Do y'all survivor mains really think dead hard needs skill? / What skill does it need ?

I wanna know your opinions on it. For me, dead hard is like noed.
I think your title should be less combative. I think using it to dodge attacks is good design and healthy. It can be baited. It being used for distance to a loop is unhealthy, which BHVR correctly realized. It cannot be baited. Not a survivor main. I play both sides evenly.
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Not a Survivor main.
Dead Hard requires a small amount of skill to use properly, as to not Dead Hard into a wall
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Depends on how you use it, just like I can use Lithe in a skillful way to make the killer think they have an easy m1 just for me to narrowly dodge the hit.
I still stand by my opinion that Dead Hard is mid and at best, an A tier perk in the right situations.
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i play both sides evenly and i can say SB is worse than DH.
DH is easily baited, even worse once there is no pallets around.
The worse thing i hate about DH is people who use Auto-DH and easily reportable if your recording.
SB on the other hand you can zoom away from a Dead Zone area.
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theres a huge difference between playing against someone thats good at using dh and someone thats not
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I would argue good timing. Believe it or not I have seen people get hit through windows and pallets even if they dead hard to it.
Also please show me video of skillfully dodging a hit with dead hard? It seems near impossible
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A standard killer lunge is longer and faster than Dead Hard. Killer moves faster and essentially gets infinite buffed Dead Hard attacks and you're the one saying Dead Hard takes no skill?
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The only real skilled part of using DH is winning a stand-off in the open against killers waiting for you to use your DH.
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Considering my average team mate goes down really fast even when using dead hard, but when I come to the forums killers say dead hard is like a "third health state" and that it is OP, clearly someone need to be at least a bit skilled to pull it off or they wouldnt go down so fast even with it.
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Can people use it poorly or use it well? If the answer is yes, it takes skill to use.
And people knowing exactly where they can get away with one additional loop thanks to dead hard is also a form of skill just like knowing how to run a tile in general. Not only mechanical execution ability and "flashy" expressions of skill like barely possible flashlight saves or crazy huntress hatchets count. But some degree of "skill type elitism" biased towards mechanical skill is practically the standard in gaming anyway so 🙃
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If DH wouldnt need skill to utilize to its fullest, surivors wouldnt deadhard into a walls or use it open field with no benefit.
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Sorry, there is no skill to Dead Hard.
You either press a button to get you instantly to one ipf the many many many windows or pallets for your 3rd health state........ or you are in a map position where there isn't anywhere to save you and skill or otherwise is irrelevant.
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Yes, DH takes skill. Looping skill and skill of planning you route ahead. Noed doesn't take skill
bad player with dh is still a bad player
bad player with noed become a threat
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There is some amount of skill to using it consistently to its full potential. But there is no amount of skill required to see you’re not going to make a pallet and using it to reach said pallet.
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I'm a killer main, i feel dead hard is fine as it is. I feel it can save you and also kill you if you greed to much, which happens a lot as your mmr is going up. So yeah, it requires skill and decision. On the killer perspective, you usually will get boddied by a squad that knows what they are doing with it, but on average it will just keep someone a little longer in the game, wont affect the outcome.
NOED on the other hand, is just a douchebag perk all arround.
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dead hard is the reason killers cant lunge at injured people, one of the reasons trapper is weak, can undo any mistake a survivor makes as long as they have somewhat of a brain, force the killer to allow a survivor to get distance or else risk practically getting stunned for 2 sec, adn makes trades a lot safer in front of the killer, dont know what youre smoking.
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it does take a little skill but anybody with 100+ hrs on surv knows how to use it. Also, it lessens the amount of looping you have to plan and do, you can just use it whenever you make any miscalculation of any kind.
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It requires a decent bit of game sense, you even see good survivors screw it up while throwing down for content. Like, the skill gap on it is quite high, actually. I personally do not even use it because I am not there as a survivor yet. I get more value out of Lithe.
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What in the entity's flat realm is Dead Hard?
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couldn't have said it better myself.
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dead hard doesn't slow you down drastically after you use it, lunging does. If lunging worked like dead hard, you wouldnt see killers moving at all, they'd just be constantly spamming lunges for distance.
What the hell is the comparison lmao.
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it needs minimal skill to be an annoyance.
edit: just like noed and CoH.
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Yeah I'm not saying it doesn't slow you down but you can just hit through every Dead Hard if you time it correctly.
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And in the case it's done for distance?
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Dead hard takes very little skill when utilised for its most powerful effect which is gaining distance. Just pressing a button as you run towards a window or pallet is not exactly a big task. However, there’s still a decent difference between an average and a highly skilled survivor when it comes to overall deadhard utilisation, but even overall, the skill cap is low. The perk itself is busted.
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It takes tile knowledge and timing, at the very least.
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Using it as intended to bait out and dodge hits? Yes
Using it for flashy/stupid jukes? Yes
Using it to extend loops and make the killer waste more time then they should? Lol no
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Dead Hard does require skill to use it to its maximum effect.
That's why nobody complains about people who DH into walls.
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There is no skill in pressing X for a perk like that
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I feel it does require some skill. As a Killer main who dabbles in some Survivor games I can speak for myself when I say I'm a wall magnet when using DH
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Using it for distance in a loop is healthy, but not in the way that current DH is. I am almost certain there was a version of DH where you were basically unable to vault or drop pallets because the animation lasted 1 second longer than the action. That is what DH currently needs. A short cooldown where you cant vault or drop things. You can still use it to gain distance in a loop or chase, but you'd have to use it 1 seconds before reaching the window. Right now, you can pretty much vault the window instantly so turning the corner for a DH to a window makes it near impossible to counterplay. Add 1 second, and survivors would need to use the DH against the wall before they turn the corner.
I think adding a similar effect that Doctor gives to survivors(where they are unable to drop pallets/vault windows/or even dead hard, from the start of their 1 second scream animation, to 1.5 seconds lingering) would fix DH without reworking it too much. It would have a much, MUCH higher risk(because what if the killer mindgamed you into DH to the window only to be on the opposite side? Or what if they made you think they went back only to suddenly be behind you, things that cannot happen with current DH) while keeping the current rewards.
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Thank god they realized this after 5 years
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The people who dead hard into walls could complain about object permanence which if you think about is very OP.
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It doesn't take skill to use, you take it to avoid getting skillful at the game.
Ever since I dropped using Survivor meta perks I've seen a significant difference on how the game is played, and become a whole lot better, now I don't even need to run perks to win as survivor.
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You uhh.... you uhh.. accept the fact you got outplayed by someone that is way better than you
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Dead Hard is not like NOED because Dead Hard can be an all game problem, and I can't get rid of it.
You can cleanse NOED.
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The skill in dh is finding the E key on your keyboard and pressing it when you've made a mistake while looping
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The skill as killer in press forward until you’re next of a survivor and press a button also. And that’s without bloodlust.
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DbD is a very skilless game, most will agree.
There's only a few things that require skill, those being looping, playing Hillbilly, Nurse and Blight.
Everything else is game knowledge