Deadlock is the most unhealthy slowdown perk ever released

I love you pinhead
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? It's fine I have no issues with it
But on the hand dead man's switch is just annoying now lol
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Deadlock is decent but it’s not even that strong.
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It is a very good perk for facecamping unfortunately.
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I’m confused
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Deadlock requires you to lose a gen, it’s bad.
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you consistently 4k at 5 gens?
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What’s the point of Deadlock when you can block gens as much as you want with PR + DMS ?
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Old Ruin and old Dying Light say hi
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Annoying? Yes. Unhealthy? Nope.
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You don´t?
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I don’t care for it. Most of the other slowdown perks do more.
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If you're going to camp a 4 gen, then yeah, it's a ridiculous perk combined with Corrupt.
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P2W perk.
Stacking is what really is unhealthy and unfun. Ruin, Deadlock, and NOED to secure the ending 4K. It is an unhealthy advantage.
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Prove thyself, brand new parts, spine chill, and resilience is not? Not even gonna mention the stacked meta perks that go along with that.
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POP is still way more than all of those combined. 25% and it is a perk. BNP is only 15% and you have to use an ultra rare item. Basically, the one killer perk trumps all of that.
And it can be used an infinite number of times too. BNP is one time and its gone forever.
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It's not even A tier imo
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Some people again mistake strong or OP with unhealthy.
But personally, I would not say it is the most unhealthy Slowdown-Perk ever released. This would be old Dying Light, a Perk which required the Killer to tunnel out the Obsession, leaving the rest of the Survivors with a big Penalty which makes it basically unable to win the game.
And while I would agree that losing a Gen resulting in blocking another Gen might not be the best concept, I dont have an issue with Deadlock personally.