Why do survivors feel the need to hang around instead of leaving?

Survivor mains please answer me this question. Why when a group clearly destroys a killer do they feel the need to hang around at the exit gate untill the last second of end game collapse. Is it that important that the killer sees u teabagging before u can leave?
extra t bag to boost confidence its not like they barely escaped in last hook...
as a killer if someone reaches the gate i just go do something else and leave the timer alone, sometimes they go out, sometimes they wait and die since i didnt go to the show
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If they gen rush hard, they might not be able to pip. Since they had no killer interaction.
So it might be that they try to get some chase points.
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When I hang around instead of just running out, it's usually because there's someone or multiple people who are still out in the wild and in a chase, and I sit in the gate and gain my bearings and heal if I'm injured and I wait there until the timer just gets too close, They get in and get out, or they get downed and I'll try my best to perform a save (Unless they're a toxic wannabe idiot, then I just leave)
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They never accomplished anything in life. So they insult people they know they will never meet in person to give themselves a sense of superiority.
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If the killer tunneling or bm me on hook without a reason, I will stay there until the last second or when I get bored.
Or you know, you can just push me out. But you won't. Crouching button too strong.
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Must flex their ultimate superiority because they won.
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Many Survivors are likely playing this game with the subconscious knowledge that they have nothing better to do IRL, which gives them ample time to waste on a virtual hide and seek apparatus.
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I guess but simple solution would be don't gen rush and go interact with the killer. I think the main issue i have with this argument is that survivors try and get those extra points when they know they will 100% survivor. no risk what so ever.
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It depends. If everyone is at the gate, i will just leave and go into the next game, but if i don't see everyone, i will wait in case a teammate need help with a bodyblock or an unhook.
For other i can't say, but most of them probably have no reason other than making themsleves feel good. Because, let's not forget that there is estimated 4% of the adult population that are said to be sociopath, and since in they need to watch their behavior during their daily life, video game are the perfect place to let out without any consequences.
And some do it because why not.
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Once the gens are completed, the gate is at 99% and there is no NOED. Survivors become very confident to get some more points out of killer interaction.
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Simple. If they opened the exit gates they want to BM. Looking away from the Tbag and or not indulging them is not going to do you any good. Get bagged and move on, simple as that.
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in my case it's it's to give you some extra BPs or free Tome Challenge progress, i've done plenty of rather painful tome challenges and quite honestly if i can help someone not go through the same pain that i did, then i will
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Before EGC there was no timer to force them out. Survivors would stay at the gate forever.
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I never get that either. Like you don't need me to hold your hand, you can leave on your own lol. It tends to happen only when I have a really bad game esp if I'm learning a killer and only get a few hooks in.
It's usually 1 or 2 ppl that will hang around. If it's 1 person ill just go find hatch for points lol. Sometimes idc I'll go to the door and smack them out the game but other times if I'm frustrated and don't feel like dealing with it I'll go get damage points or grab a water or something lmao.
Only time i , as a survivor hangs around is to make sure the others are safe to get out too
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There are a number of reasons from wanting extra bloodpoints, searching for chests or totems or wanting extra WGLF stacks. Not all people are doing it to be toxic.
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Don't waste everyone's time asking a question that's been answered several times already in the forum already. You can searxh this topic yourself.
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There are tome challenges to butt dances at the exit gate?
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no but some of the "use killer power in a unlikely to even occur scenario" challenges are really tedious to try and get, so i hang around and hope that they can get the challenge requirements off of me
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They feel neglected irl maybe so they need your attention.
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I´m afraid the amount of survivors that stay around for this is... pretty much non existant.
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well i am one of those people that do stay around to try and help
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Can you get queued to my games? 😭😂
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Thats nice. But most of the time i won´t see this as a attempt of good intention. (mainly because i don´t go to the exit gate)
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To be honest, i don't blame you for that
for every person that tries to help with archive challenges there's at least 100 people that are just hanging there to be dicks unfortunately
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Mostly this. The game lasting at least 9 minutes is important in the current emblem system.
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Yeah, honestly it's the same as slashing on the hook. It's a little cheese, but I'd much rather chase the survivors out then hide from the bags. Like, who cares? Bag me.
It would be nice if they at least let me slap them on the way out. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Either way, kudos to them for escaping and on to the next game.
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So you could just chase them out if it bother you that much. Otherwise, who cares?
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In the case where everyone else is safe and waiting at the exit gate, I usually only stay after an unsuccessful tunnel/camp and I usually tbag with the other survivors because it's funny. Sometimes I'll stay to get heal points or if I'm with friends, we'll play chicken.
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Many matches don´t last that long...
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Some people are just... not nice.
I never understood why some survivors feel the need to rub their win into the killers face. Especially during the endgame chat. Yet they seem to feel a urge to belittle the killer instead of just saying gg.
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Do they gain wglf stacks by dead harding out the exit?
Because getting a pity hit has long since ceased to be courtesy or the norm.
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Again not everyone is doing it to be nice. My point is not everyone is doing it to be toxic either.
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Same with camping/tunneling/swf/"this is boring/unfun"/"which killer do like/dislike to play(against) and other such threads.
I hope you reminded all of them too to just look up long dead threads instead of opening another.
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Yeah maybe but sadly from my subjective experience of leaving as many survivor as possible survive, the former is heavily outnumbered by the latter when i still went for the gate until i stopped it permanently.
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I'm not a survivor main, I play both sides. But since I also play survivor, I'll tell you my 2 reasons.
1) If one of my teammates is still in the match, then I wait until that person comes to safety for the exit or I wait to see if they are maybe will get injured and if I can possibly help them. Even if I play solo queue, I don't like to go without my temmates.
2) When I have sympathy for the killer, I sometimes wait for the killer so he can hit me 2 more times to get some more BP.
Not every survivor has toxic reasons to wait, I know how it feels to be bullied as a killer, so I don´t.
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I do the 2x hit thing a bunch/let them get their power off or if I know they struggled super bad, I may let them kill me/The Entity take me.
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Just to add a final insult and make sure the match is as miserable as possible right up to the last second. I guess these survivors really love long queue times and want to make them even longer? As a mostly survivor main myself... when the match is over I just damn well leave if there is no reason for me to stay.
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To answer your question - it depends on context.
Was the killer tunneling a certain person or face camping/proxy camping constantly, only to have the team come together, save them, take protection hits and ultimately everyone got out regardless? Lot of survivors wait for the killer at EG in this instance to teabag as a major 'F you' to the killer. Like you tried and still failed to kill the person. Ha ha!
If the killer was relatively new or just got played with for the majority of the game and they wait to teabag at EG, they probably are just a**holes and also another Haha! moment, in terms of how easy it was. These types usually like to demoralize players even more.
As for waiting for the last possible second before collapse, maybe they have a challenge that makes them have to remain in the trial while the others get out. Or they just want the killer to see them leave. I do this myself, not particularly at the end of collapse (cause I don't like wasting that much time) but I do want the killer to see me leave (and if they don't come to the EG, no problem I just leave). No teabagging, nothing. Or I give them a free hit at the end for some extra points and then leave.
Really just depends on the killer and how they play usually. But again, there are lots of survivor mains who just like to bully the killer and teabag/waste time regardless. Having the killer be demoralized and less incentivized to play killer again is their goal. If you get mad and bring it to end-game lobby, they are even happier.
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I had something super cute with a nemesis player. The person played very fair, had multiple chances to tunnel but never did. I don't see that very often, and I wanted to gift them the kill as a way of showing my appreciation.
I ended up alone with the killer in the match and I ran to a hook and pointed to it, the killer shook his head, no. I pointed to the hook again, killer - no. The third time I tried to get them to hook me, he downed me , picked me up ,walked away from the hook with me and carried me to the hatch. xD
I wanted so badly to give them the kill for their fair behavior but they really wanted me to live.
Sometimes there are also these special moments in dbd :D
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Well your very unlucky mate
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In case another survivor needs help. If we're all there I'll leave. If we're all there and the killer is there I want to try to give them some extra points by letting them hitting me out.
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Why would i want to indulge them?
If something like this happens i ignore them, get myself something to drink or check my e-mails.
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They want to own you and taunt you to show you how amazing at life they with their thousands of hours sitting in their parents’ basements playing video games.
If I know the remaining survivors are at the gate, I’ll just go AFK and do something else until the match is done. Let the survivors have their party to celebrate their amazing and truly inspiring accomplishments on their own. I know AFK during the match is technically unsportsmanlike per the rules, but once the EGC starts I would hope that rule goes out the window.
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several reasons.
a) (solo-q / teamies not on comms) there are people unaccounted for and there'd maybe still be time for a rescue attempt.
b) since I don't know if the killer has endgame chat I like to leave an item (or if it's too precious to leave at least nod slowly) as a means to say ggs / acknowledge their efforts - and I like them to see the gesture
c) Meme if people are up for it
d) Let the killer get an extra hit or two if they want it
e) maybe get another couple seconds of chase
f) have that darn everyone-has-to-leave-before-you challenge
that being said, I don't usually linger for too long if possible. I understand if a killer doesn't feel like exit gate shengangigans and stays away. there are also a couple no-gos that I don't get either and that I am upset by if teamies do any of it. T-bagging and going clicky clicky are top of the list. But also waiting until the last second for the sake of waiting and not getting the hint (or ignoring it) when a killer effectively says "leave!"
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I normally open the gates if they survive that far to ensure the timer starts. I will try to kill them but sometimes I use my killer power, break pallets, search for hatch away from the gates and try to take advantage of any taunting mistakes. They cannot help themselves so just plan for it.
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Did you know that at one time it was a friendly gesture to give the players free hits/heals at the end of the match, or some just absolute silly play at the end of the game?
Now it's - like it is now.
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I'll do it sometimes to take a hit, or if there are other survs still in the open map, in case a body block or save is needed. But if the other survs are already out, or at the gates with me, I'll leave immediately.