I just discovered about the inability to swap killers in lobby.

And if really it is because each killer has different MMR,
and I kind of understand why, but also...
If all individual killers have different MMR rating,
than that means that: In order to be truly rank one you have to hit rank 1, 26 times on all individual killers.
Which is extremely unfun and time consuming.
Rank =/= MMR.
And if being max MMR across the board is something that matters to you, you have my sympathies.
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The difference in MMR that the game gives your 'less used/new' killers may as well be non-existent in most cases.
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Rank = MMR, you confuse Rank with Grades
I'm sorry, what?
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Rank and MMR are not the same thing, Ranks were a visible icon in the corner of the screen that dictated who you would be matched with (and dictated if you were allowed to have a opinion or not according to some people), MMR is a invisible number that is supposed to dictate who you get matched with but is so inconsistent that it might as well not exist
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I'm glad they got rid of this because people used to just switch to The Cannibal if they saw a Survive with Friends group and just proceed to put on the infamous basement build and camp one or two people to death while the three or two others just rush gens under the command of the hooked people. I've had so many Cannibal players tell me in Endgame chat "And that's what you get for being a SWF" like dude, I just Alt-Tabbed to Youtube and watched videos for 3 minutes while you just stood there and my team rushed out all of the generators and escaped.
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The game adjusts your MMR for EVERY killer to a baseline based off your best, apparently.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, please!
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Top right what you referring to are grades,
Rank = MMR and they are both hidden
based off my best? than why do I get potato survivors than?
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the separate MMR thing is more of a joke than anything.
I remember when Bhvr was experimenting with the SBMM, and back then they really did have separate killer mmr lmao it was a clown fiesta. They scaled that back massively, if not entirely. Rightfully so, because it was too forgiving and one thing we know is that DbD players will do whatever it takes to face the weakest opponents possible lol.
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they can afk and get no kills lol
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You seem to confuse Rank, Grades, and MMR
Ranks don't exist anymore, they were renamed in Grades and split in 5 "levels": Ash, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Iridescent and are still shared between all your killers or all your survivors
MMR is the hidden number used for matchmaking, it has NOTHING to do with grades (or ranks, as they were called) and is individually calculated for each killer, but shared between all survivors (you could be an high MMR Oni, but a low MMR Legion, for example)
based off my best? than why do I get potato survivors than?
For a killer that you NEVER used, the game (theoretically) calculates a "new killer" MMR starting from the value of your highest killer, we don't know though what it does to calculate it, it could very well be that the game takes your highest MMR (let's say, 1500) and divides it by 3 to get your "new killer" MMR (so like, 500 in the example we took) and pairs you with survivors of a similar MMR
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You seem to confuse yourself,
Rank represents Rank,
Rank is based off of your MMR usually and is like a shiny MMR.
I never said the MMR has something to do with grades,
I refert to MMR as Rank because I like to rather call it rank,
Also if the MMR gets subtracted or divided based off of highest MMR killer, than average MMR players would still face low MMR survivors,
since their MMR is lowered, games with new killers will always result in a bloodbath
and that's not fun for both sides
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you seem to confuse yourself,
I call MMR rank because that's what it is in all videogames,
And as for subtracting or dividing highest MMR killer, it is still putting a better player vs worse players regardless of perks or killer,
because in the end the individual skill has the highest impact on the game,
and it is unfun that you would get weak survivors on new killers everytime, resulting in easy 4k games that are boring for both sides
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I think you might be confused here because rank does not equal mmr. It's not like rainbow six siege where if I hit Diamond in ranked I will go against Diamond ranked players.
And it makes to subtract/divide mmr on all killers because for example I'm pretty good with Ghostface so naturally I get matched against better players as him but get matched against potato's when I play nurse because i have a grand total of 20 minutes as nurse because and stay with me now...
Just because I can play one killer well doesn't mean I can play all killers well.
And sure I might get matched against potato's but I still struggle against them because I don't know how to play nurse
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Doesn't matter if you think Rank means MMR for all games. (I'm pretty sure MMR means MMR in most games). Terminology in a game community is important;
Rank = Grade, because Grades used to be called Ranks
MMR = Skill Based Match Making (SBMM)
Grade does not equal MMR, Rank does not equal SBMM.
It's okay to get confused sometimes, but I hope this helps you in the future.
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But you got killed, so its a win.
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It doesn't matter if you equal rank and MMR. Ranks do no longer exist in DBD. There is no bronze/silver/gold/plat/Dia/master/whatever rank here.
If you say in your og post "rank 1" then you either mean top MMR or iridescent grade 1.
You have to go with the community terminology. Otherwise don't expect anything but a backlash like this thread.
Also the MMR disparity between your new and seasoned killer characters is only roughly 200 of 2000+ so no reason to think of getting to max MMR with all killer characters.
The matchmaking with bad survivors still stems from the fact that matchmaking prioritizes speed over accuracy during busy prime time hours.
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But the difference is I don't struggle against potatoes regardless of killer or regardless if I'm new or experienced, I played Nurse and got destroyed by good survivors, almost got 2k though,
than I play Plague for a challange and I get a DC and 3 survivors that do enough mistakes I easily secured 4k without sweating or slugging or camping
but just because Ranks are now Grades doesn't explain it, since you got 0 rewards and usually a Rank 1 player was really good, etc.
I hit Rank 1 on old system on killer before,
and about the MMR disparity, return to first quote answer in this comment
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Killers without a MMR score take the average score of killers that do. Play one killer to high MMR and your other killers won't be that far behind.
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They still are, perhaps the MMR is decaying overtime
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One of my main gripes. I hate not being able to do anything while in lobby. Can't look at Store, cant put BP in other killers,... just gotta sit there.
Meanwhile survs aree switching chars every second with full builds on each and changing at last 6 seconds.
But oh no, killer might change to Bubba if he sees flashlights!!!
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Wow, what a way to answer 4 small paragraphs of text with one sentence. Except not.
And to your killer specific matchmaking, i hope you made more than single case studies to make an argument.
I don't care that you hit rank one in the old system. That's still the same as hitting iri grade 1 today since the requirements are the same only plus the new benefit that you can't depip from one color grade to the next lower. Otherwise both systems were depending on Emblem performance.
And with that old ranks have become grades and have become meaningless in terms of MMR.
Your whole fixation on old ranks is stupid. Anyone could reach old red ranks given enough playtime between soft resets.
The hidden MMR value and old ranks have no correlation whatsoever anymore. Their determination process is different now.
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You type anymore though, so that means it used to correlate with MMR, and in other sentance you said the opposite..
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Previously ranks WERE used of matchmaking but then they implemented the "SBMMR" aka a MMR more in line with other ELO based mmr's. The new one is based upon a mixture of kills/escaping coupled with the duration of each trial, at least afaik.
So there is no more "rank 1" as there is no indicator for it. And grades are based on the old emblem system but has nothing to do with matchmaking anymore. Being iri grade one does mean nothing more than you play much between each hard reset on the 13th.
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There is rank 1 indicator still and that doesn't excuse for me facing potato survivors, my rank should have moved from Ranks to MMR on all killers
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That indicator is for GRADES! Doesn't that go into your head?
The grey/yellow/green/purple/red number is the grade and isn't used for matchmaking and not killer specific. It also gets hard reset every month on the 13th and only gives your up to a million BP and nothing more.
There are even multiple threads on this forum asking for their removal outside of showing you your own grade and hide the other players'.
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I want you to look in this whole thread and show me a post where I stated that Grades = MMR
You can easily tell if you're rank 1 when you get consistantly matched with very good survivors and killers
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That doesnt mean jack about any "rank 1" for each killer you claimed in your og post as their is no visible INDICATOR.
And yeah good killer shouldn't be matched with potatoes and unskilled killer not with swf death squads but the disparity in player numbers on each side and in different MMR brackets lead to endless queue times and the devs solved that the same way they did during the rank times, they soften the matchmaking filter until everything gets matched with everything else.
Hence why i said that matchmaking even by SBMMR doesn't really work during peak times and you can forget to expect being matched upon neither your overall nor individual killer SBMMR correctly most of the time.
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No, this isn't about queue times, this is about killers having "slightly" different MMR.
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The reason why we can't swap killers is sound but I think it's a load of bull. Whatever killer I que as, it feels like the survivors I get are the same skill lvl.