One time again unfairness toward the killer.

The devs said: "2 escaped, 2 sacrificed is the perfect balance" But then why am i not pipping out of a "balanced match"?? When i'm a 100% sure the 2 guys that escaped clearly 2 pipped out of this. THESE are the kind of things that make me believe that this game is survivor sided even when it's a 1v4, where the 1 has to sweat his ass off and the 4 can basically just chill on gens and nothing else. I've been so many times on the edge of leaving this game because i don't feel awarded in ANY way when playing it and i'm quite sure that i'm not the only one feeling this way.
I have read one of the emblems before. The hook one I think it says hook 9 times for gold.
I have done more than that and got silver. No minus scores included.
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The emblem system is outdated. For instance, if you demanifest while chasing someone, it will count as a lost chase toward the chaser emblem. Others emblem are very arbitrary in my opinion toward ranking and points.
I just don't mind about emblems, maybe you should too.
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Because Iri tier is rough to pip on.
As someone who likes to pip fast, this bracket is tough.
A few tricks:
- Interrupt people healing as a priority. You lose points when people heal, but gain a ton if you can stop them.
- Make sure you're hooking everyone multiple times and not hanging out near hooked survivors.
- Chases are good, but if they go on for too long they're bad. Killers that can reliably deliver lots of quick hits are brilliant for the final stretch of Iri (I like Wraith and Spirit for this part, but Nemmy and Hag are also solid here).
- Instadown killers or killers that can mori early (Sadako) are terrible at ranking.
- Ditto Artist, because for some reason her bird strikes don't count as a 'hit' event.
Broadly speaking, Ash->Gold = 1-2 kills if you did well elsewhere.
Gold->Iri = 2-3 kills if you did well elsewhere.
Iri = 3 kills. You can sometimes squeak by on 2, but it's very tough.
This all said - it's way, way, way harder to rank as a survivor.
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The 2-2 Kills V Escapes aren't worth much... In the current state that the game is in
Plus MMR takes Kills V Escapes
The Emblem system takes what happens during the match
Everything isn't balanced due to those things
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Thanks all for your replies, but yours in particular has been very useful, thanks.. Even though i don't agree with the fact that pipping with survivors is harder.. I've been rank 1 red rank with survivor basically always since i've started playing this game and even easier when i started to play with a SWF. You have too much power in your hands when you play with a premade. You decide who has to make chases (or disrupt them with sabo/pallet save/torch), who has to make gens, who has to check for totems, who goes for healing and you can easily rotate roles when you are playing to increase points where you are missing something. It's pretty disgustingly easy when you are SWF. When you are solo, yes i agree, you have to sweat your a** off to pip ^^
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Case in point.. Did 3 solo gens, did 2 saves, did 2 chases where the killer had to drop it, did not escaped cause i traded for the last and the killer was wraith silent bell/wall hacks in RPD. I should have depipped since i didn't escape, while instead i almost 2 pipped.
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I've also recently become frustrated with this. Maybe I shouldn't care about the emblem system or the devs' golden standard for kills, but it seems like the two things are counterproductive when you actually go for that amount of kills.
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No, it doesn't take what you do in the match AS killer. Because in that game i had 10 hooks, defended all the gens BUT they opened both doors and i got 2 kills STILL i didn't pip. It's simply survivor sided atm, or better said, unfair toward the killer.
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Same thing and I hate it, I can't pip any game in higher mmr as killer but it's super easy for survivors...
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The game isn't survivor sided because iri pips are hard to get... no ones get pips from just chilling on gens and nothing else as you say, and in my humble opinion pips, emblems and BPs are harder to get for survivors (unless you're in a swf but everything is easier for them lol).
Kills / escapes doesn't equal pips. You're obviously more likely to pip if you have more kills or if you escape, but not necessarily. They take into account how you played (objectives, if chases are quick or dropped...). For example that's why in facecamping scenarios neither the killer nor the survivors who escape get pips (or bps) because no one is getting chase points.
In your killer game example the two survivors who escaped have 27k and 31k bps, getting that many bps as survivor means the game (&chases) probably lasted a while (which isn't good for the killer). Also I think pips take hook into account rather than kills, so you're more likely to pip with 0k & everyone on death hook rather than 2ks without having hooked or even downed the ones who escaped.
On the contrary in your survivor game example you literally did 3/5 of the objective by yourself and basically carried your team but only got 1 pip out of it (and 10ks less bps than your killer game).
In conclusion, iri pips are hard to get for everyone and the outcome of the game doesn't impact it much. If anything your examples just show how outdated emblems are tbh, they should be more accurate to represent the pips you get.
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Kill/escape ratio does not has anything to do with pipping. Why do people still dont get that?
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While technically this is correct (2/2 is a tie, meaning no progress should be made) pipping and mmr are the dumbest thing ever and I'm working on a version that rewards everyone more fairly.
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Emblems were always like that. Even before the mmr, a killer wouldn´t be able to reach red ranks with 2 kills 2 escapes. No matter what.
Which made the whole "we balance for 2 kills 2 escapes" kinda... pointless to say the least.
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Yeah I wish killer emblems got changed, not only for the adepts which are hard even more so with shared mmr but just the fact killer is so much harder than survivor.
Nearly every survivor game is a pip if not a double while killer struggles to be a pip especially against high mmr survivors. Killer has far too many negative actions held against you
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this is another reason why MMR was such a horrid idea:
the MMR system and the grade system are completely incompatible.
grades require you to keep getting better scores in your games, requireing a better outcome every game - however, MMR wants to keep your games at a consistent level (the 50% escape rate). grades on the other hand dont reward you for this outcome - in fact, depending on how close it was, they might actually punish you for it by making you lose grade progress.
in addition, grades reset every month, while MMR stays the same. meaning it will get harder and harder for you to reach even just mediocre grade scores by the time the month ends the longer you play.
these are two entirely seperate systems that score your matches entirely differently. They need to be fused together if they want them to work in the future - for example by making the MMR system care about your Emblem score when it tries to determine whether that was a balanced matchup for you or not rather than soley focussing on kills / escapes.
the only saving grace that has masked this problem so far is the fact that MMR is so utterly dysfunctional right now.
this is only going to get worse the better the MMR system functions.
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I agree. I generally hit Iri 1 on both each month but solo queue pipping up is influenced by a lot of factors that are outside of my control. I very rarely depip as killer but, when I do, it's generally due to a mistake I made but depipping as survivor at Iri, at least half the time, feels like RNG circumstances. Killer found me first and chased me for most of the game? Probably depip. Killer caught me first and facecamped? Depip. Killer AFKs? Depip. Teammates leave me to one hook? Depip. Killer is out classed completely? Possibly a depip.
And then at Iri it's not possible to have all survivors pip up so you compete for objectives. For a SWF that would be easy since you can trade off which games who does what but, for solo queue, the requirements are steep.
What I find helps a lot is as soon as normal play takes me to three or four pips on an Iri grade I play map offerings. It sucks but I'm just a lot less likely to depip on certain maps than on other. Then I stop using the offerings as soon as I hit the next Iri grade. Depipping back to zero from four pips feels like garbage when that happens. I prefer random maps all the time but I dislike depipping 3 or 4 pips at an Iri grade back to zero pips a lot more than I dislike map offerings.
Of course, that also indicates how map balance needs to be reworked but that's another topic and, based on what I've seen from new Haddonfield, something the devs are keeping in mind.
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I don't remember the streamer who said that they should uncap the possibility to do points in all the 4 survivor categories and i completely agree with that.. Too many times there are things that you cannot control as surv and due to this it should be possible to rank up even when you are doing just one thing. The thing that triggers me the most is altruism... I get punished for people hooked and not saved or unsafe hooks or people that didn't heal much in that match, but nothing of this is in my power if the killer camps or keeps spotting people when healing because of perks or they are too dumb to hide properly when healing :\ so yeah... they should really rework many things in terms of ranking system and pipping in general... i hope they will listen to content creators too, i've heard many good ideas. At the end of the day, it's not like they have "Whisperers" that could help them right? XD
Post edited by BaroneMaximus on0 -
Here you go. You can 4k and not pip at all.
To be fair, this might be due to the matchmaking test. Only had 1 match so far and it was really weird, because on one hand, the survivors knew how to loop, but on the other they didn´t feel like unhooking their teammates. I wasn´t even camping or tunneling, but they basically let everyone go to struggle for no other reason than pushing gens.