Boon: Exponential is slept on

The perk that many people say is useless and super bad, I feel like people don't understand just how powerful this niche perk is. Sure it may not be as strong as circle of healing or other meta perks, but in my opinion, this perk is definitely A tier worthy because it only gets better if circle of healing is also in play. The problem most people run into while using this perk is that you really need a good totem spawn and understand where this perk will get the most use.
Think of it as unbreakable, when it works it works wonders, but boon: exponential's difference is that it doesn't work once it can work multiple times throughout the game all it takes is some work on the survivor's part. The perk itself has a harder time in solo, but it really shines in swf and can win games if everything aligns, I have no idea why people say it's a bad perk perhaps it gets overshadowed by circle of healing?
Survivors sleep on alot of their perks that aren't dead hard and ds.
Exbonential is very underrated. But it also requires some teamwork to make it shine.
Also boons in general are great because they give team wide buffs and can draw aggro by making the killer waste time to go find and kick it if they really want to get rid of it.
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Let's see:
- Killer is deciding to slug you.
- You down in boon area or near them.
- Killer is not hearing boon's voice.
- Killer is deciding to do not snuff boon.
And yey you have value from this perk.
Looks so situational and bad to me.
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It isn't as situational as most people say as you can and will be able to create situations where this perk gets value, all that it takes is some effort on the survivor's part you can't just put it randomly and expect that maybe one survivor will get use out of it if the killer downs them in that area. The way I get it to proc is by distracting the killer near the downed survivor, for example, you can use the threat of a flashlight save, a pallet, or just simply lure the killer into chasing you while the survivor recovers. All it takes is the survivor being in the zone with boon exponential which isn't that hard if you are swf and creates situations where the killer cannot pick up right away.
For example, you and your friends pick boon exponential and create boon zoons and you get a good totem spawn that is a huge time sink for the killer so they won't bother going to it, don't put it in an obvious location. Then always run towards the areas, while looping do not drop the pallet greed it as much as possible and once you get downed within the pallet, with your friend and make sure the friend is getting the attention of the killer so the killer knows people are around. Now you get a free escape and it does actually work quite a lot, more than one would expect. This can also work solo, but it's much less consistent so I wouldn't bother trying it outside of swf.
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You need a SWF sabo squad to make it work, but it’s very strong. You have to snuff it or that girl is going to get up. You can’t hook because sabo. And if you snuff it, someone is going to pick her up anyways. Also the boon is going to get relit.
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It is strong with SWF, i agree. But i am solo survivor/killer player. So it is useless perk for me.
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To be fair, I don't understand how we really are supposed to play Exponential. From my point of view though, I don't think CoH overshadows exponential because their purpose is different even though they're both boons:
- You mostly want to set CoH in a corner of the map, where you don't want the killer to go
- You want that action goes near Exponential, so the boon totem should be close to the middle of the map
That makes me think you shouldn't have a survivor with both CoH and Exponential.
You have some good points though, I can imagine Exponential doing wonders on rpd or gideon if you have teammates pressuring the killer with flashlights.
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I meant it more in the fact that people automatically think exponential is bad due to circle of healing itself being so good, not that they are similar, I just feel like people compare the other boons powers to circle of healing when they all do different things. Also, I say they work well together because it can help with picking survivors up and healing when the killer is distracted by another survivor, circle of healing is just so good it can be put anywhere and still be useful in my opinion.
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Too much effort for the casual player whom just want a quick few rounds. But yes on rare occasions they may shine but 99% of the times DS & DH could have done the same job (winning time). MMR test should have been done after dh nerf not now as survivors over preforming with these perks may paint a different picture.
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Killers deciding how powerful survivor perks are without playing survivor.
Also, Killers mad that survivors are using Decisive Strike, the only counter survivors have to tunneling-off-hook-till-dead. Survivors aren't using it because they want to, they're using it because they have to.
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Exponential IS a bad perk. Its way too situational, and its completely dependend on the killer side. You just wanna ignore this conveniently for your own reasonings to be viable.
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I've been goofing around with a full spellcaster build with all 4 boons lately, and my opinion on Exponential has improved slightly. I don't think the perk itself is bad, but it's really competing for space and there's tons of competition.
I typically only see any Exponential value(whether to myself or anyone else) every few games. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but there are other perks that activate just as rarely but are easier to get value from, requires less setup and are perhaps even better such as DS, Soul Guard and Unbreakable. Exponential is also a little more map reliant than these perks.
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It only works if the killer misplays.
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It's a hit-or-miss for me. My usual build entails Flip-Flop, Boil Over, Tenacity, and Power Struggle. Sometimes I'll sub PS with Circle of Healing or Exponential (I look at my lobby first and gauge my teammates before deciding). Once in awhile, I'll sub Tenacity with one of the two boons mentioned above but I prefer having Tenacity for emergency situations (e.g., getting slugged and trying to find the Hatch or pallet assuming that I'm running PS).
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It works at times. I wouldn't run it without CoH and it doesn't save you anywhere near as much as DH (but no other survivor perk is close to DH) but it's fun to use. It does save me or a teammate from a hook every so often and I can 100% see what the potential would be in a SWF so it's worth running.
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SWF’s usually just bring the meta dominance crutch perks & pick each other up, so not seeing much usage there.
I main Solo Q whenever I play survivor, and when I run Expo, killers usually pick up immediately anyway; but it does slightly help ppl who bring flip flop to be able to wiggle free easier... also, flip flop’s a rarity, so there’s that.
Regardless, Exponential has saved many games for me & solo q teammates. I have been using it with CoH, since most SQ players are hoping for a heal; then, when they find out it’s also Expo, they at least know there’s potential for distraction, long enough for a survivor to pick themselves up.
Free unbreakable for everyone can’t be that unappealing, still don’t see it used in solo as much as it could be.
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So you're saying the perk is slept on and "A tier" because the rest of the team needs to stop everything they're doing, sabo any hooks in your general area, distract the killer and lose health states, AND hope that in this time the killer doesn't just go step on the loud ass totem they can very clearly hear if you go down in its radius.
Very strong perk 🙄
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Its great for mindgame purposes if the killer saw you pick yourself up at least twice. But like a majority of survivor players say. "its useless" because it can't help you whenever you want.
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I don't like exponential not because it's weak
But because in order to get value out of it, the survivor team has to either mess up badly or give the killer an excuse to slug (If they aren't setting out to slug from the start)
A perk that only works if the survivors are in a losing spot typically doesn't sound great, but from my usage of it - it's saved games so it's def worth a perk slot even if you shouldn't really wanna use it. It's weird to think about it like that but hopefully I worded it properly
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I always make sure to run Flip-Flop. My main survivor build is Flip-Flop, Tenacity, Boil Over, and Power Struggle. Sometimes I'll sub. PS for CoH of Exponential. And FYI, there's a certain place on Ormond where you can really utilize No Mither but you need to bring Soul Guard (every killer I've done this to just stands over my body on that map). Flip-Flop = 50% max wiggle progression. BO = 33% of your current wiggle for each drop-down. Tenacity = Crawl quickly while recovering and building your wiggle simultaneously. No Mither = Auto Recovery. Soul Guard = same effect as BT but for you.
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I don't think exponential itself is worth bringing, but if you already have another boon it's value becomes better since blessing a totem grants it all effects.
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Survivors actually have quite a few decent perks like Exponential. The problem is they have some meta perks that are so over tuned it blocks those "decent" perks out from ever being considered.
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Same for me and everyone (i guess, who play solo). Too situational and has some value if played with teams (trio or squads)
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I personally like using perks that aren’t so situational. Yes, it’s very powerful in that specific situation, but it just doesn’t come up enough to warrant a perk slot.
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It's better with flashlights or pallets, so that the killer can't immediately pick the person up. Combine that with Soul Guard and it's a safe getaway from off the ground. It even stacks with Unbreakable and No Mither's increased recovery speed if I'm not mistaken.