating the killer turnrate and position but forgetting to also update the animation from time to time.
Either way, it's an issue that exists and makes it impossible to mindgame from a survivor POV.
0 -
lol there is a definite air of takes this ######### to seriously isn't there.
I don't see the issue you can dodge it and anticipate it and heck half the blight users can't do it.
I can't, I suck at blight and oni and billy, just can't drive those guys as well as some people can dang it.
4 -
Exactly, I play with controller and its almost near impossible to do it.
Irony is I know I suck at Blight but I can't help playing him due to being Mr Hyde. I even payed the 15 bucks for the Top hat outfit lol.
1 -
some of his addon are not but blight overall is pretty balanced...thats for sure...probably the only broken ones being alch rin and combining both speed addons w/out any downsides, but other than that i think blight is fine 🤷♀️
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No, nerf the survivors because they are much stronger.
They can 360, blight is only half as strong as them.