Sunday Burnout

Have people not realized they're just burned out after a weekend of solid power gaming? The game is improving steadily.
- The game is improving steadily.
Haha nice joke.
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The game is the best it's ever been.
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And it'll be even better in a few weeks. OP is right enough, even if they're not entirely right.
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I feel like without any big additions to gameplay aside from just new perks the game over time will slowly decline. They really need to come up with some new ideas. Scourge hooks were probably the last big addition but they still werent as big a deal as when totems got added to the game with hag. I still wish we could have 2 killers vs 8 survivors or make twins able to be played by 2 people we just need something that completely alters the landscape in some way to draw back in players across the board. What about 4 killers vs 1 survivor might sound like a nightmare but there could be some things learned from an experiment like that. I realize my ideas are bad I am just trying to think of different ideas that they could test as something does need to be added again.
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I don't feel I could ever get burned out of Blight...or could I?
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New modes would be amazing. Playing KWF would be comfy
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This is an understatement. I'm sure most of them realize this game cannot last forever anyway.
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I think there is some truth about what you said, not the sunday part but burn out in general.
I get bored of every game no matter how good it is after playing for a while.
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If you see how worse games can be - as right now - you can say their normal system is working better than this...
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Understandable concerns!