I’m New to the Artist

I’m learning Artist now and I noticed on the forums that people are suggesting she isn’t played much anymore. That about right? My question is why? Does she have a huge exploitable flaw that doesn’t show its self until higher ranked?

People seem to rate her high, say positive things about her, she feels good to me, but I felt the way way about a lot of Killers who felt terrible the higher up in the food chain I went. Like Doctor, Freddy (both versions) and Twins. I’m just afraid I might have chosen another Killer that feels strong initially but sort of falls apart when I hit red ranks.


  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,719

    No one doubts Artist's power. A lot of people just find her boring. I enjoy her, personally.

    She takes practice to hit her full potential but she's a powerhouse. Don't worry.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    My problem with Artist:

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Nah she's strong, it's just that she's competing against a huge roster of killers and her power isn't all that exciting. She's gonna...shoot a bird at you. She might also place a bird head or two at a loop. Thumbs up!

    If you're happy with her, roll with it. I main Trapper and everyone tells me he's hot garbage but I'm humming 'We Will Rock You' but the clapping sounds are replaced with bear traps closing. It's all how you work with the tools you've got.

  • HelloDarkness
    HelloDarkness Member Posts: 13

    Queuing at the post office is more fun than playing artist

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105
    edited April 2022

    She is very strong with Dead man switch and Pain resonance. You can block all gens after a hook for 45s. It takes 60s to go next hook stage so they have only 15s to prevent it if you decide to tunnel / camp (if you have a mori, that person is dead). It’s very very strong. Add BBQ for the points and info (which gen to shot at) and Corrupt for the early game and you got a solid antiloop, antigenrush, tunneling killer.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046

    Because she's very similar to a lot of other killers, her chase power largely boils down to zoning for literally free hits and holding W to catch up to survivors when they inevitably run away because it's all they can do, and the one fun and difficult aspect of her kit, crow sniping, is naturally extremely difficult and is completely negated by the ability to jump in lockers.

    At high level play, she is just Zoning: The Killer, with a little bit of map pressure/detection with crow shots. It's very rare you'll get any hits from long distances due to the cooldown, speed of repelling crows, ability to see crow auras, lockers, etcetera. And if I wanted to play Zoning: The Killer, I have like 4 other far more fun options that don't force me to listen to ear-piercing squawks every five seconds.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    I find her kit very good and has everything you need to perform well with her, and compliments well with a lot of perks for a variety of builds.

    I personally use Dead man's switch, pain resonance , pentimento and plaything and it serves me well, the use of aura perks is a bit redundant i find with how swarmed survivors show you their location anyway after the initial hit, you just need a bit of game sense and pinpoint what gen's they will be working on. Compared to other killer's there's a bit of a learning curve and obviously a skill ceiling when it comes to snipes cross map, but don't let that put you off, she's a power house.

    A lot of killer play styles are subjective to opinion, but if you like a killer that can harass, damage from afar, have info pretty much constantly and great zoning, she's the one.

    Here's a random match i had a few weeks back, if you were interested:

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I enjoy playing her. She has quite a few counters to her kit that is downplayed by the community imo. I think these downplayed counters make her frustrating to play as at times.

    Although her birds can cause quite a conundrum for survivors, I think her chase ability is overrated compared to Huntress or Deathslinger. I don’t think she can win chases faster than either of them. Trickster I’m not as sure about.

    Her long range snipes aren’t super effective with lockers removing birds without consequence (one of those counters). On the contrary though, DMS is very effective on her and useful at range.

    I would buff her.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,207

    She's very weird (and very similar to twins).

    She starts fun to learn, then once you get to a certain point you verse W keyers and have some of the most unfun matches of your life, then as you learn to counter said W keyers she starts becoming fun to learn again.

    Most people just dislike her power, other reached the point of versing W keyers and said "yeah nah this aint fun" and bailed her. The only people who kept playing her are the artist mains/people who are really devoted to learning her. That's why you pretty much never see her and - when you do see her - she's either a complete baby or an absolute god, no inbetween.

    As for how good she is, she is quite good, probably in the top 5 or 6 since hag and twins got booted down to B tier with the circle of healing meta.

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    Yeah, your post described my fear/expectation. So I guess I’ll just have fun being a baby artist and decide to give her up later or not. Depending on how I can deal with the frustrations of holding W strat~

    thanks all for info/advice.

  • ElmosPayPig
    ElmosPayPig Member Posts: 128

    Someone with a nemmy avatar calling another killing boring lmao.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited April 2022

    Nemesis is fun killer. For me. I don't care you like him or not, he is most fun killer for me.

    And you should not care about my opinion of Artist if you like her.

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    I’m more offended with your name not matching your avatar. If were just gunna nitpick you ;)

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    I find her to be pretty fun. She has a high skill ceiling so there’s lots of room for improvement and her power does multiple different things.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I don't know why forum has not Mikaela's picture... I wanna use it.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Heh heh, birds go brr