A single charm as prime gaming loot

the fact that the reward was originally scheduled for yesterday, we only received it today, and it's an out-of-date Holiday charm makes me think they forgot they had to give something and found it under the couch. If that's the case, at least give us shards or bp
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Well, least my inner Leprechaun is satisfied that I got my pot of Gold.
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the fact that the reward was originally scheduled for yesterday
uhm. Source?
as far as I know Jakes outfit was always meant to stay until today, since yesterday was a Sunday?
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I have prime anyway so will use the code to add it to the hoard of unused charms I have. The only people I see getting prime JUST for this charm would be completionists, I don't see this increasing Amazon's prime #s outside of that. It's definitely a let down when previous months we had a full 3 piece cosmetic. If they are switching to charms for the prime rewards I hope they don't continue the partnership after they do the planned May cosmetic, charms don't feel as special as regular cosmetics.
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since the original reward, they were all given out on the tenth of every month, not sure if being a sunday influences this
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Of course it not being a work day influences it??
and it’s been 4 times. It’s not like they are breaking a long existing pattern here.
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Literally it’s pathetic. How did we go from whole skins to a singular charm for an old holiday
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I mean, its not hard to let something like that preset to release on a specific date
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Prime Gaming-Goodies are now called "Rewards"? You get something for free for something you would have anyway (Amazon Prime). It is not really a "Reward".
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This isn't a hill to die on, it's just semantics. It doesn't change anything in the grand scheme of things
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...... You cannot be serious.
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Its a game where several characters and perks are hide behind a paywall, i really dont think anyone would really mind bp from amazon prime
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Pretty sad and disappointing. Charms are worthless and pointless, unless you put them in your hooks as killer. But even then, barely anyone uses charms.
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With the crazy amount of grind in this game, any amount of BP or shards given would not really make a difference or give an advantage.
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I was bummed out to see that my Prime was running out and the next drop hadn't happened. Can't say I care at all about missing this one. Charms are crappy and we have far too many of them and even with that being said I still forget they exist every now and then.
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Really sad
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A Charm for a month old holiday, seriously?
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The Holy Charm 🤡
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Every single prime reward goes from the 10th of one month to the 10th of the next, that's what every single one says
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So I found a source on my own, but there it only states up to Jakes March Outfit it will be available from 10th to 10th. No confirmation that the next will also start on the 10th. And none of the ones already over has started/ended on a Sunday before.. so just assuming it should be the same on a Sunday is really not enough.
here is my source:
Where is yours? (And I am genuinely asking because I like to keep track on when they are not holding their word)
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The thing is, it was still possible to claim jake's outfit yesterday. I constantly checked to see if they had already released the new drop
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Feels like something we should have gotten from the rift anyways? Thats why we had so many empty levels in the rft? Lmfao.. Damn what a downgrade compared to the previous months that actually had somewhat nice outfits.
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The same one. That article has (or at least was) updated every drop so the next one isn't spoiled. That's why it, at least at the moment, has only up to Jake's. It probably just hasn't been updated for the next one.
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So…. No source at all and you were just expecting it based on a not officially confirmed pattern?
okay but.. that just means we had a day more to claim the Jake cosmetic than they have announced…
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I agree that the charm was quite a bit underwhelming after five full cosmetic outfits, two in one month, even. I think it would've been better received if it had been 3-4 charms covering the holidays from Feb - April, but at the end of the day, it's essentially a bonus for a service a lot of us already purchased for a completely different reason.
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I mean, people speculated that the amazon drop would be some auric cells and we got a pot of gold instead. Thats pretty close if you ask me.
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Wait, are people here really angry/complaining about the fact that the free stuff they get is not the free stuff that they want?
For real?
I mean, i don't like many of behaviours decisions and personally find the prime rewards just like more of a pathetic attempt to calm the masses (for example riot gives out roughly 10-20€ worth of cosmetics and payed in-game currency away each month for a year now) instead of solving issues in a satisfying and timely manner, but it's still free stuff that they aren't obligated to give out in the first place, or am I wrong here?
And if i am right then i have to call this thread one of the biggest balls of bratty whiny entitlement i have seen in a long time.
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People are complaining because we got 4 great looking outfits with alot of details in them and now we get this, a charm that was probably cut out of the rift so they could sell it as a Prime reward. St patricks day was on march 17th which proves even more that it was cut from the rift
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Like all the other prime skins, this one looks like it was pulled straight from another event/release.
Artist’s outfits are her greens. She didn’t have any on release, unlike all other original killers.
Jake’s was part of the collection that Yui’s make-up/without make-up came with.
Blight’s should’ve come along with the frozen killer collection that Artist’s, Spirit’s and GF’s skins came with.
Dwight’s was part of the Valentine’s collection.
This one very clearly was pulled from the most recent rift.
Feels kinda gross, ngl.
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So what?
Just because they gave so much the first 4 times doesn't mean they have to "keep up" or does it?
It still remains absolutely free stuff for the majority.
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Well it kinda is "bratty whiny entitlement", but the charm isn't really free. You have to pay for the amazon prime subscribtion (or atleast that's how I think it works). And if people only bought the prime subscribtion for the dbd cosmetics ? Then yeah I see the reason to complain.
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Little disappointing not gonna lie..
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It does if they want my money. I’m sure alot of people (me included) only buy prime for the rewards but a charm is not worth any money. Ofcourse if you live in america and already have prime it’s “free” but not everyone lives there
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I live in Germany and have prime? Many people already have prime and getting prime only for DBD free stuff seems a little bit stupid or naive from my pov.
Of course there is much other stuff in twitch prime making it worth per se but DBD prime content isn't from the beginning and there is no real argument for them to keep a certain standard for a promo giveaway from which i don't think they make much money.
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Lol yeah I saw that, I have never given the slightest crap about charms so this is certainly not going to get me to log in this month. If others like charms then great for them but for me they were always completely pointless and not worth my attention
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I have never even equipped a charm on any surv or killer tbh.
Just not my thing, but I am glad others collect them and buy them so I can keep playing the game.
Buy those charms bois
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Charms can’t even be directly purchased 🤷♂️
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Referring to the rifts, obviously.
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Killer charm this month. Survivor charm next month. Prepare to be underwhelmed.
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In a thread about Prime Gaming rewards when rifts also include many recolored and a few new outfits?
sorry, wasn’t so obvious for me
this charm is for both roles
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If there is only one way charms can be purchased, it would be somewhat obvious what I was referring to. You obviously, did not grasp what I was saying. it's ok.
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I mean if they are focusing on fixing the game and thus have less time to create outfits for prime IDC but I think if they release more outfits later and sprinkle in charms then like sure go for it cause that is not a huge problem. Lets not get disappointed until we know for sure that we are only going to get charms from now on ( All other rewards were outfits thus far and there is no indication that Jakes outfit was the last).
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Or… I grasped it and just wanted to point out the flaw in what you tried to state.
but well. Maybe I just didn’t grasp it. We will never know.
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Or, you just feel like finding little things to nitpick and play semantics over, when it's obvious you knew what I was saying?
cya in the fog man
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Yeah pretty disappointing behavior. To go from a full outfit to an out of date charm is pretty ridiculous, no one wants charms especially one that is completely seasonal and is released AFTER the holiday!! AND especially one you have to pay $15 for if you aren't regularly using amazon prime.
I expect 2 new outfits for next month as a sorry, I'll also accept auric cells or shards!!! jk but also pls and ty
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Sure we just need as many charms as we can so we can only equip 3 and let other 889287389273 stay in oblivion, with like 25% of them being "recolors" of stupid rift charms that are so lazy and uninspired that I can't help but laugh, like just why do we need 5 "versions" of these things???
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I don't think Prime rewards should exist, atleast not full-on new skins.
Recolors of already existing ones? Sure.
Completely new skins that are behind a subscription? That's not cool