This is the killer, I'm calling it right now.

Werewolf- goes in lockers to transform from human to werewolf vice versa.
Come back to this post when that's the power and killer.
Honestly, it looks new and unique.
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Hm. That means we would miss out on the animation of the transformation.
if the killer can interact with lockers I hope it’s teleportation and/or setting traps in lockers (though those would need some twist otherwise survs would just ignore lockers when facing the killer)
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Sounds like what Legion was going to be.
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The Boogeyman - Fits the lore of him in closets
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Won't be ether one because traps in a locker is way too weak and teleportwtion in lockers is too out of the way and too much like onryo
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Where is there something about a new killer? O.o
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Did you not hear. The devs are getting rid of Pyramid head because the license expired so they are coming out with a new killer to replace him
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Yeah dude the devs are getting rid of one of the most beloved killers in the game😐
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He’s only half right. The licence has expired but they aren’t exactly getting rid of him, they’re just removing the ability to purchase him like what they did with demo.
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Oh yeah my bad I guess I probably should of clarified on that
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No worries it’s an easy oversight to make.
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They should reskin Demo to a Werewolf.
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arachnid killer that sets up nests/webs in lockers and can teleport between them, or lays eggs that hatch ai controlled spiderlings that do.. something. idk what.
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i have absolutely no idea what that means
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Nosk. From Hollow Knight
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ah, still haven't played it
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Arachnid killer is my top guess too. My only evidence being I keep hearing about some spider from the lore or something, and the fact that part of the six on the anniversary banner looks like a spider leg or something similar to me.
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Meh lockers are too small for werewolf
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