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Would you like to see other killers get add-on passes a-la Ghost Face and Legion?

Like it says on the tin.

Ghostie and Legion both had the problem where many of their add-on were linear bonuses to their power, and many add-ons had identical effects but with bigger numbers. This was fixed by combining all the identical add-ons into one add-on with a big boost.

Would love to see Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, and others to get similar treatment. It's kind of too bad to see add-ons just be "get one extra hatchet, get two extra hatchets, wind up slightly faster, wind up slightly more fasterer, ect". I want see the more unusual add-ons used more, rather than just stack two add-ons that do the same thing.

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  • Member Posts: 228

    Definitely Pyramid Head yes

  • Member Posts: 3

    Definitely Pyramid Head yes

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Definitely Executioner yes

  • Member Posts: 158

    Pyramid head yes definitely

  • Member Posts: 1,377


  • Member Posts: 638

    PP head REALLY needs an addon pass. I can't even play him because I can't mix his playstyle up like other killers.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    No, listening to survivor mains talk about how killers got buffed with changes like THESE make me sick to my stomach. I would rather not have them at all so I can whine without the usual suspects retorting with "hurr durr buffs."

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Freddy and Hillbilly are most deserving right now. May not be a popular opinion, but I think Executioner actually has the right idea as far as add-ons: mostly just modifying his existing abilities. Not some crazy, game-altering iridescent that totally sways the game and how you can expect to play as and against him. Not to say he doesn’t need some add-ons looked at too though.

  • Member Posts: 276

    Why not.

    Cant rework every killer thats weak, lets rework the add ons atleast.

    Freddy and Pyramid head are a must for an add on change.

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    Pyramid Head has only two add-ons that improve his gameplay in any way, and they both do the same thing. That's not good add-on design.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Freddy and Pyramid Head needs add-on pass. They both have terrible add-ons.

    Blight needs nerf for some of his add-ons.

    Nurse's distance add-ons needs nerf.

    Spirit's MDR add-on needs nerf.

    I would go for this killers first.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    And which would those be? I mean he has three different range add-ons, so automatically I would say you’re wrong by that alone. I didn’t say he doesn’t need add-ons looked at and changed either, but that the right idea is behind a lot of his add-ons. The spirit, if you will.

    And I stand by that Freddy and Hillbilly most desperately need add-on changes more than any other killers right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,046
    edited April 2022

    I can't say I agree at all. PH is one of the killers I play the most, so I feel fairly qualified to say that his add-ons aren't what should be the standard for other killers in any conceivable way. In fact, they're more badly designed than almost any other killer in the game, barring Freddy, Artist and Nemesis, because all of them (except Wax Doll and Burning Man Painting) are an unholy combination of boring, weak, unnecessary and copy-pasted.

    Black Strap is 0.5m, which isn't enough to make any real difference. Three add-ons that improve recovery rate by miniscule values on a killer that can use his power whenever. Three add-ons that increase the time he can drag his knife by miniscule values, which is better than nothing, but still incredibly underwhelming. Three add-ons that increase trail duration - sounds good, but then you realise the trail cap exists, and they'll get automatically deleted far before the duration expires. Three add-ons that increase Killer Instinct duration - entirely useless, as Killer Instinct is too slow with location updates to give a good indication of where the survivor is for POTD to hit. A purple that applies Oblivious when stepping on a trail (a rare occurrence outside of chase) for 15 measly seconds. A purple that applies Haemorrhage, which will probably be good now, but when they designed it they thought extra blood was a good choice for a status effect that gives you a giant, easy to spot trail following behind you. A purple that applies Blindness for 60 seconds. An ultra rare seemingly designed only for insidious camping, as the stealth wears off immediately after leaving the trail, and the Great Knife is still audible as he moves - but at least it's a fun gimmick, if was better. An incredibly lackluster aura reading add-on which defeats itself by letting survivors absolve themselves of Torment.

    These add-ons are not interesting. These add-ons are not strong. These add-ons are not creative. Most of the time, these add-ons are not even noticeable. You don't need three weak add-ons for the same effect - heck, you basically only need one, if at all. Unique add-ons, strong add-ons, usable add-ons are much better than "increases movement speed while channeling power by 0.5/1/1.5%" like PHs.

    You mentioned Billy, but at least he has some good ones; Punctured Muffler, both Engravings, the 2 turning add-ons, Lopro Chains, (even if it is overrated) Apex Muffler, Iridescent Brick - even Mother's Helpers and Tuned Carburetor can be good depending on the map and build! They tried with the Hillbilly's add-ons. They did not try with Pyramid Head, much as they did not try with Freddy and Artist. This shouldn't become a trend. Add-ons should change the killer, that's kind of their whole point.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited April 2022

    Freddy and Legion addons are terrible because they were originally better but they changed the killers which made the addons trash.

    Freddy used to have some good builds and playstyles using them, now "Footsteps are 50% louder" purple addon

    Umm ok, I got headphones on I dont need to run a purple to hear footsteps. Don't even get me started on Legions addons, I don't think the people who create these addons even play the game tbh

  • Member Posts: 3,271
    edited April 2022

    I think it'd be viable to remove stat-boost addons, IF they add those all or some of those potential stats to the base.

    Some training addons would be better as an opzion in the options menu.

    Billy's and Nurse's addon passes sadly came with meme addpns and unneeded mechanical changes.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    For sure, but it's already been done on other killers so I don't expect that to happen again for a long time.

  • Member Posts: 8,077


    PH, Freddy, Artist, Onryo, Oni and Nemesis (off the top of my head) need some addon love and almost every killer could do with a handful of addon tweaks.

    However...if I'm not mistaken, Ghostface's rework comes out to a nerf and that makes me nervous.

  • Member Posts: 455

    Yes definitely Pyramid Head

  • Member Posts: 628

    I'm pretty content with add on/powers for the most part. Plague and Trapper had excellent add on passes/updates. Personally, I'd like to see Doctor add on shake up to help counter the healing meta. I.e. add on where each tier of madness slows your healing. Tier 1: 15% penalty, tier 2: 25% penalty and then Tier 3: you can't be healed until you tier down not even by other survivors

    Its just an idea, but I think Doctor is in an okay state atm

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Pyramid Head, Freddy, Michael, Nemesis need it the most probably.

    Michael has 3 stalk movement speed Add-ons like Ghostface did, change them. He also has a Tier 3 duration Add-on on all rarities, with yellow and brown being completely pointless.

    Scratched Mirror was once funny, now it's time to change it a bit so Michael isn't as hindered with it. Tombstone Piece needs a nerf.

    And the glass fragment Add-ons are also pointless except the green one.

    The best Add-ons are Stalk efficiency, Dead Rabbit and a few others. He needs it also.

  • Member Posts: 295

    I never stopped to think much about Pyramid Head's addons but seeing the consensus here I might have slept on them. I always thought the basic ones (range, recharge, duration) to be like, ok in what they "buffed" on his power (maybe they could tweak the numbers a bit tho), but the different ones that do extra stuff indeed are pretty whatever or plain useless. Yea his purple and iri ones are so lame in what they do compared to lets say Hag or Trickster's addons that add extra effects to their power or even change their gameplay significantly. I wonder what kind of better stuff they could do with PHead's addons.

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