First Person For Anniversary?

Hey Guys,
Hope everyone is well and safe. Quick one for extra content being placed into the game how would one feel about a FPS view point for Survivors? It would give a new meaning to the word Terror! Event if it was a limited time event mode. Could be fun I for one would be down. What's your opinion? Would you be down?
I think it'd be great, a lot of people know all the loops and could do them with their monitor off.
Working on generators would be nerve wracking however. Grabs for days.
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Nah I want to see the character but that’s just me
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I also want to see their bu- um, their pants.
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Imagine playing Jane and not being able to see her. Then what’s the point lmao
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Big part of survivor gameplay is the ability to look behind you for killers so if you play first person you will lose a chase quickly unless BHVR comes with a new idea.
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I would use this setting every time as survivor.
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Potatolegion showed it on his stream it looks intense
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I would love it, it would give a really creepy vibe to the game, some killer would be really huge (imagine nemesis from a survivor pov). But killers chase would maybe needs some tweaks
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Yeah something different and would bring that hopeless vibe to being a survivor. Again i understand the point is to have that 3rd person perspective, I'm just saying as maybe as a limited time event to bring variety to the game i feel it could be fun
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Oh boy I can't wait for an entire gamemode to be Co pletely inaccessible to me and many others because of motion sickness. But it's okay, just use perk Night Vision Goggles to increase your FOV !!
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Its just an idea my friend you can chill. lol
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Sounds fun as a limited time thing but I can definitely see people taking it the wrong way and demanding for it to be permanent when the game clearly wasn't designed for it.
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i agree im not saying to change the current viewpont at all. Just a bit of fun and bringing that Tension to the game
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Well the camera could turn into 3rd person when doin gens.
Would be interesting to try it as an event or game mode, tho one of the things about survivor is being able to see your character, wish I could as killer >_<
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I've always felt BHVR misses out on big opportunities with April 1. They could use that as a veil for testing out different things, like first person survivor, or built in stretch res for everyone, or quickplay perk randomizer mode, or black and white mode. Whatever.
Maybe they can do this for the Anniversary-- or at least something drastically different.