Part 21: How would you feel about the Exorcist in DBD

HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,997

Welcome everyone to my 21st poll regarding licensed characters in dbd. I'm doing this because I saw this on a player satisfaction survey once.

Previous Poll:

Part 21: How would you feel about the Exorcist in DBD 36 votes

DeadBySunlightTsukiYureiHigh5YourFaceJayRRivera01HexDaddyissues 5 votes
🟩 Sure I'd like it
TerminatorGuyF60_31Kill_Yr_Idol83Ghostyboii_NIGHTMARE_[Deleted User]Bennett_They1ThemAbrichaemHanky___Boy 9 votes
🟨I'm indifferent on this matter
MiriamGTapeKnotmusstang62TaigaValikFobboGuiltiiBubbaDredgeVioletCrimesHaunterofShadowsThatOneDemoPlayershinobu149SmoeTwyla 14 votes
🟧I don't like it but its whatever
Seiko300VolantConch1719xEadarkcloudlinkDistortedDreamAurelleErendriel_00Cookie_Des_Lys 8 votes
🟥Hate it I'm uninstalling if they add this


  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,997
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    No idea how it would work.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    I’m not sure how I would feel about going against Pazuzu in Regan’s body, since she was just a young kid. All she really did in the movie was barf and swear, and we already have killers that do that.

  • JayRRivera01
    JayRRivera01 Member Posts: 10

    Pazuzu can stand alone without having to possess Ragan. Ragan can be the survivor fighting Pazuzu. I think this will be the first supernatural entity/character for DBD which I think will be interesting.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    I love the movie, but I've never thought "It sure would be fun to be Regan!"

    I already got my urge to puke on people covered by Plague, but it would be cool to turn my head around and chase survivors backwards.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    🟧I don't like it but its whatever

    Not really a fan of The Exorcist.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    I'm unsure how well the lore of that film fits with this series. It has a lot of introspective insights on religion and the extreme implication of true demonic possession.

    I do not think it would be moral or of good standing to have the possessed individual smacked around with pallets and show them killing people. It just wouldn't fit the tone or feel of the series.

    Even if it was brought on as a skin for Plague, it would be in pretty poor taste IMO.

    As a new killer, if navigated correctly, it can prove to be an interesting addition.

    However, there are far more interesting crossovers to be had instead of something so difficult to integrate.

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    She just scares me🤣 like her face got me to not watch demon movies anymore idk what it is but yeah I dont care either way but probably the only one I wouldnt get. She would be great addition though

  • HexDaddyissues
    HexDaddyissues Member Posts: 328
    edited April 2022

    i've been mentioning a jeepers creepers chapter, along with the likes of: (granted most of them would be unusable either via licensing or just the size of them and they wouldnt translate to video games well )



    Jeepers Creepers

    the exorcist


    The monsters from "the mist"

    the monsters from "a quiet place"

    pumpkin head

    boogyman (2012 moviesd)


    bloody mary

    art the clown, from terrifier


    baby face from the hills run black (although a bit too similar to trapper in mask appearance and ideal)

    the crooked man would be cool, as would the nun: both from the conjuring.

    twisty the clown (probably too close to the current clown though)

    mama (from mama)(( very similar to the hag))

    honorable mentions:

    sam (trick r treat), patrick bateman, jack torrence, hannibal lecter, norman bates, harry warden (bloody valentine), (i know none of these would work, but in theory it'd be cool)

    or any 90s slasher fillm villain that isnt already in the game

  • Erendriel_00
    Erendriel_00 Member Posts: 30
    🟧I don't like it but its whatever

    If you don't believe on the power of god, you get instant mori 20 seconds into the game