
Tbh Freddy is pretty unique when it comes to gen pressure, but hella weak when it comes to looping. I havent played freddy pre-rework but from my understanding old freddy seemed funner.
With Freddy current state and meta perks he can be strong at times or even fun to play.
What are your thoughts on Freddy? He's one of my favorite horror genre killers and Im just trying to be different when it comes to killer mains. You barely see or hear anybody talk about Freddy and most people take him as an easy win for surv.
He is in sad spot.
He is not really unique, not really interesting to play as / VS and he is not even a good killer.
He needs a new rework or some big changes.
The dream world has such potencial to do something "crazy and unique" but... Nope. It does almost nothing. At least some dark maps look more better to play on I quess xD.
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Freddy takes hardly any skill to play and what was in his kit pre nerf was pretty ridiculous. Fully ignored BT when survivors were in the dream world oblivious, didn’t get slowed down when spamming snares and boring to go against add ons like swing chains, jump rope which offered even more game slowdown.. Good riddance to old freddy. He’s still pretty decent in all honesty post nerf..
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Hardly any skill? Knowing when and where to place dream snares takes skill because you dont get value from them if not placed correctly. You can argue about skill with the dream pallets, but dream snares take skill.
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1st freddy was extremely weak but it was also fun cause he had a new mechanic that was very interesting (dream world)
reworked freddy was a bit boring but it was a BALANCED killer, then people complained about him until they got 2 minor nerfs (his addons were nerfed twice) and a big unneded nerf (his basekit)
the actual freddy is just a chore to play, easy loopable and with his power gutted due to the numbers of his dream snares reduced and the ms reduced to 4 while putting those snare (they even reduced the number of dream pallets)
i would gladly see a rework who mixed his old basekit with the new one (invisible when not in the dream world and with a teleport and the old wallhack in the dream world and the survivors who are in the dream word could only use the alarm clock in order to wake up... addons could exchange the default wallhack with dream pallets or dream snares)
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Playing as Freddy or against makes me fall asleep and unfortunately that's not the mechanic in-game.
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I play Demogorgon. He's Freddy but better
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Freddy should get a reworked again.
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Are you for real?
Freddy has unlimited Snares, because old Snares get replaced and when he did not slow down, he could just spam them at a Loop. Basically reverse-bloodlusting, just that he does not get faster but Survivors got slower.
Freddy after his Rework was basically Skill Floor = Skill Ceiling. You could play one game as Freddy and you new everything what he can do. And he was stupidly strong for the effort he took.
Freddy is still a solid Killer at this point, but he is very boring to play and play against. Pre-Rework Freddy was an actual unique Killer and they could have added the Teleport and tweaked his Kit a little bit and he would have been alright.
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You can spam the snares until you catch the survivor. Run swings combine with pop,tinkerer and a little extra undying for an easy game.
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Old Freddy was good cause I didn't have to worried about tracking or being blocked. The new one isn't a character I run anymore. If I wanted to slow them I would just run clown now. I only run skill check Freddy cause I missed the old one :(.
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Freddy will always be the DbD travesty of my time with this game. The reason I got DbD, the first killer I played, the one I put hundreds of hours learning and improving. The Killer I loved enough to P3 and my soul obsession with DbD.
Then they Killed Him.
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I feel you.
Be me. One of the first P3 Legions, love them. They killed them.
Switch to Freddy after Legion nerf. ENjoy one of the funnest killers. They killed him. OG Freddy was so fun.
Bubba main now.
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Freddy is in a sad state. He did need some changes but got way more nerfs than were necessary. He went from being boring and problematic to being boring and not good, and his addons are among the worst in the game.
I was all for them getting rid of the slowdown addons, but they were replaced with underwhelming sound-related effects that don't feel impactful at all.
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He’s leaving us 😔
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Saw your thread on his profile after commenting here! I sincerely hope he is well above all, and wish him the best.
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me too, he’s been fighting for old Freddy to comeback I think he’s just given up tbh. Sad I really like him.
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Freddy is in a terrible spot. Boring to play as. Boring to face. His power doesn't fit the character at all.
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Also waking up is almost pointless.
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I am touched by your words, my dear friends. I did not expect people to care that I was no longer around, but know that I sincerely appreciate it <3
The truth is...I see no point in continuing this crazy little mission of mine. I've already spent 2 years and 8 months fighting for my old precious killer, only to miserably fail. What should have been clear from the start is that our quest is either completely ignored by BHVR, or the idea has been rejected from the start.
I know it is not right of me to say this, especially after the countless promises and the amazing support I've received throughout the years, but...fighting for something that likely won't see the light of day while being CONSTANTLY reminded that this game will never be the same game that I fell in love with back in 2018 is...difficult, to say the very, VERY, least.
I don't think I want to do this anymore. I don't think I can do this anymore.
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hey man you just do whatever you feel is best, I support you 100%.
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Sort of. I'm much more likely to wake up if they have dream pallets. Snares are whatever. Just pre-drop and play the long side of the tile.
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Playing any m1 killer to a decent degree takes considerable skill. But I agree if you mean mechanical skill (outside of m1 mechanics.)
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It's a shame to see you demoralized like this, but I'll always be here rooting for Old Freddy's return too.
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I too wish we could turn the ‘clocks back’ (see what I did there?) regarding many things in DbD. Let’s stay persistent and consistent in our calls for better features and times! Freddy, maps, mist, moonlight.. all things we would enjoy to see make a welcomed return! And that’s just scratching the surface I’m sure.
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I have the same feelings for Freddy as I do for Wraith. After couple games they become more boring but can still be fun at times.
I think clocks should stay as they are in their current form but the time to fall asleep should be reduced to 20 or 25sec. Dream pallets could become also base kit, so Freddy would have two options like Clown has his two types of bottles. He could also have more snares. And ofc he NEEDS add on pass, there are like 5 decent add ons and the rest of then are useless or just bad. I still think he is decent killer, at least mid to top c tier.
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Freddy's nerfs should be undone. He would not survive in this current meta anyway, but he'd be better.
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According to people who wanted pre-nerf Freddy nerfed, his snares take no skill. The dream pallets are also weaker than his snares so not sure how those take no skill.
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Yeah that was the nail on the coffin.
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I genuinely don’t remember him being as unpopular as that post seems to indicate, and still enjoyed playing as and against him. Without a doubt the game played differently back then, but he was so unique and fun. He was refreshing and brought an entirely new play style. We can still fight to bring him back with some modifications.
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He went from being fun, unique, but weak to strong, oppressive, but boring to weak, weak, and boring. All because of survivor complaints.
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Freddy was basically the first taste of Sadako that everyone got pre mmr, so they think he is much better than he really is.
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And survivors can completely nullify his power by waking up or failing skill checks. Any good survivors would never be in his dream world so his snares and slowdown addons were useless, he’s even worst now that survivor get a whole minute of immunity of sleep just from using a alarm clock. Old freddy wasn’t even strong, survivors just want to gen rush with no downsides
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Clocks were even worse back then than they are now, because you did not have the 30 seconds immunity against sleep when he hits you. And, you always have to travel full map to get your clock, which is a huge timewaster and in the end, you are probably asleep again when you reach your Gen again.
And failing Skill Checks? Which alerts the Killer of your position? Yeah, good way of waking up...
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😂 no. He could just place this mid chase with no slowdown and force you to run into them. That did not require skill.
It was too easy to apply pressure as him.
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Yeah, and isn't Freddy like bottom 3 picked now? I really hope the developers revisit the original concept again eventually.
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Like I said, I never played pre rework or pre nerfed freddy so I dont care how strong he was before, its all about now and how he shouldnt even be in the dust like this. You have 1 of the top horror characters of a franchise in your game and you make him play and feel like ######### is unbelievable to me.
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He's not that bad. He is still very hard to loop in the dream world, just not ridiculously so anymore. One snare can still shut down a ton of loops, and you can 100% still snarelust people to death.
I will say he takes a good amount of skill to play now, since you really need to place the snares at the exact right moments to actually get hits and downs at loops as opposed to just a pallet drop. Lots of M1 skills required as well. Prenerf you could spam them and it made him the most easy killer in the game to play which is what most people are going to remember.
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When in doubt just give up 🤣
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Some thread necromancy, but today I played 4 games of Freddy. He is very characterful and I only wish that they would utilize the dream world in some fun and creative ways, just by brainstorming for 5min I guess we all could come up with some interesting ideas.
In the current state of the game, with so many wild and different killers and abilities, Freddy sadly feels very dated and his powers just ticking off the bare minimum of what a power would need to do.
Freddy is on the top of my list for killers to be reworked, for all that is worth.
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This necro tho.
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I wanted to talk about Freddy. Couldn't forsee that someone would make a new topic just today ^_-