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Playing killer just isn't fun



  • Member Posts: 6,987

    So you are saying if he just spammed map offerings, he would get his streak? Ha ha ha... You people are funny.

  • Member Posts: 994

    I hate giving this advice, purely because its a meme at this point. But its generally good advice. Take a break and play something else man. I feel you. I have to take a break too. If youre looking for fun games tho. Elden ring is the best ive played in a while.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    I miss the old system. Doing things beyond generators would reward you and escaping was just a bonus instead of the goal. Now you get punished if you try to help and end up being camped by a bubba for it.

    People say that you can't see mmr so it doesn't matter. The thing is you can see it. You can see it in your team mates if you play solo.

  • Member Posts: 436
    edited April 2022

    Um, what? You completely missed the point. If he gets a 30 kill streak or not is completely irrelevant. He was using one of the weakest killers in the game and still won 15 games in a row, yet people still bring it up as an example of the game being survivor-sided.

    If he cared enough to burn offerings, then yeah, he had a 99% chance of winning. How does that make an argument that killers are underpowered exactly?

  • Member Posts: 64

    It's also never been easier to be a survivor. And the survivor role overall is pretty broken so when you take into account that both killer and survivor are easy to play but survivor is broken do you start to see the point yet? It has nothing to do with how easy killer is to play or what tools they have available. Like I dunno the purpose of your post actually is. You're having fun? Good for you, that's great. 90% of the player base especially killer player base currently is not so your point is pretty irrelevant.

  • Member Posts: 64

    Spoken by a killer player that hasn't reached anywhere near high MMR. In those games you are never in control against good survivors because it's a well known fact that against competent survivor players you are never in control.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    I've always held the sentiment that this game is more like D&D than any other game. It shouldn't be about who wins or loses, but a group of actors with a shared love of horror playing out and experiencing horror stories.

  • Member Posts: 64

    That's fair enough to say but over time it's become the exact opposite sadly and the developers of the game are sitting behind the scenes not doing much and not even being remotely transparent about their plans during their Q&A's. Sad to say but the game has gone way downhill from the idea of it just being a simple much loved horror game.

  • Member Posts: 328

    haha survivors make killer go brr

  • Member Posts: 64

    How bout the fact that if you don't run meta slow down perks or slug extremely well you get gen rushed in 4 minutes?

    Or the fact that at various points in a game you need to either chase someone for 2+ minutes or give up on a chase entirely because a good survivor will never allow themselves to be caught in a bad position and will have left a gen long before you arrive to it.

    I really don't think you're playing the game much to be honest, your view is through some special kind of rose tinted glasses.

  • Member Posts: 541

    Easiest solution: Remove/neuter dead hard

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    where did you get the statistic that 90% of killers aren't having fun lmao the forums?? Are you also ignoring the broken things killer can bring as well? You can't just complain one side is broken then ignore all the things the other side has that can also be broken lmao

  • Member Posts: 292

    Playing Killer is very stressful at the moment sadly :/

  • Member Posts: 1,294


    People who hit their head against games like Elden Ring until they can play it flawlessly, FLAWLESSLY, are saying that playing Dead By Daylight is too stressful and a lost cause.

    Thank you for bringing that up! I almost forgot to mention his Souls content.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    He's lost streaks hundreds of times before - HUNDREDS.

    It isn't not about losing his streak, it's about the sense of helplessness.

    He lost streak as Clown plenty of times, but to this day he still boasts of the amazing anti-loop and high-skill-ceiling utility of the killer.

    He thinks that the Shape is the weakest killer in the game, and he openly states that he did not have such a miserable experience when he lost several streak attempts on Meyers.

    You're looking at a guy who has a 100+ win streak on Plague who's aim is to completely master the game as killer.

    Now you're seeing that same guy unable to attain 12 consecutive matches.

    And his conclusions are not balance changes, nor are they mechanical in nature - or even skill based.

    He is simply saying that the gameplay direction Behavior has chosen for Saduko (and killers in general) leaves him feeling as though no matter how well he plays, he is always at a disadvantage.

    This is a man who has, for the longest time, did what he could to stave off the 'survivor sided' fans in his fanbase. He's been very calm and optimistic at every turn. Seeing him voice such a concern is very unsettling, as it's very out of character for him to do.

  • Member Posts: 517

    Hah! I don't remember tears over the win streak. Moreso that the experience was miserably frustrating

    With a low tier killer like Sadako? 1,000% disagree with that statement. If you are as skilled as the survivors you go up against, you lose every time. Excluding the holy trinity, only way you win is by being more skilled than they are, and that goes double for lower tier killers

    For instance, I enjoy playing Clown every now and then, but holy #########, if you are going up against even halfway decent survivors, you are gunna have a bad time no matter what you do. Mastery of the killer means next to nothing

    That's the point I was attempting to make - playing much of the killer roster feels incredibly frustrating right now

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Blame the devs for allowing stagnancy to prevail. If there were alternate game modes, something to spread the play styles, the game would be in a better state. But they refuse to do anything about it, instead sticking to the same unhealthy cycle of every three months for the last five years. Going on six!

  • Member Posts: 64

    On top of all of these killer issues the game is becoming increasingly unstable.. at least for me it is.

    The game has crashed and blue screened my PC three times this week.

    As for those of you that say get a better PC, it's a near top end PC with a 3080 TI. The build cost me nearly 6k so it's nothing to do with my PC.

    Furthermore I've had several friends lately encountering the same issue but when mine crashes I seem to continually get a no signal to either of my monitors when I launch my PC back up until I physically remove the PSU battery from my PC.

    I was only considering quitting this game thanks to all the balance problems but now it seems like I actually may be forced to quit before it completely breaks a 6k PC setup.

  • Member Posts: 638
    edited April 2022

    I think one of the main issues is how toxic a majority of survivors are. I've been getting 4 stacks of BBQ and farming with survivors lately but they're still toxic after I gift them 25k+ points. They'll Tbag at the exit gate and do the "come here" emote and then dip before I can get a hit. They legit all do this so I just walk towards them and don't even swing. It's just silly how the majority of survivors play to be #########, that's their sole objective in the game, to bully the killer. If you've ever joined the DBD discord and played SWFs with randoms there you'll start to understand the playerbase more. There is a LOT of mental illness in there.

  • Member Posts: 628

    I play builds that are more fun. I'm not a top tier player and I can't see rank or rewards for rank. My only motivation is to have fun games. So meme-y builds are fun. I play Prayer Tablet Plague normally so that's fun.

    I had a match as Wraith on Wreckers and got 1K before last gen popped. They were sweaty and try hards. As last gen popped, so did NOED and right next to a gate with 2 survivors and 2 hooks. So needless to say I had a fun end game and got the 3K against sweaty survivors.

    Ive been more drawn to Splatoon 2 lately, but will be playing DBD for fun every so often

  • Member Posts: 13

    Playing as survivor isnt fun either anymore. Its not just killers. My goofy ass keeps coming back every few months because I really want to like this game but all it does is crush the spirits and ruin my night. Not worth it.

  • Member Posts: 331
    edited June 2022

    I started playing this game specifically to play killer. At first I was having a great time with it, but these days I barely touch killer. It's just a miserable experience. It's kinda sad, really. I like a lot of the killer roster, but the role just feels garbage to play.

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