Trophy Triage what a bullshit trophy

To the Devs this Trophy is bullshit sorry not only that nobody knows how this works you must heal 30 Survs all must come to you and you must stay at the point where they got hitted. What is that for a stupid trophy do you play this game or du you just think how can i make the killer more powerfull. This game is trash all i need is this trophy and then i say goodby. In every round i stay at the same point and lurke the survs to me what a waste of time.


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,495

    Yes it sucks but you'll get it. I managed to do it after only a week it was out.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    The wiki has the requirements.

    When a survivor is injured, they must be at least 16m away from you.

    You must remain within 16m of the location you were when that survivor got injured.

    The trophy counts when you heal the injured survivor while following those requirements.

    But yes, it's bullshit.

  • UnicornHugs
    UnicornHugs Member Posts: 14

    The other survivor has to be hit at least 16 meters or more from your current location at the time of hit and come to you for heals at some point. They just need to reword it.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    it dumb

  • randyorton
    randyorton Member Posts: 5

    Its dumb i got it by stay and taunt the other surv to me and hope they come to me the whole round was lose because of this shot trophy requirements. Make it so when you unhook someone and then heal him up but so its boring to stay on the same spot and taunt a surv to you.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Why are you doing achievements in a game that has never ending achievements?

  • AndyKuky
    AndyKuky Member Posts: 84

    I think I am at 28 out of 30.

    The problem with it is the stupid requirement that you stay put in a small area until the injured survivor comes to you. Typically when someone gets injured, I’m on a gen or cleansing a totem or just looking for a gen. By the time the survivor escapes the chase or gets hooked, I’m somewhere else. So to get stacks, I’d have to just sit in the same area likely doing nothing and hope that the survivor either escapes the chase or they get unhooked and run right to me instead of letting the rescuer heal them.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    So you will get it automatically at some time just by playing the game. Whats the problem? You cant grind it out asap?

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I am at 20 of 30. It is super easy if you have a friend.

    Get on a gen. Friend gets hurt. Friend runs to the gen you are on. You heal friend.


    For added ease, run Blast Mine so your buddy knows exactly where to run.